RPGM - Completed - MaiDenSnow Eve [UsaBox]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    When i cant even understand the fucking controls after 1 hour then you made a shit game. To even be able to play this game you need to never have played any other game in your life, considering how bizzare and confusing the controls are. Sure some people may say this game was never made for keyboard but for a controller and i guess that makes senses, but, what is the fucking game engine?? Why would an RPGM game be controller primary.

    Anyways, if you manage to channel your inner autism and understand the controls, you are welcome to play this game, i heard its pretty good.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Do you prefer your porn games to be mainly porn with some game thrown in? Then turn away now, this game is a game first and foremost, with porn as a small part of the progression.

    That said, it is a damn good rogue-like. So let's go through why it ISN'T perfect, but that is only because it wastes what is an unholy amount of potential. Because of this I DO NOT recommend using the score to assess whether or not this is a game for you. This is a game for a certain kind of audience, and those who fall into that audience will almost certainly love it.

    I also will warn anyone that starts playing this game: do not expect the game to tell you exactly how to play to be successful. If you want the pure rogue-like learning experience I recommend jumping in with little to no knowledge of how to play and then to figure it out as you go (as i once did), however if you want to speed things up either the main download or Sunshaded's patch comes with a document which helps introduce all of the games mechanics in an easy to digest way.

    This is a review using Sunshaded's english patch on the final version of the game. I do not recommend playing the game without Sunshaded's patch because the translation is honestly one of the three greatest weaknesses of the game, and the patch largely mitigates one of them.

    To start with: Story
    This games story is... mediocre, especially for an english audience. Most of it is not translated and it is a bit difficult to know what is going on. From a writing perspective, there is nothing really here. HOWEVER, mechanically, when you figure out what is going on (either through reading up on it or slowly figuring it out from context) the gameplay progression of fighting your way into stronger parts of the dungeon and planning out how to defeat the five lords is, pretty good. The difficulty curves quite well. Is it punishing for new players? Yes, but it's a rogue like, that's the point. You learn through failure, and since the porn comes from failure as well it gives new players the content that they probably originally came for.

    I give it a 3/5 because I think a story that is either only great from a writing perspective or one that is only great from a progression perspective both deserve an average score for failing on half of it's purpose

    Next is: Sound
    What can I even say? Memorable? No. Bad? No. Its... there.
    I give it a 3/5 because it never really caught my attention, for good or bad.

    Following that: Artwork
    The animations that are in the game are good. The fact that it features animated dynamic combat sex is very impressive when you first encounter it. There is some nice customization options that affect the combat-sex scenes as well. The problem? There is like 3-4 story scenes. Then there is basically two variants on the dynamic combat scene (on your back and face-down ass-up), and there are a few frames for climaxes... that's it. It is not a lot of variation meaning if you are looking for that, this will likely be disappointing.
    4/5 because I am heavily biased towards well-functioning dynamic systems.

    Most importantly to me: Gameplay
    This is what this game is about. I honestly do not know how to describe the combat system. It is a semi-turn based action rpg dungeon crawler where you need to juggle a small mana pool, holy water that is used for multiple abilities including the main method of healing, a limited inventory where single use items are pretty much a must on higher difficulties, very punishing durability often requiring carrying multiple sets of weapons and clothing for deeper dungeon dives as well as the easiest way of repairing leading to slow weapon degradation and on top of all that: amazing enemy implementation. Are you tired of the average rpgm game where combat is attack/spell that is always better/later unlocked spell that is always even better vs enemies that all just attack you or maybe have one special ability that reduces X stat? This game features a large variety of enemies that feature different strategies for making life difficult for you. Some enemies deal a lot of dmg, others deal extensive durability damage, others focus on keeping delaying or restricting your actions, which is mainly a threat when fighting alongside other enemies. And i probably only described about 10-20% of enemies with all of that. The five big bosses all have quite different methods of fighting you as well, leading to one strategy often only working well against one boss and decently against two more. Is there an optimal strategy? Yes, kinda, but it takes a while to figure out how best to use your resources, even if you look some of it up. So is everything great here? No, sadly. As great as the combat system is in giving you a varied experience in a single playthrough, the lack ability progression/choices or class options or any similar system really hurts the games replayability after playing it two or three times. Has that stopped me from playing more than that? No, i have probably played through the game at least 10 times. But that's spread out over quite a number of years. All of this doesn't take much away however, since this falls into "Lost potential" rather than "damaging issues" in my experience.
    Therefore i still give this game 5/5 for gameplay.

    Finally: Originality
    So is there other games where you can find this kind of experience? Well, there are some. Rogue-likes like this one do exist, but much like this one pretty much all of them I have seen suffer similarly from large issues. This is definitely the one with the most engaging combat system that i have played. If the game actually played into the extreme potential of using more common rpg progression and variation (ability progression, class/character progression etc) this game would probably be my favorite rogue-like game I have ever played. As it is i still prefer it over all other rogue-likes with porn content, and near the top for gameplay experiences among all porn games i have played.

    So my final rank is 4/5. However I will repeat here that I DO NOT recommend using the score to figure out whether or not you will enjoy this game. This is one of the best gameplay experiences out there among porn games, and for those who think they may enjoy an action combat rpg, I recommend trying it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I can not praise this game enough. I initially downloaded this game to have a quick fap, but it's gameplay captivated me and i've been already playing for hours.
    -Dungeon crawling is so much fun:
    Enemies only move whenever you move or take action(use skills, use items...). So in every crowded area, you have to take tactical approach to face different kind of perils.
    It's actually easy and fun once you've get the hang of it. Enemies only move when you do things so you have time to think and make decisions.
    -The divesity of weapon sandbox:
    There are many kind of weapons, i'm not taking about different weapon names and grades, but actual kind of weapons with many kind of attacks. And you can pair them with varies of guard stands. Like fencing blade with evasion stand....
    -H scenes:
    The thing made me downloaded this first is actually the weakest thing of the game. Just simple loops animation with some cut-ins whenever she came. Well, at least they keeps clothing on so i guess it's decent enough? Anyway i think you should play this for its gameplay, H is just a little bonus.
    The gameplay is fun and H scenes are niche. I came for porn but stayed for its gameplay.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My very first rogue like H game and one of my favs, funny to play, decent h content, most of same genre games cant even do the half of this game, one of the peak along with dungeons and prisoner, this couple make the standards for this kind.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Didn't even make it past tutorial. The controls are overly complicated, the explanations are for things that don't exist.

    On the second tutorial, you're supposed to switch between melee and ranged using some weird action, but you have no weapons, so the whole thing is pointless and makes the tutorial impossible to complete.
    On the third tutorial you're supposed to wait in place to recover mana. For me it said "Press W+X to skip turn and recover mana." I did that, nothing happened.
    I went to to Options/Settings screen and every highlighted option went full right for no reason. I kept trying to get it go left, nope -fuck that! It stays fucking right, bitch!

    Whatever this game was supposed to be, it's not. It is much worse.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    All problems of this game stem from poor translation. As and example its like "Press S to [moon language], otherwise [moon language]". And ytou cant skip gameplay and jump straight to the fucking, because it a game with relatively deep combat mechanics.

    By carefully pressing various keys i kinda figure out controls, but not the battle mechanics. Since, again, I dont know what stat do what and how to figure this out. All items dont have sane translation. The only thing that I get is that cursed items hugely increase you chances to be raped.

    So if you know Mopn language it would be 5 out of 5, but for laoways like me 2 out of 5, dont recommend.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is arguably pretty hard to learn. The controls are nothing like most other rpgmaker games, but it is also a far cry from most rpgmaker games in terms of quality.

    The porn is integrated into gameplay instead of a cutscene or cg, and it has a rather in depth item build selection. Pick stuff up, equip it to gain strength, proft. Diablo-esque I would say.
    In my time playing these types of games, I'd say this ranks into my classics category if I had one. Recommended

    (P.S) This game is either the precursor of the system D&P used in its gameplay or they were both made around the same time with similar game structure.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    - Art
    - Gameplay
    - The thematic
    - Controls
    - Installing the game.
    In my opinion if you want an "install & chill" this is a 0/5.
    If you are determinate enough to learn the controls, read the document which guide you (because some parts are in japanesse). THIS, IS, A , 5/5. Also because the impregnation btw.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    cant find another game like this one man. if someone has suggestions please PM me..
    instant battle, clothes change, no CG rape/shit like that, status, corruptions, you know... just like this game.. any suggestions?
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    With default RPG Maker Controls in mind... You will not ever complete this game without the tutorial. I used quotes to emphasize the importance of the keys you must use.

    Press 'S' to quick swap your items without missing a turn, press 'Q' to change your direction in place,
    press "W' or "Q" while paused to accessed equipment,
    Press 'W' twice to search the area,
    Hold 'Shift' to move slowly and not trip over pebbles.

    With default controls -
    C = Z
    B = X
    XYZ = ASD
    L&R = Q&W
    A = Shift

    Press the X key then click "Rontando" in order to jump.
    If facing a rock, press Q&Z to perform a backflip.


    Now you finished the tutorial aaaand, the game won't start. The game tells you to read the manual to proceed... Clunky controls, an incomplete translation, where the slightest mistake will lead to loss - just avoid this headache of a game. I've played for over an hour and haven't seen a single tit.