Magical Girl Breasty is an outstanding game that unfortunately has one major flaw: Reusing the same artwork over and over again in similar scenarios...
The story evolves very slowly. You're playing a shy introverted girl that has an extreme social phobia who gets very slowly corrupted. A demon comes and helps with that by making her do naughty things to gain magical power to fight demons. I really enjoyed the fighting demons part but even on easy this is quite a challenging task. Fighting is fun but it requires levelling up skills/orbs and her own skilltree aswell. I really wish there were more artworks. I enjoyed this but felt like wasting my time due to this. It was also highly akward that she never lost her pregnancy during all the sexual acts.
This is a serious time killer and enjoyable but I would not recommend it because of the lack of graphics and animations. For example she gets milked and there is not even an image for it. Also there is way too much dialogue and monologue.
The story evolves very slowly. You're playing a shy introverted girl that has an extreme social phobia who gets very slowly corrupted. A demon comes and helps with that by making her do naughty things to gain magical power to fight demons. I really enjoyed the fighting demons part but even on easy this is quite a challenging task. Fighting is fun but it requires levelling up skills/orbs and her own skilltree aswell. I really wish there were more artworks. I enjoyed this but felt like wasting my time due to this. It was also highly akward that she never lost her pregnancy during all the sexual acts.
This is a serious time killer and enjoyable but I would not recommend it because of the lack of graphics and animations. For example she gets milked and there is not even an image for it. Also there is way too much dialogue and monologue.