Unity - Magic Academy [v0.2.3] [WildPear Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    can't say many good things here. The story is rather boring, and really just boils down to a bunch of fetch quests. Not to mention the MC being yet another arrogant ass that thinks too highly of himself, hopefully he grows out of that. The "combat" they added in is insanely imbalanced, clunky, and is more like an inventory management simulator with a weak ass bitch adventurer who can die to even the lowest level monster. Your attacks are EXTREMELY limited and based on items you bring in your microscopic inventory. The lewd content is poor, basically just being 2 drawn positions alternating back and forth. the art is very rough and varies in quality from scene to scene. I gave this another try after some updates and was still disappointed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is very lovely and the mature women have the right curves. They mostly look really sexy that im really digging it.

    This game is.. something different. The material grinding is not too grindy, so you will be able to unlock stuff fast enough, that you wont get bored or annoyed (yet).
    The quest walkthrough line felt a bit clunky. I had to click waaay too much for looking everything up IMO.

    Some girls look really fine, while others look.. okaish to... "i dont care for your plot, im just finishing your quests for complete sake"

    For now im giving it 5* to boost the game a bit, because im expecting a good development from the dev, so im quite positiv that this will become much better later on.

    Good luck and much fun with this game dear Dev-nim!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Man a magical-manlett in yet another Harry Potter rip off by a set of Russian developers. Click through a series of fetch quests, while doing some simple keystroke and match 3 mini-games to gather resources. Art is amazing- and hands down the best part. Nothing else about the title had much appeal.

    + UI and art is very clean
    + Background and sprite art is exceptional.
    + The art in the story rebuilds the school as you do it in game.
    + Nicely designed game. Very polished.
    + Really pretty art.
    + Girls are hot

    ~ Mini game's aren't very interesting, but aren't horrible either. And they are quick.
    ~ Author is not a native speaker, but for a non native speaker the English is above par.
    ~ Story is a bit blah, blah, blah. But it works for the loop.

    - MC looks like a bratty 14 year old.
    - Very limited sexual content.
    - Novel is kinetic with no meaningful choices.
    - No narrative game-play elements.
    - Too much clicking to ping pong around to talk to various characters in short conversations. With no real choices in the game- there is no reason the game cannot just do this for the player...
    - Very limited non-voyeuristic sexual content.
    - Very short scene content.
    - Scene not very hot b/c protagonist is tiny.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start up, great idea, great demo. Im really pleased to see more games like this come out, i wish good luck to the dev. From the demo and the short story introduction i already see. What sets the game appart is the fresh prespective and twist of the already created Harry Potter games, but it looks unique like something really new and refreshing.

    The art needs no comment 10/10 artist. Great job
    I will anticipate what comes next.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice for an initial release. The art looks good, and it's a fair attempt at a story with even a bit of intrigue. The English writing needs some work. There's leftovers of cyrillic script, and also some inconsistencies how things are named. Other than that I like the tongue in cheek writing style of pointing out some of the strange parts about the Wizarding World (this is set in the Harry Potter universe, but only loosely.)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    not a lot so far, but the minigame is actually fun. it reminds me of the golden age where mobile games were actually kinda good. its also not super grindy which is really nice
    art is REALLY good too. gonna keep my fingers crossed for sure
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is nice and it presents well. I played through meeting the engineer and so far it's just a click through VN disguised as a sandbox. The writer seems to just want to explain so they can move to the next scene and if they don't care about the writing then I have a hard time buying in.