Male or female rival?

male or female?

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Game Developer
Apr 25, 2018
If you play as a female protagonist what gender would you prefer as the ultimate rival (like a final boss)?

Male or female ?

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
I am fine with either. If it's a man, then I get the satisfaction of beating him and proving myself as the true alpha. If it's a woman, then I (hopefully) get the satisfaction of chaining her up in the dungeon as my newest slave.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
If you want the story to make sense, the antagonist should always have the same gender than the protagonist. An antagonist from the opposite gender can't be a rival for the protagonist, unless they both live in a universe where everyone is strictly bisexual without a single bit a preference for a gender or another. But to be interesting such universe should gave a reason for this bisexuality and not just pass through it like if it was something totally insignificant.
There's also the case where this antagonism don't reflect at all in the sexual content, in this case the said antagonist can be whatever sex. But then the player will just not care about it. How beating someone on [whatever task] can be more interesting that fucking everyone ? The players will just give up, going for a full carnal life, while the antagonist will do whatever he's good at.


Oct 15, 2017
Depends on the genre you're going for. Lesbian game? Obviously female antagonist. Straight? Male. Femdom? Male. You get the idea. It should make sense for the kinks you're going for.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
It really depends on the dynamic you want between the two, same sex is best for an outright rival especially in a girl vs girl situation, particularly if the rival is regularly present in the game rather than just a lurking sort of figure that is in the background, if that were true a man may be better IMO.

What i'm saying is the rival is a direct competitor IE the player's equal and opposite as is the classic Pokemon style rival then go Female, however if you want a "big bad", go male and older than the MC to accentuate the David v Goliath angle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
With female protagonist? female rival. If it was male protagonist I would want male rival.

Rival I usually see it as a mirror, the same person but with different choices. But well that's just my point of view.


Royal Jelly
Oct 26, 2017
In these type of games I often like the power dynamics between two females. Submit, dominate, blackmail, revenge, etc.
I think those are often interesting stories.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Depends on the game:

Female rival: If two women compete for a guy, I wouldn't touch it with 3 meter pole. Lesbian triangles are fine, though.

Male rival: A female protagonist trying to separate a guy from his gay lover? Never ever. A lesbian protagonist trying to steal a woman from a man? Where can I download it?


Game Developer
Apr 25, 2018
Thank you for the criticism. It was just a corruption game idea I was sitting with where the protag would have the ability to mind control almost anyone being the chosen one and all but there would be 1 person who could resist if the player would use it for personal gain. (the game was basically using it to create your own fantasy harem with elves, vampires, etc.)

You could however fight him/her and win and if you did you would have created a window so you could apply the mind control and that would be your victory.