Yeah, I still like it but everything feels disconnected. I remember when I first played all those years ago and came across the underground area, it really piqued my interest as not only was that the only area in the game that had music but it was a very sudden and jarring change from the surface of the island and added a lot of mystery. They never did anything more with it, you just go there for bloodstone and quickly forget about it. Looking in the gallery, it looks like the sadako chick was also planned to do much more than stumble around as she has teleporting/floating/crawling out of the ground animations.
The rest of the areas have followed suit, often feeling like they end much more suddenly than they should. There's still a hidden cave entrance in the lab that goes no where, there's still a lot of empty land where the bird boss is in the north east, there are still areas in the earliest parts of the map that look like something was planned to be there but never placed. I know the dev has stated that he wants to finish the game this year but... I doubt he'll revisit a lot of the older places.