Others - Completed - Maid Life [1.3 TL 1.0] [Heat Warning]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    So many headache to launch censored slideshow without interesting plot. I set 2 stars cuz technically game works without critical bugs.
    Some words about plot... well, MC has depression and nothing to do. Who can help our MC? The maid. Who else? And MC dropped out depression. No. He again "rest" on sofa (and sometimes fucks her).
    About scenes... I was hoping for scenes. You shouldn't have.
    200 character requirement is completed. Where is my grade, teacher?
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Well... she is cute and all but the story is kinda meh and cleary rushed, i was expecting somehing a little more like fox waifu konko or teaching feeling. so much for that... i'm kinda disappointed still nice art... :cry:
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    In my opinion, Maid Life and the games like it (Teaching Feeling is the big one) are very much "your mileage may vary" games. Some people will fall in love with sitting around with a cute girl who obeys your every whim, sexually or otherwise. Some people will appreciate playing dress-up and buying your girl new clothes. Some people will enjoy endless sunny days with no responsibilities.

    Unfortunately for me, I'm not really one of them. To me, these games feel weirdly lifeless. Neither the MC nor the girl has any hopes or dreams. They don't want to do anything. Your maid would be equally content whether you molest and harass her the entire day or if you completely ignore her. She'll wander around cleaning the house day in and day out, regardless of your actions. It kinda makes me wonder how she stays busy.

    The MC, on the other hand, doesn't have any sort of goal or growth of character. In this game, he's been depressed for years and the sudden appearance of this maid, more through luck than action, is his only bright spot. Nevertheless, the maid doesn't change him. It doesn't encourage him to take an active role in his own life. It doesn't suddenly make him do anything.

    I suppose these games are slice of life eroge at their finest. They aren't games about doing or acting; they're games about existing in an unchanging world, just taking in the day to day tedium. I won't pretend they aren't quality games because the cgs and voice acting are quite good, but they kinda just make me depressed. The worlds are just so dead and flat, and so are the characters, no matter how cute the girls are. I feel like they'd make a great backdrop for a horror game.

    More so than any other genre, you'll enjoy this game if you like the genre and find nothing of substance if you don't.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. It makes surprisingly good use of RPGM as the basis for what is essentially a VN.

    There isn't much to say about this one. Talk to your maid, get sex scenes, maybe dress her up, and that's pretty much it. The protagonist is silent, so he doesn't get in the way. It's very common for these types of games to have a sissy protagonist that goes "dOn'T CaLL mE MaStEr" and refuses to be served, so I appreciate a silent protagonist that just lets me enjoy the submissive and breedable maid on my screen.

    The art is surprisingly good. The sex scenes look nice and the dirty talk is hot most of the time. It's unfortunate that there's a shitty nursing handjob scene, though. That always gets on my nerves way more than it should. I feel like peeling the skin off my face every time I hear "ehehe~ akachan mitai." I just want to shove an entire cactus up my ass whenever I see a grown ass man infantilizing himself and being "pampered" by a girl who's often younger than him. This is, unfortunately, something that plagues Japanese eroges with maids, or just anything with the "Healing" tag on DLsite. The Japanese for some reason see maids as some kind of babysitter for manchildren. Well, whatever. I'm rambling. Other than that breastfeeding handjob bullshit, the sex scenes were nice.

    I do have a few complaints, though. Contrary to what the devs want you to think, the clothes are very limited. Not only that, but some of them don't even show properly. Visual bugs are not uncommon either, and sometimes the looping sound effect of sex continues to play even after the scene is over. These are the unfortunate limitations of using RPGM to make a VN-type game.

    The VA is... fine, but not great. She's clearly inexperienced and awkward, and the audio mixing (if there's even any mixing) is awful. Sometimes her volume is too high or too low. Moreover, the mic quality is pretty cheap. It sounds like the whole thing was recorded in a Discord call.

    Negatives aside, this is a good game. It definitely scratched an itch of mine and the art is great. I think it's fair to say that this was inspired by Teaching Feeling to some extent. Even the item store works in a similar way. No headpats, though, unfortunately.

    The translation is pretty good too. Some weird lines here and there, but the translation overall is solid. Good work.