Sorry If this was already covered in the guides but I honesty cant find an answer anywhere. Is there a food or recipe or something that can boost fertility? male MC is shooting blanks or something. He's done it like 30 times and not a single pregnant native.
I think it is normal for us to all forget about how "Campfire" is not just meant for "Grilled Meat"
Like John8r9 said
Stone mill + Soybean "Seed" = Soybean Flour
(Green Soybean, put it in planter,
DO NOT Let Farming NPCs near it, Wait for it to dry out and become Soybean Seed x4)
(Farming NPCs will Only harvest Green Soybean and not the Seed which is pretty annoying.)
IDK about you, my Man Character has a lot of "First Sex Pregnancy wonders"
(This is pretty much the gambling part of the game now I think about it xD I'm always lucky in Gacha games as a FreetoPlay)
Even for the natives, they can easily get the female natives they're around to be pregnant
Assuming you got the setup like I do here, Toilet & Ring of Lust for the Male Native or Young Man to go crazy over
Toilet = you can farm "Life Orb"
Ring of Lust = they can get it on regardless of their relation I think? either way, they fuck a lot with anyone near them
(The Female native's Cow outfit can be obtained in the
Halloween Workbench)
Note :
Young man is born by MC x Female Native
(or DLC Content)
Young man x Female Native
(or DLC Content) = Young Man
Male Native x Female Native
(or DLC Content) = Male Native