I think he respawns, like most other bosses. Note that gender of your character and time of the day may matter - normally you encounter him as Yona and during the day.
IIRC the fight is only available during noon, not just during the day. So it might be coincidence that you just showed up at the right time the second time around.
Halloween clubs, with 15 stun per hit, are decent. You can also give them to others.
Diamond clubs are the best, as far as I know, but only main characters can use them.
Is this the end of the storyline? Is there anything else to do besides building my base and grinding to defeat raid attacks? I have completed all followers questline (except natives)
Is this the end of the storyline? Is there anything else to do besides building my base and grinding to defeat raid attacks? I have completed all followers questline (except natives)
Build a chaos gate to control raids numbers and levels. Then capture a bunch of females and put them in torture devices. Then realize how shallow those devices are and that we need more variety, interaction and animations of torture devices (instead of them being mere decorations), then join developer discord and complain about it.
Added to every command an Description, hover over the "?" of the Button to display it. (That wasnt a fun experience to find out what each does.. ☠)
**Togglable:** (in UI at the left side of the screen)
- Free Crafting
- Infinite Carry Count (no debuffs and travel limitations)
- Inf. Lives Cheat
- Inf. Food and Water Cheat(NPCs included)
- Invincible
- No Consume Item
- 100% Pregnancy & No Miscarriage
- Drops x100
- Risky Drops x100 Cheat (May Cause Bugs—Disable When Not in Use!)
- Generate maxStackDrops | NPC Drops +100 to +500 Drops always generate the highest possible stack drop chance or sometimes higher. NPC drops are +100 to +500 more drops.
- Max Stack increased to 9999
- Uncensored
- Search function with sorting and categories
- Txt Viewer
Info: I'm currently working on converting everything into a BepInEx plugin. It's going well, but I'm having some issues with the GUI. I hope that in the next update, I'll be able to switch from using the DLL to BepInEx.
IMPORTANT: This is for the BETA version of the game, if you have the bought Steam version you need to select the beta test. Thy J_Bunnyfor testing and the dll!
EA Build V0.27 Beta Steam → Assembly-CSharp_v34.rar Latest Update at 2024.12.26
Installation: First Create a Backup of the dll and saves, if smth does break..
Mad Island_Data → Managed → Override the dll.
If I recall correct, stamina damage scales with the power attack stat, so if you grind some levels you'd be able to knock out high level natives with no issue spamming strong attacks.
Dude, no offence, but it's impossible 1st: for Merry and Reika to have sex; 2nd: to have sex 675 times (in a reasonable timeframe) with a single person when you stated she did everyone in your village; 3rd: to decrease relationship with Reika unless you did the quest wrong (or did something she didn't like). Based off of your comments, I assume you've mistaken the "Relation" tab and the "History" tab - she didn't actually have sex, she just increased her relationship points with other NPCs due to the passing of time together.
Also, I don't believe it's NTR if you chose to allow your NPCs to have sex with each other; since you can change the permissions "Allow love" and "Allow sex", it's on you if they are allowed.
No, I probably had a bug, but the characters had a constantly high libido level, so they were constantly having sex, and what kind of sex was it, judge for yourself, since there were only women in my village
i was just trying to make a safe village for the girls, why did i get cuckolded? what did i do wrong? i was trying to be careful with the girls, trying not to r**e them, and getting resources for the village, so why did i get abandoned and cuckolded?