Unity - Completed - Magic Tower & Maidens [Final] [Twilight Sonata Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Magic Tower & Maidens [Final] [Twilight Sonata Studio]
    One of the most boring games I've ever played.
    The gameplay didn't bother me at first, but after seeing the equipment drops, the number of floors needed for a single scene and the repetitiveness, I started to find it very boring.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    After completely finishing this game I honestly have to say it's an alright game but it definitely lacking. it's full of grind (even with an auto battle option) and has a linear gameplay. The scenes are unsatisfying and somewhat short and the story will leave you with more questions than answers. Anyone is welcome to play this title but I wouldn't have your hopes up if you are looking for quality.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Very boring gameplay. You need to pass through 32 levels with ~7-8 battles each. Some of them are skippable, but it's much better to beat all the mobs to obtain a lot, a really lot of EXP. Which make this game very unbalanced

    For example:
    At 32 floor my LVL was above mobs for 15-20
    Also I spend almostmy crystals for damage boost (after skills, ofc), but I was already bored to spend all of them. What? Even stat rising are boring? Yes! On every second floor of each biom (4 bioms with 8 floors each) you can find merchant and sell your items or buy skills, potions and damage/defence boost. A little problem: You have 100k crystals andcost of the boost is 2k. And you need buy them separetely. Each booster. Backtrack from 8 to 2 floor, (click on booster, click "ok" on another side of screen) x50. Good luck :)

    But, well, animations are good

    If there were 12-16 floors, not 32, I would rate game 4/5
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is extremely barebones as an rpg, only really play to get to the scenes, which a gallery save invalidates playing the game entirely, asks for admin permissions which make, uninstalling the game a chore in of it self.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game isn't bad. I'd even call it good. 4 Stars. But I hate it.

    If you look at this game and see an rpg with some animated scenes and that sounds good to you then you might like it. The translation is a bit iffy, but it's serviceable. Overall, the production quality seems pretty decent.

    But if you saw the game with screenshots that look like they were pulled straight out of Tower of the Sorcerer (seriously, this game was very clearly inspired by it), with the name "magic tower" and assumed that this game was going to be anything like Tower of the Sorcerer, you're gonna be deeply disappointed.

    There are plenty of surface level similarities, but this really is just a box standard rpg with very little thought or skill required at all. You will never have to make a hard decision in this game. You can leave the autobattler on, fight every enemy on every floor with no thought to order or stength and you will win. You basically never even need to use the mountain of healing consumables the game sends your way. The actual gameplay is so far from the game whose style it's mimicking that it's just... ehhh...

    But it's a solid game. Good production value. I just didn't enjoy it, but that's because I went in hoping for something else. The actual game is still pretty good.