Version Played: 0.8.0
Time Played: 5 hours, reached end of content. Missed a few scenes.
As a fan of the ladies HS can be used to create, I really liked the characters that I saw in the title image and screenshots. (It's also nice to see characters with some melanin.) Frankly, the story didn't sound all that compelling when I read the synopsis since it emphasizes the harem aspects, but surprisingly, it's turned out to be my favorite part of the game as it is compelling with ample mystery and intrigue and a great cast of characters.
+ Well-thought out and planned story (English usage is overall excellent, but every now and again there will be a small error or odd turn of phrase)
+ Really hot ladies with interesting backstories and personalities
+ Ample sex scenes that are well-integrated into the plot (for the most part...)
= Very linear (basically a kinetic novel), with a few choices that change relationship values (I'll take this over a grindy, empty sandbox any day of the week though.)
= Some dark themes on display (human trafficking, spousal neglect), but they're generally handled well and not played for sadistic cheap thrills. Just be aware of this if you prefer everything bright and cheerful.
- Generally endemic to harem games, but the protagonist isn't really all that likable and some sex scenes in particular make him seem like a sociopath.
As a general rule, I don't care for harem games, so I feel that I can be overly critical due to my distaste for them, but the weakest link here is easily the protagonist. The game does do far better than most in trying to give him a compelling backstory, show him as a capable individual and give a (fairly contrived) reason for his desirability beyond being rich, hot and hung, but thankfully everything outside of him is really good, so if you're like me and generally roll your eyes at the protags in these games, be assured there's a lot more here.
Overall, I greatly enjoyed my time with this game both from the story and sexual angles. It's extremely high-quality and I'm very excited to see where it leads.
Note to Devs: Outstanding work! Thank you for the lovely game and best of luck with future development!