
Apr 2, 2021
Is there any tutorial with the basics of this game? All the guides seem to be for something specific. How do I defend my camp? The walls don't seem to do anything as long as you need to leave a space open to get in. Also is it even worth defending the camp? So far I didn't notice any downsides to just dying.


Apr 5, 2017
I played this game the other week. It was okay, kept me interested in what there was. But I was severely disappointed when I read somewhere that the slim girl on the boat was nowhere in the game. q.q


Apr 6, 2019
Is there any tutorial with the basics of this game? All the guides seem to be for something specific. How do I defend my camp? The walls don't seem to do anything as long as you need to leave a space open to get in. Also is it even worth defending the camp? So far I didn't notice any downsides to just dying.
As for the tutorial, i think John's guide covers most anything you may need (but may spoil quite some things as well).
Flannans guide contains less spoilers and just retains mostly just basic information.
If you do feel that either guide could use something extra/specific, I doubt any of the two would take it negatively, so feel free to go let them know!
(If they do, apologies :HideThePain: still doubt they will take it negatively though)

If you die, you loose around 5-10% of your current exp IIRC. Unsure for villagers, but might be the same there.
Additionally, if you do wish for higher level followers that can assist you with fights, raids can be useful and it can be good to beat those raids. As for when you have friends, they may be the target of a raid and when they get beat up they may be captured.
If you then fail to rescue them, you'll loose them, but you could theoretically also just have them set as survivor, not taking or dealing any damage... so yeah, there's no real downside to just ignoring raids.

It's still an interesting aspect to plan around and increasing raid levels, attempting to have your villagers defend themselves.

Walls can be useful as you could also keep an entrance with a wall "around" the entrance (so you have to curve around to exit), NPCs don't have any real form of pathfinding, so they just attempt to walk straight and attack what's in their way (walls, trees, etc.)

I played this game the other week. It was okay, kept me interested in what there was. But I was severely disappointed when I read somewhere that the slim girl on the boat was nowhere in the game. q.q
To my knowledge she's just not yet in the game, but it's planned.
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Apr 2, 2021
As for the tutorial, i think John's guide covers most anything you may need (but may spoil quite some things as well).
Flannans guide contains less spoilers and just retains mostly just basic information.
If you do feel that either guide could use something extra/specific, I doubt any of the two would take it negatively, so feel free to go let them know!
(If they do, apologies :HideThePain: still doubt they will take it negatively though)

If you die, you loose around 5-10% of your current exp IIRC. Unsure for villagers, but might be the same there.
Additionally, if you do wish for higher level followers that can assist you with fights, raids can be useful and it can be good to beat those raids. As for when you have friends, they may be the target of a raid and when they get beat up they may be captured.
If you then fail to rescue them, you'll loose them, but you could theoretically also just have them set as survivor, not taking or dealing any damage... so yeah, there's no real downside to just ignoring raids.

It's still an interesting aspect to plan around and increasing raid levels, attempting to have your villagers defend themselves.

Walls can be useful as you could also keep an entrance with a wall "around" the entrance (so you have to curve around to exit), NPCs don't have any real form of pathfinding, so they just attempt to walk straight and attack what's in their way (walls, trees, etc.)

To my knowledge she's just not yet in the game, but it's planned.

I don't mean to find anything more specific but less specific. That tutorial talks about where to find lots of tings but I'm just talking about a basic what to do when you start the game. I don't even have any followers yet other than the initial girl and we just keep dying every night to raids. Skill issue I know, but although this game seems like something I would enjoy I just suck at games that just drop you in aimless like this.


Sep 8, 2020
I don't mean to find anything more specific but less specific. That tutorial talks about where to find lots of tings but I'm just talking about a basic what to do when you start the game. I don't even have any followers yet other than the initial girl and we just keep dying every night to raids. Skill issue I know, but although this game seems like something I would enjoy I just suck at games that just drop you in aimless like this.
For starters get a wood working bench and go from there, farm wood, get yourself a wooden sword, learn how kite enemies (dodging before they land their hits) and build lots and lost of barricade from the wood working bench. That should keep you alive for the early game. The rest is just exploring and getting more benches and stuff to do.

If you want more followers, you can craft a mace from the wood working bench,or you can press R to rape the female npcs (only male MC can do this) then carry them back to your camp, putthem in a cage, and feed them steak.


Apr 6, 2019
I don't mean to find anything more specific but less specific. That tutorial talks about where to find lots of tings but I'm just talking about a basic what to do when you start the game. I don't even have any followers yet other than the initial girl and we just keep dying every night to raids. Skill issue I know, but although this game seems like something I would enjoy I just suck at games that just drop you in aimless like this.
flannan's isn't that specific! (and is short overall, while explaining the basic "how to", like getting followers, how some jobs work)
But yes, as NizumiHD said, exploring and crafting is the biggest part of the game.
You can also find a "How to play" button in the menu at the bottom right, which will display controls (unsure if it contains all by now)
Aug 13, 2020
-How do I defend my camp? The walls don't seem to do anything as long as you need to leave a space open to get in. -
I combine walls (black) with spikes (orange) ad an exterior line of barricades (red)
It does take a lot of resources depending on your camp size. For the first raids, I suggest a line of wooden spikes + barricades, then kite the 6 or 7 raid enemies along them. They will die pretty fast, they spawn at lower levels if you're at the initial beach spot.
I do agree the game isn't very intuitive, it gives you bits of info but there's many things to figure out.
Raid enemies drop things like exp fruits, sometimes seeds and crops you may not have, bits of iron, at higher levels you get the fighter orbs that can be traded with nanachi for easy diamonds, also large female natives.

Thanks for the best answer ever -
You're very much welcome, next time try reading a bit before making an absolute fool of yourself.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2017
You're very much welcome, next time try reading a bit before making an absolute fool of yourself.
If you thought I was going to read 50 pages of thread to see an answer that I could have had in 2 seconds from you, no thanks. Maybe ridicule, I don't know, but it's a shame. Concerning the game, the manipulation for the DLC is not an easy thing... and the video is not in good quality for the instructions... :/
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Aug 13, 2020
If you thought I was going to read 50 pages-
It's literally in both OP and the first page, ninth comment.
-to see an answer that I could have had in 2 seconds from you, no thanks. -
Not our problem if you're lazy and entitled.
- the manipulation for the DLC is not an easy thing... and the video is not in good quality for the instructions... :/
This is what entitlement and laziness ultimately leads to, lack of fundamental cognitive skills and minimum attention span to overcome the lowest of hurdles. A whole generation spoiled by the mindset of scrolling for instant gratification.
But you do you, better luck next time (y)


Jun 19, 2018
I don't mean to find anything more specific but less specific. That tutorial talks about where to find lots of tings but I'm just talking about a basic what to do when you start the game. I don't even have any followers yet other than the initial girl and we just keep dying every night to raids. Skill issue I know, but although this game seems like something I would enjoy I just suck at games that just drop you in aimless like this.
Let me tell you how I started, it might help...

1. You start the game with nothing but a campfire. Start by looking for food and water, berries provide both. Then start gathering stones, branch, fibre and leaves. Craft basic tools like stone axe and stone pickaxe. Chop down trees and mine rocks. Craft a wood workbench, and then a wooden sword or wooden spear. Build a leaf bed to sleep and regen health.

2. Build several small cage trap, it catches rabbits or chicken each day, automatically, giving you a reliable supply of meat, hide and feather. Transfer animals from the traps into your inventory and press T to butcher them. You can also build fish traps in the water if you want, but they are less efficient.

3. For water craft wooden bowls and right click while standing on a water body to get dirty water, which you can purify in a campfire.

4. The trick to hunting animals is approach them from behind, when you get close to them, walk (press X), and attack them with a heavy attack F. If you have a good weapon and some level in strength you can one shot most creatures. You can't sneak up on small birds though, so to hunt them you must craft a bow and arrows. Hunting small birds is only required for soybean seeds, so not important for early game. Pigs are slow and easier to hunt earlier.

5. Native patrols wander the island, hunting or attacking anything they see. They may attack your furniture if they aren't hunting animals. If they see you you will be notified "man is spotted by enemies" and some time later (how much IDK) they will send a raiding party targeting you or one of your people. The raid is shown on the map as a red circle. Aside from native males each raid contains at least one large native. They will beeline towards the target, but might sometimes get distracted by animals, furniture or other targets.

6. The trick to fighting natives is separating them from each other, using light attacks and dodging their attacks. Don't use heavy attacks as that has a long animation time and leaves you vulnerable. The large native has lots of HP and dmg but are slow. The native man is faster but has less dmg and HP. Natives in villages and raids get stronger as you venture further from your starting location and as you level up.

7. If you have green herbs, carry them in your inventory because they can restore hp in combat.

8. You can craft red flags and right click to plant them, you can fast travel to red flags for a food cost.

9. After you have crafted you wooden tools, build a furnace. You might have come across some iron deposits in you travels. In some caves there are high concentrations of iron deposits. One of those is the spider cave north west of your starting location, south west in the island, check John8r9's map. One place in the cave has a concentration of 3 iron deposits, you can plant a flag there, mine the ores and fast travel to the same spot for zero food cost and the ores will respawn. There are some spiders there which will also respawn but they are weak and slow, easy to kill.



10. After you have iron ore, smelt them into iron ingots and build an iron workbench. Then you can craft iron tools and weapons.

11. Build a well to have a steady supply of water. Rain catchers are very unreliable. Build a water bag to harvest dirty water, like you harvest water bowls. Put water bag with dirty water and a metal bowl in a campfire to have a portable source of clean water.

12. If you have collected seeds for crops, you can build a planter to cultivate them. Soil can be dug up by shovels (equip shovel and right click). Poop can be acquired from animals, especially pigs. Each native settlement has a nearby garbage dump where you can mine junk heaps for poop and miscellaneous items.

13. Most crops, except potato and wheat, will turn into seeds automatically if not harvested for long. Potato and wheat must be turned into seeds by crafting. Potato is the best source of food among crops. Other crops are required to cook advanced recipes.

14. When leveling up, you accumulate status and skill points which you can spend to increase status and skill respectively. Status and skill exp is different. I myself don't understand that much, but gathering, harvesting and killing increases overall level. I leveled my character equally in speed, strength and health (in that order) and it has worked so far. On higher levels, status and skill increases cost more, but leveling up also give slightly more points, but overall progression will become slower.

15. As for skills, one level in passive health regeneration is useful for recovering health without sleeping. Another useful skill is increasing gathering rate. IF AND ONLY IF you want to set up a village or acquire companions, the carry and leader skills become absolutely important. I can't stress how important leveling up the carry skill is if you want to abduct natives. Without it you can't fast travel while carrying NPCs. It will become VERY tedious to carry natives from their village to your base while walking. The leader skill increases your party capacity, higher level NPCs require more party capacity to follow you.

16. The southern part of the island is separated from the northern part by a mountain range. There are caves or passages through the mountain, but those might require you to complete boss fights to pass through.

17. Plant red flags in locations with unique resources, like spider cave (iron, cobweb, bone), bigfoot forest (larger trees give both wood and fibre), swamp (many unique resources) etc.

That should be enough for you to set up a base and not have to worry about food, water and defense again.


Jun 19, 2018
Anyone know for sure if the dev have plans to add pregnancy, milking for elder sister natives and big female natives?


Engaged Member
Dec 25, 2018
Anyone know for sure if the dev have plans to add pregnancy, milking for elder sister natives and big female natives?
big female native's pregnancy standing image: yui finished drawing it
big male native's children: yui finished drawing it
big female native's milking: B (finished drawing but not implemented into the game yet)
elder sister natives: no mentioning for now
elder sister native's milking: C (considering)
4.50 star(s) 85 Votes