Ren'Py - Making a Mark [v0.18.00] [Fasder]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The games a little above average in my opinion.
    One thing i found funny is the Sci-Fi tag, there is no content in their related to aliens or anything of that domain. In my opinion the dev or whoever edited the tags thought 'coding and quantum mechanics are out of this world, to the point where its Sci-FI'.

    Story 6/10. It's really you're average incest story and the game appears to what i perceive as subconscious foreshadowing, where its pretty clear what happens.

    Renders 8/10. Great renders.

    Grind 1/10. The grind in this game is that of most rpgm's. The game is very time consuming, boring at times and the grind is just deplorable. I would honestly recommend cheats.

    Walk-through 6/10. The game comes with a walk-through; something i don't often see. However, the walk-though is not set out to a high standard and is not very tidy. I would say without the walk-through you would be struggling.

    Animations 7/10. They're not bad but at the same time they're not overly good. The game lacks that punch when it comes to animation. However, i would state that its leagues above the animation of most of the animated games.
    Fetishes (Teacher/ Incest/big assets/lesbian) 7/10. It has some of the most common fetishes (if you can really call the breast size being a 'fetish'). The incest is what you expect 'I had feelings for you when we were kids yada yada yada'. The lesbain aspect is very prevalent in the game and the scenes of it are often shoved in your face more than american propaganda during the cold war . The teacher fetish is pretty self explanatory, just this time the teacher gets outed for having sexual relations with a student... However, this dose not lead to jail or anything like that.

    Character development 5/10. Its definitely there but it leaves a lot to be desired.

    To conclude, in my opinion, i would recommend this game. However, it would not be recommended as much as lots of other games. a solid 3.5 !
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game. There are parts that are a bit grindy, but you are rewarded enough to make it worthwhile. There is little need to cheat, and with the scrollback function, I was able to work my way through without a walkthrough guide. The one item I needed help on, Fasder was quick to answer. The renders are good in my opinion. The grind would be the only negative. I wish I could give a 4.5 instead of a 4.
  3. 1.00 star(s)



    This game is 1 and a half years old, and has no h-content, besides some naked women. I mean is this even a h-game?

    This game is VERY grindy, I had to repeat so many interactions, and I used cheats.

    I didn't pay attention to the story so I cannot comment on that depart, but it must be good for the amount of praise I see about this game on other reviews.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The game system is that you skip hours until there's a notification on the top right, telling you there's a scene available with a character. Each character has relationship points, and several levels; with a new level comes a new set of scenes (the old ones then disappear). Only one of these repeatable scenes grants a relationship point, and by "scene", I mean "dialogue".

    Here's the thing, the game feels empty. You just wander around aimlessly, waiting for something to be available and repeat it the next days.

    About the scenario, the best way of describing the MC is passive. During the dialogues, you initiate nothing. The girls around are overly confident, ready to show their breasts and you're the only barrier to a sex scene. For exemple, here's the shower scene basically: "wait, she's masturbating while looking straight at me in the eyes, for the 40th time. Is she attracted by me? Nah it's impossible", and then you go away.

    The game pace is horrible. It's not even about grinding, it's that you feel trapped in a dream for eternity where there are only 5 people in an entire city and everybody is a robot. To disarm the critic, the dev' insists that there's a cheating option to avoid repetition (while warning that it will bring glitch and a lesser experience). But either the experience is horrible, or it's horrible... faster.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    Review of version 0.12.07

    ZZZZzzzzzz..... that was my experience playing this game. It's just so damn boring! Even playing on fast mode, it was repetitious and dull. The focus on computer science and networking is a poor choice too. I have a background in IT and still found those aspects of the game tedious. I can't even imagine how someone with no IT experience must have felt reading all of that.

    The models are not the best and have balloon tits. I'm a fan of huge boobs, but these look like basketballs under the skin. The sex scenes are rather uninspired and have faux animations. The scenes are often rendered as sprites over backgrounds, but sometimes the sprites include elements of the background. For example, Sarah's bedroom is the background and the sprite is her on the bed over the background. So now there are two beds. It ends up looking weird.

    The game modes are normal and Fas(der). Normal mode is a truly terrible grind. The Fas(der) mode eliminates the grind (somewhat), but didn't help much considering how tedious the story is. I played for a couple of hours and managed to get two sex scenes. That was on the fast mode. After un-renning the game, I found that there were quite a number of sex scenes. I'm just unwilling to sink more time into the game to find them.

    I'll throw the game a star for trying to do something different in terms of gameplay, but it's unfortunate that the gameplay just wasn't enjoyable.

    Not recommended
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    The gameplay isn't fun. There's no alternate routes or branching paths. It's all just busywork that needs to be done in order to unlock the extraordinarily linear story. I highly recommend turning on the Faster Mode option in the settings because it helps a lot by drastically increasing stat gains so that you won't have to keep doing the same things over and over again. You may miss out on a few minor conversations, but the game is incredibly tedious without it. I would also recommend using a walkthrough because some of the triggers for new scenes are easy to overlook.

    I'm not a big fan of the massive bolt-ons that the ladies are sporting, but they're all still quite attractive. Helen is in a league of her own though, she looks incredible. There is a lot of sexual content in the game, and some very basic animations. The one noticeable issue with the graphics is that the game does that thing where there is a static background and then other images are layered on top. So objects are often in the wrong perspective, and people aren't always standing on the ground. This happens frequently in scenes where the camera angle changes.

    I liked the story at the start of the game, but I lost interest when it took a major turn recently. My favourite character was treated very poorly in the latest updates. It's as if the game was trying to make her less attractive through blatant character assassination. The renders aren't good enough to make up for the shortcomings of both the gameplay and the story.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    V0.12.07 review

    Well this was certainly an interesting game.

    Before I begin let me just repeat what the dev said:

    Balloon tits?
    Yes, feel free to play something else if you don't like them.

    Ok, so now that's out of the way. Yes, the tits are... unrealistic, and for me personally a bit oddly shaped in addition to the size. But I accepted that going in because the dev was essentially balloon tits or gtfo, and I respect his stance and creative choice. Plus, to be honest, the one visual aspect I don't care for is balanced out by something that I love and isn't used often enough in my opinion, naked sweaty / oiled women. Oh my god, the amount of scenes with sweaty / oiled flesh is fantastic. So, you know, balloon tits are totally forgiven. :D

    As for the game itself, it's not bad. The early chapters of the game are VERY grindy, and I tried to play without using the walkthrough as much as I possibly could. I'd only check it if I thought maybe I was stuck or doing something wrong. But the fact of the matter is I never was. It's just a matter of hitting certain events once a day, or sometimes only even a few times a week, to get a +1 or +2 to a score that you needed to raise by 10 points to progress. This leads to sometimes taking the better parts of two weeks just to move things along.

    Thankfully in later chapters of the game this gets a LOT better and while still a bit grindy, you can often work on two or three things at once.

    Finally, there's a massive turning point in the game late on where all of the teasing and voyerism pays off and holy heckin hell, is it worth the wait. After the 'vacation' the game feels totally fresh, different, non-grindy, and hella lewd.

    I've enjoyed my time with this game despite it's failings, and will be looking forwards to future updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written story, unique and kinky characters (looking at the twins) and some of the best watersports scenes in any game here. The fact that the dev is building on some of the day-to-day scenes before moving on with the story is fantastic because the days earlier felt kind of empty. I would definitely be interested in finding out where this quartet of kinky wierdos goes from here.

    Only problem I have with the game is the tits, not because of the size, but because of the shape. They seem like they're stuffed to the brim with silicone which has always been a bit of a turn off for me. But regardless of that nitpick, I do still thoroughly enjoy the game and I feel it deserves the 5 rating in my book. Keep up the good work Fasder.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game. Makes a lot of fun to play. The story is hot and kinky and the girls are beautiful. Especially Sarah has a very unique and cute face.

    About the boobs: remember rule no. 1: Boobs and Beer can never be too big LUL

    I am excited for the next update.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    story: really well done and writed.

    characters:really well done.

    scenes (erotic ones): a lot and really hot.

    draws (cg): nicely done and really hot.

    gameplay: a bit grindy, but works fine.

    conclussion: you can tell that the writer is really passionate and detallist about this story, wich is a giant plus.
    the characters click togheter really well, and the gameplay is not that hard (i recomend a guide though)

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and your money.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent game on fast mode but the pacing is a bit too repetitive to my taste especiaally in the beginning and mid game where not much is happening. I would have preferred if stories would advance at a similar pace between all the characters. Instead, it was mostly one at a time.

    Scenario is quite weird with all the computer stuff but at least the game dev seemed passionate about it. A few bugs here in there.
    Latest content was getting better so i'll up my review to three stars for now.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Een Vieze Vent

    Just had to write a small review for this since I thoroughly enjoy the game so far, plus Fasder is a prime example of a good and caring developer, helped me with some problems regarding the game right away. (Thanks again Fasder!)

    For those new to this I would say that if you like a game with an actual romantic sibling story that doesn't rush itself then this is for you, which is accompanied with beautiful and detailed renders and interesting characters.

    Like I said, it starts of slow but once the ball gets rolling and a 'certain' event starts off you will be treated with some delicious sibling love making that no doubt keeps on going in the future.

    All I can really end with is saying: Keep up the good work Fasder!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Grick Rimes

    Amazing story.... unique and sexy character style.... Quick updates . attention to detail. Fasder is setting his own standard for these types of games. Awesome! I plan to follow this game to its conclusion! While I have my character preference, I'm hoping for a harem ending as an option.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    v. 0.09.04

    I was, at first, not impressed by the game. The renders are good, but i've saw tons of games with the same premisses. Although, the characters personalities (specialy the twins) and the story development was amazing. The game isn't already ended and MC is fucking his sister, wich, in other games, it lasts too long to happen. Hope to see more of the twins content. The only bad point is the grind. I've used cheats and still the grind was too boring, specialy with some events only hapening in the weekends. Anyways, keep up the good work! PS: I'm brazilian, so sorry for my bad english.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Review V0.08 03-Sep-18
    Finally getting round to my 1st review of this game.
    I know I should have done it sooner, but the latest update would have required an update to the review.
    Boobs, if you do not like balloon boobs, give up now, all the girls are gifted :)
    A common comment about this game beyond the boobs is the grind, it is grindy, but I have played far worse, as it's ren py there are ways to beat the grind, just be careful not to do too much as you may break your game. Certain events need certain stats and without those events, later events cannot be triggered.
    The story is a stretch, but it is about incest so I don't know how believable it really is.
    I think the key to this game is accept the grind and beneath you might find some characters that you can sympathise with. The other bonus is the developer is extremely active in the thread on F95 and always willing to help out.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a big disappointment.

    The renders, however nice they are, feel like plastic characters instead of flesshy ones. Better proportions and skin tones aare needed.
    Moreover the characters aren't integrated into the scenes to make it look like you are viewing a scene. There are just pasted on the general background of the room.

    The story is short and of no interest but you still have to grind for hours to see it moving forward. The MC and his sister want to have sex since the beginning so why do you need to get more and more love points. The game is about grinding and that's it. What's worst you have to grind once a day for attribute points and can't do it multiple times. Why? to make the game longer because the days are full of times off when the MC can't do nothing but watch tv or take a nap.

    The game is also so static. The sex scenes are just pictures or very poor animations.

    I don't recommend this game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    renders are decent and the writing seems good-ish aswell but the grind... holy shit the grind. im fairly early, played for like 40-50 minutes but i gave up. its the bad type of grind. the one that is a clickfest has no point other than to prolong the playtime and makes you to want to stick a pen in your brain.
    maybe gonna pick it again some time in the future with some console commands or if someone makes a mod to skip or atleast decrease the grind. i probably would have enjoyed if it was a simple VN without the shitty grind.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: The graphics and character design are top notch. The characters are all well developed and have interesting personalities. I especially like the MC, unlike most games, he's not a complete douche or utter pervert. The relationships progress naturally and truly feel organic.

    Cons: The only thing I can think of is that it's not finished yet. The grind is a bit much, but I don't think it's all that bad for these types of games.

    All in all, this game is one of my favorites on this site and I'm going to have to consider becoming a Patron.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid start with pretty good renders for this developers first game. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I like the writing and path that Life is taking. Sure, there's a grind, but overall the story makes up for that. The developer is highly involved and communicative with the community which is most encouraging.

    Also networking questions!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    ok, this game could count as interesting and playable in 2018 and i did write a positive review back then but after many years it doesn't seem to have progressed in an acceptable manner. i won't return to this. there are far too many great VN's out there.