Can ZFS snapshots branch and merge between team members? And being able to share them with the jenkins server for automated builds?
You can have clones of snapshots, and make those into different datasets. But merging wont be trivial.
Theres ZFS deduplication, too which would allow those datasets to be small on the actual filesystem. That's probably overkill though. (Great use-case for that is have a game server where X ppl can store their Steam library and it only has to store deltas for user data for the same game, basically reducing space requirements by X.)
Main idea still is that ppl work on the same shared network folder. UE has features to share stuff like cache already, unless ppl try to edit same file at once it should work fine. You can ofc combine both, like git only for C++ code and snapshots for anything else.
I setup snapshots to automatically save every 5 min, they get pruned after 2h as well. Then there's daily saves at 0:00.
Rolling back whole project takes 1-2min via Windows shadowcopies (depending on filecount, smb struggles with it a bit, totally not optimized for nvmes) but can be done basically instantly via Truenas UI.
Jenkins should still be able to build fine, could be triggered semi-automatic for example. The build could then be on same drive and can be rollbacked at zero cost (snapshots take little space, only few kbs/mb or so).
I'll be the first to admin that git is terrible for game development, because of all the binary files. The industry standard is perforce. But to get that working nicely you need to fork out some money (like for the server if you want it stored in the cloud) or have some sort of local server for it, which can be prone for disasters. It's all a balancing act.
Git has 3 issues imho:
- difficulty: extra layer of software/commands, artists have little experience with it, even dev guys sometimes struggle with it
- space: hashing of data = basically double space cost since most big assests cannot be compressed anyways, as you noted, thats an issue for game dev, for normal source code its still awesome
- speed / bloat: a result from space as well, why store history of lets say textures for months/years? once they are done, they are done. If you need to redo them have backup of your last X hours or days ready.
Im trying to have an Ulysses pact for my experience with UE, since it tries to become an "all-in-one" solution. => reduce the amount of extra tools needed. Its newest version features a new material editor thats starting to replace Blender. Heard migrating is kinda a pain though, for that you definitely want to have full working folders of the whole project backed-up.
My Truenas server currently has 3 nvme-ssds in "raid-5" and 8 hdds in "raid-6".
Edit 15.05:
Should be also noted, that Win10 for whatever reason doesnt like working on shared folders. Programming can fail, while DX12 cooked, Vulkan SM6 would always throw errors. Linux should give less troubles.
Fix for Win is kinda easy though, Im using UE locally and robocopy files to a samba share. That way I get:
* ~2,5 copy backups
* snapshot feature of ZFS
* better control when to snapshot, basically like a git-commit but its 1 command and saves whole project AND the packaged game at that point
* possibility to mimic a "perforce workflow" with co-workers (one pushes, then waits for other to get that push and push his stuff, then both are synchronized again)
* better performance due to sambas poor performance with small files (nfs is faster, but harder to use snapshots with)
Theres iSCSI, too, but thats kinda nasty to setup. Should trick UE more into thinking its another normal harddrive though...