Others - Mall Creeps [v0.12D] [Kuga_Maru]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good art and story, a little short so far about an hour and a half. Did find a few bugs, and a few moments where i had no idea where i was supposed to go next. Overall very strong start to the game,
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is good until you realize the fact that... the updates are slow.
    The gameplay is sometimes good, but honestly a chore to get through.
    There are not enough scenes to make up for the work you put in to get them.
    All of the scenes have this massive text box that is taking away from atleast 50% of what's interesting to have on screen.
    It has... bugs.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A great art style, a story that doesn't follow the exact same tropes nearly every other game out there does, and (some) characters that break the mold established by virtually every other adult game serve to make the game one of the most interesting to come out in a long time.

    That said, at present (April 2024) there is only a small amount of content available and there are definitely bugs (some of which soft lock or otherwise break the game).

    All told, definitely worth a look.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Mall Creeps [v0.10.d] review

    What it is:
    Monkey Island style puzzle game where you roam around in a haunted mall trying to uncover some spooky and sexy mysteries. The premise and art is very good, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

    + Very unique and cute art style.
    + Cool setting and story.
    + Decent writing, but a little too wordy.

    - Bugged as hell. Scenes appear in the wrong order, the quest log is often misleading and confusing and it doesn't update properly. This dev has obviously not played through his own game more than once a few months back. That's a sin that's hard to forgive.
    - No animations.
    - The text box obscures a large portion of the characters being shown, all the fucking time! Holy shit is it annoying. The art is mostly why I'm here, stop hiding it! This game would be hugely improved by changing the aspect ratio to fit a text box below the screen instead of on top of it. Or at the very least make it transparent!

    All in all it's decent. I would score it a 4/5 if it wasnt for the very glaring game design shortcomings mentioned above. Like jesus H christ, play your own damn game! And/or send it out to some beta testers and collect the feedback and fix shit before releasing! This level of disregard for quality control is very infuriating.

    For those of you who are considering trying this game out, I'd recommend waiting until people are no longer complaining about bugs in the reviews/comments. The technical errors take away a lot of the potential entertainment and replaces it with frustration. It'll probably get fixed eventually, just give it some time I guess.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game that's done a huge disservice by the modern "early access" style game model. Updates are slow, small, and unsatisfying. Each one is plagued with bugs, usually some new way you can accidentally sequence break and lock yourself out of progression. It feels like with more time and behind the scenes care this game could show its best face more often, and that would help it a ton because its best face is really good! Great artwork, a fun premise, interesting writing, fun adventure game style gameplay, the game has a lot of positives going for it. But it's just not worth the time investment right now unless you want to be basically an unpaid beta tester once every 4 months or so. I really look forward to the game when it's a finished product and will probably bump my rating up, but as it stands right now I have to say wait.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    the game REALLY REALLY clicks with me holy hell i love these kinds of games the art is also a really big possitive i love quirky artstyles plus the story is nice as well
    only really problem is that the scenes get covered up with the dialouge boxes i would love if when a new scene is on you could atleast show the scene and then enable text box since i dont want to press hide cause something happened (infact i missed the very first scene with rex because the panties was covered with the text box only after reading the text did i realize there was something going on (sorry if what i say doesnt make sense) you could also made the text box slightly transparent during scenes

    also would love some quick saves cause i have on more than one occasion clicked quit by accident and lost progress
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is off to a good start. It's not without a few issues along the way, but the art and story are very strong positive points; it's clear that a good deal of thought is being put into the game. A multitude of girls, each character is interesting in their own way, and a unique story that keeps me wanting more.

    It's not without its faults, however. Typos are a fairly common sight and it'd be best to tackle them early on than to scour the entire script once everything else is finished. The Tasks (quest log) page and inventory item descriptions are a bit buggy -- some tasks don't update and the item descriptions float well outside of their intended location.

    The largest problem seems to be the ability to lock yourself out of Task completion by advancing events in anything other than the "intended" order. Branching paths and multiple objectives are nice, but it's entirely possible to softlock yourself by just playing normally. A number of events can be skipped, trigger multiple times, or just plain not trigger at all. The ability to stall your progress simply because you are searching around and interacting with everything is the reason the rating suffers. Once those bugs are worked out, it'll be a solid 4.5 star rating, with typos being the final half star. The game is really good outside those points and I'm always looking forward to the next update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is fantastic, I'm really enjoying the writing, a bunch of the mechanics and features make this feel like a more realized game than a lot of point+click adventure porn games.

    Honestly it's now one of my most anticipated games on here.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is kind of game where the story starts slow. Naughty scenes are rather rare and short, the game is mostly point-and-click adventure. The story is interesting though and the characters are great. Seems a bit buggy, though.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good as preview of authors skills, less good as a game (at least as of 0.009).
    Art (both characters and background) is very good and atmospheric.
    Story is engaging enough and is simple to follow.
    Writing isn't too verbose.
    Gameplay is familiar to all point and click games. Item hunts are mostly ok.
    Where this game slightly falls off is length. Obviously good art takes time, however after finishing current available content (took me 1 hour 20 minutes) you realize you will have to wait years for this game to be finished. And even then with how laborious art in this game is who knows how big end product will be.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A cool 2d point and click game with potential.

    ATM it's basiaclly a demo, but worth the 30 mins content for a playthrough

    Girls are cute and likable, story is top notch.
    I just hope they get more lewd with it if they want an adult game, they have all the right themes, corruption would work really well in this game due to the ghost themes...

    Use those themes and perv it up. Take risks!

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    it's like scooby doo with hoes,also game looks realy enjoyable,great 2d artstyle:oops:.About gameplay-classic poin and click game,moderately amount dialogue(they not so boring!!!).Necessarily to support author on patreon:geek:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The art was amazing. I really enjoyed the dialogue and the character interactions. I hope they add more characters and deepen the story. The 2D aspect of the game felt very friendly and fun. Thank you for creating this game and please continue. I would be more than happy to financially support this and projects like these.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Just like everyone else, I love the art style. It's also a very interesting concept. It's just a shame I found this game so early and now I've got another game I'm going to be checking daily for updates.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, one of the best adult games i've played in this site. The character interactions feel real, the girl's personalities are well written, story is exciting, the art is great, character design is super stylized without looking bizarre. The dev fixed most of the bugs from the previous versions. The only thing that a think needs fixing is the tempo of the auto-advance text. it's a little too fast.
    This is one of those games that make you think "how come this isn't more popular"?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a great artistic style, and a really fun and original plotline.
    I really like the nice work on character personalities and development.
    Really looking forward to where the storyline takes the player!

    Keep up the great work!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the ambience and feeling of the game, the music is spot on, very interesting setting and the art is beautiful. As for it being in early stage of development it still has a pretty decent chunk of content and it's really worth the time. Easy-going and funny dialogue, good phasing, good characters, very solid start. Best of luck
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Agodden Bed

    Very promising.

    A point and click game with a nice ambiance and fun characters. And the guy we play as is not an asshole ! Now if other games on this site could take some inspiration from this one....

    Worth a play, although content seems a bit small right now.

    Good luck to Kuga_Maru !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the most promising games I've seen, the story is well-written with solid dialogue, a few typoes but that's all. The characters are likable with unique personalities, the world isn't overly large or too small, with plenty of hidden details. Only got caught up at one spot with a tough to find progression hitch but just keep searching where the task points to and you'll find it.
    The artstyle is quirky and fits the theme, extremely well-done. Current version is somewhat lacking in sexual content but I expect it'll begin to ramp up in the upcoming updates. Still kept me engaged nonetheless, absolutely phenomenal stuff, couldn't recommend more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, engaging story, fun, well designed characters can't wait for this to be longer. Could end up being and all time favourite when it's completed. There are a decent number of typos/grammar errors though, but they're not obnoxious and I assume they'll be ironed out in future versions. pretty short for now, about 1,5 hours. Honestly there's not a lot of games with this much character.