Mafia story concept. Your opinion.

Deleted member 2741424

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2020
Honestly, it just comes down to the story. If the story is well thought out and executed, a mafia based game could be the next Godfather. If it's not, well, it's just another game that flops.

If you're passionate about the project, take your time and do it right. Make the game that YOU want to play, and it will probably be awesome.


Jun 14, 2020
Being a mobster doesn't necessarily equals an evil psychopath. You can create complex characters and still include them in a mafia setting. There are some movie and video game titles that had done it. Your character may be a poor kid from Bronx who had no opportunities but being part of the mafia, you may or may not add a redemption arc for this character. He may as well percieve all the "bad" things he does as a simple business. It's all about perception.

In The Sopranos there is a character called Richie Aprile. He was an embodiment of a psychopath/sociopath so much so his mobster friends were afraid of him. Does this make his friends more "good"? Of course not. In real life everything is grey, yet in modern entertainment ( movies, series, video games etc. ) almost everything is either good or bad. That's why it shocks people when they see products like Game of Thrones ( although not a fan of the title I admire its featuring of morally grey characters ).
For the last two months of writing, i watch a lot of tv shows and movies. Including The Sopranos, Godfather of Harlem, The Wire, GoodFellas, Scarface, The Godfather ( obviously ) and a lot more. I watch them to inspiration and for gaining knowledge how things work in the area i write.

What I'm trying to say here is don't let people put you off of your dreams. If some people are not mature enough to see complex characters and stories then that's their problem. You do what you enjoy. They can go back and jerk off to their holier-than-thou superhero flicks.
Thank you very much for this words, it's very helpful. I mean it.
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
This is a porn site. Here games about fights and shootouts between big, agressive, sexy guys are not interesting to anyone.
Speak for yourself, I'm interested.

But I know I won't see it because I ALSO want sex between those big, agressive and sexy guys :whistle:
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Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
who is a villain and he knows about it
That would be nice.
Hypocrite make the worst characters.
Even more so when the dev's buy's into the main characters hypocracy.

I always thought people liked the "bad boy" concept.
I find that people dont like the bad boy concept.
A secret lost to history is that people love confidence.
Superman, batman, Judge dredd, school jocks, and the godfather are all appealing because they are about people who know what they want and are willing to fight for it.
Self loathing isnt a very attractive trait.
Darth vader is techicly a very lame villian.
Going purly by the original movies before he was fleshed out he is just a big dude that chockes people.
Yet he is the most iconic member of the franchise because of how confident he is.
The way he walks, talks, moves, etc.
Same with darth sidious in the prequals.
He ozes confidence.
Bad boys are loved because they are confident.
They dont need you.
They want you.
A key secret to living a happy life is apparent wanting everything but needing nothing.
Aka you can want help but not need it.
If you want it you are a strong man but if you need it your a wimp.
I didnt make these rules.
I just see them everywhere.
So no people arent into bad boys.
They are into confident men who know what they want and are driven to get it.

A feeling of the dreaded idiot main character.
Who succeed dispite being a bloodly moron with no sense of selfpersevasion.
I hope you can avoid that pitfall.


Oct 18, 2018
Honestly I know it's still one of the most popular genres in fictoon, but gangland criminal organization stuff... I am just so burned out on it. My personal feeling is that the market is extremely over saturated with it currently, and I'm kinda hoping that we'll see it go the way of the old singing cowboys soon.
Too many shows, movies, books, games with mafia this, cartel that, here comes the yakuza,... oh god, I'm falling asleep again...

I know it's not gonna stop you, and I wouldn't want it to. There's plenty of people out there who still love any kind of criminal life focused fiction, but it seemed lkke a good place for me to vent my frustration with how over done this topic is. :ROFLMAO:

Anywho, I'm gonna quit bitching in your thread now. Sorry for that.
Good luck with your game.


Jun 14, 2020
A feeling of the dreaded idiot main character.
Who succeed dispite being a bloodly moron with no sense of selfpersevasion.
I hope you can avoid that pitfall.
Any tips how i can avoid that? cause i am not sure i understand what u mean honestly.

Honestly I know it's still one of the most popular genres in fictoon, but gangland criminal organization stuff... I am just so burned out on it. My personal feeling is that the market is extremely over saturated with it currently, and I'm kinda hoping that we'll see it go the way of the old singing cowboys soon.
Too many shows, movies, books, games with mafia this, cartel that, here comes the yakuza,... oh god, I'm falling asleep again...

I know it's not gonna stop you, and I wouldn't want it to. There's plenty of people out there who still love any kind of criminal life focused fiction, but it seemed lkke a good place for me to vent my frustration with how over done this topic is. :ROFLMAO:

Anywho, I'm gonna quit bitching in your thread now. Sorry for that.
Good luck with your game.
U see, when I started coming up with a plot for my game and coming up with a setting, actions, characters and a story line, I asked myself: what kind of setting can I put my characters in so that it's not a closed space like "schools", "academies", "one building" and so on. I wanted my characters not to be limited to one occupation, one religion, one interest, and so on. For example: At school you have only students \ teachers, maybe a few characters outside of school, but no more. In the same house ( for example families ) you also have only close people, relatives, family friends, and a few characters from outside, which you can add but not take the focus away from the main characters. In the setting of the "criminal world" I have a place for fantasy. I can logically explain the appearance of many characters. A policeman, other criminals, politicians, civilians, shop workers, port loaders, even the same teachers, and it will still look realistic, and not imposed by the developer. For example: The main character is studying at school and you need to introduce a police character, okay, you can beat the situation with some crime or something similar to where the police are needed and you can introduce this character. Then you need to introduce a politician, a firefighter (?) and someone else, and it already seems that the main character's school is the most important place in the city, because people of different professions and occupations appear in it. I don't like this arrangement (you probably like it, maybe I'm a fucker who tells you some shit).

I want an environment in which I can logically imagine the appearance of such characters and I have a place for fantasy.

I'm trying to convey the idea, but I feel that language barriers do not allow me, but I hope you understand what I meant. In short: the situation of the criminal world completely suits me as the basis for my plot and the main line of this plot.

Maybe I'm a fool and I'm talking nonsense and I'll be glad if someone corrects me, because constructive criticism makes me better as a developer.


Oct 18, 2018

It's all good man. You write about whatever you want. Don't let me detract you from that.
I just saw mafia story in the title and had a moment because there's too much of it in media these days IN MY DUMB OPINION.
But I'm just one guy. Old man screaming at the clouds if you will.
I'm quite sure you'll have plenty of people very happy to read through/play your game since the genre is extremely popular. Keep on keeping on, and don't worry about me. I got more clouds to go scream at any way. :ROFLMAO:
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New Member
Dec 26, 2021
I think that you shouldn't make this into a VN, an interactive story like "Man of the house" is a good concept for your first point since then the player gonna have a sense of achievement of doing something. But If you're really going down on the VN route then, you need to have a solid background story, engaging plot, and just a little touch of uniqueness to begin with to capture the audience, this advice sounds generic AF, but I would love to hear the overall/general plot of the story to give my further opinion.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Any tips how i can avoid that? cause i am not sure i understand what u mean honestly.
It is difficult as i try to forget there existance but to take a simple example:
Headmaster require's me to believe the headmaster can rape a teenager on stage in front of the politicians of the nation and not get trown into jail?
Or that japaneese game where the main character just keep getting lucky and overhearing blackmail material or finding tools he can use for rape just laying around.
Or blackhearts assasintant where everything works just because of plot convience:
Master hacker living in a remote area who phones dont work unless the plot demanded it.
That somehow manage to convince the police to not go looking for the girls he convince to move him with in.
Getting some random male teacher investegate for sleeping with one of the girls he wants to corrupt because her sister who already works for you doesnt lock her phone.
That is too many things just going his way without even trying.
But lets be honest we watch blackheart games for the porn and not the story.
There bad at it.
Requiring things to happen for the sake of the story without anything the player can do to prevent it or the story accauly following any logic.
Or corrupted kingdoms where the dev clearly dont know how to continue the story because he keeps using the: I know but you shoud find out on your own excuees with the npc's.
You know the kind of stuff you expect people who care about you to just tell you rather then keep jerking you around.
Or how in that game despite having mind control powers you never seem to just use it.

Now a few good story example's:
Lab rats 1 you are a chemist student.
You get offered a job during your summer holiday as a research assasistant.
They are devolping a drug that lets other drug's not get intercepted by the bodies nature defendses.
Its all very early stage.
You remember from school an other drug that would make people open to suggestions but was canceled because the body nature defendse rejected it.
You come up with a plan to combine the two drug's in secret and try to use it to corrupt people.
At the end the lab you work for get goverment level of secretcy cleariance.
Denying you access to the drug.
The reason the story is believeable is that you got lucky to find out about a mind control drug before the goverment noticed and took control.
You had a small time window and had to keep a low profile.
One of the things in that game that stood out is that when your mom undressed she always folded her clothing.
A minnor but important detail that made the characters more alive.
But the key part is that in lab rats you never feel like you are getting away with things that shoud have get you arrested or caught.
You need to use a drug to convince your mother that being naked infront of you is no big deal.
Then slowly work your way up to having sex with you as the most normal thing in the world.
You can accauly fail if you push to fast and the time limit really drive home the point you only a few month to corrupt people before your out of mind control serum.

Billy from superpower wants to be a superhero like in the comic's.
He isnt aware that what he really is after is there fame.
You can tell by his words and deeds that he thinks being a hero is being a famous savior of people.
He fights because that is what heroes do.
He helps because that is what heroes do.
His condition however makes it so that he is constantly horny.
And i am sure you know you dont think straight when your horny.
So turning his female friends into whore's(A player choice) is mostly because he doesnt think about things.
He has no moment of self study.
He doesnt justify.
Because he is either thinking about how to be a hero or how to get laid.
The thing is.
I could call billy a great many things.
Idiot, glory hound, selfserving, Wannbie hero, etc.
But all of these are character traits.
They justify his lack of planning long term.
It isnt in his personality to think about the consiquence's of his actions.

Hentai highschool+ is still the best highschool corruption game for the simple fact that nobody is telling you to corrupt an all girls school.
Instead you are at your lowest point and are given a chance to redeem yourself as the headmaster of a school that goes through headmasters like a knife goes through hot butter.
They even admit they picked you because they didnt want to lose any more good headmasters and are just flinging mud at the wall to see what sticks.
The entire game is just you trying to fix a failing school before turning it(And the entire town) into a sex paradise.

Every single good story character get what they want by planing things out and trying to make the best of what they have.

Where most games fail is that the main character is succesfull by doing stuff that shoud never work.
Groping your mother?
You are grounded mister.
Raping a girl.
Jail time.
Nude pictures?
Really who care's?
It is kinda believeable it works on emotional unstable teenager's but even then there are many men who would beat you up for blackmailing a girl.

I am also tired of the police is incompetent thrope.
Look i get it.
The police is overworked, underpayed and lets be honest here.
Poorly trained in western countries.
You expect them to fail.
But criminals still get caught regurly despite all these limits.
That shoud scare you.
That a bunch of overworked, underpayed and poorly trained people will spend there entire lives making sure you get caught.
Like seriously.
Some criminals get caught decade's later.
These guys dont give up.
When i am playing a criminal i want to fear the police.
I want to be scared shitless.
I want to feel like a wolf trying to eat a chicken while trying to avoid the farmer with a gun.

In short.
Good character's successed by there actions.
Dumb characters successed despite there actions.


Jun 14, 2020
I think that you shouldn't make this into a VN, an interactive story like "Man of the house" is a good concept for your first point since then the player gonna have a sense of achievement of doing something. But If you're really going down on the VN route then, you need to have a solid background story, engaging plot, and just a little touch of uniqueness to begin with to capture the audience, this advice sounds generic AF, but I would love to hear the overall/general plot of the story to give my further opinion.
I really want to share with u some information about the plot, but i cant. I feel, like, if i do, then someone gonna take my idea, or my thoughts or anything else and when my game released it's not that unique anymore. Maybe i just being paranoid af. IF u really care and intrested i guess i can work something out and share some info with u just to know your opinion and thoughts. In any case later on development i gonna need proofreader to make sure i don't make some writing mistakes and maybe i can find someone here.

p.s I've already made a discord server for my game, just for the future, if you want, I can share a link and we can chat there, if you're really interested in what I'm doing, it will mean a lot to me. There is no useful information ( yet ) but I think as the release date approaches, interesting posts will appear there.

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Thanks for the tip.