RPGM - Abandoned - Malleus Maleficarum [Ch. 5] [Team Cactus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hopefully the devs will continue to expand the scope of the project. It's an excellent title and a must play if you like fantasy games with female protagonists. 5/5


    + As of Chapter 4 there are 2+ hours of content.
    + Various sex scenes for various fetishes.
    + Consistent art and attention to details.
    + Belieavable protagonist and fantasy world.
    + Interesting enough plot for a porn game.
    + No grind whatsoever, a deal breaker in rpgm titles for me.
    + Unlocking all the content on a single playthrough is effortless.


    - No map.
    - A few "action" sections drag out for longer than they should have.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game different from others, good graphics and animations, a very entertaining story in an ancient time where eroticism is mixed with paranormal things, in addition to very easy controls, in short I love it and I look forward to each new version
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the overall atmosphere of this game. I love the dialogue, be it within the story itself or just random NPC's, I like the music and I like the world as well. I think this project has quite a bit of potential. A few things that I believe that could be done a bit better though are the music variance and the combat, specifically in the bandit's den when you get the gun. The music should be a bit more varied when going from location to location.
    I like the music but it can start to get a little old after a bit, though I appreciate that the bandit's den had new music. The combat in the bandit's den is kind of a weird jump in the way the game was played before. I think that if you handed the player some kind of manual with instructions on how to use the gun and the sword that they can check via the inventory, it would help clear things up a bit. Also, I don't know if this was just me but I found that the rifle missed quite a few times. I feel like if the ammo is that limited, it shouldn't be able to do so. Other than that, I really enjoyed this game and I look forward to more!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A gem in the rough, a young one but still a gem.

    Taking place in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, you play as a very liberated(Slut) Witch Huntress, who is the equvelant of a modern day detective, going araound solving crimes of heretical nature.

    Intruductions aside this is a very good game allround even if its short I finished in a hour and a half but that was because I looked around and interacte with every NPC, I saw and smashed spacebar on every wall I could find, so the story is actually 30-40 minutes.

    Story is not bad but not incredible either but it does place you in the WH universe pretty good, it could be because I know about the lore a lot but I did feel 'inserted' in to that universe very well.

    The Gameplay however is the best part, it uses the best possible combat system for this type of game, stab and kill them when the enemies turn their behind and lose instantly when they notice you.... This is not ironic, I am serious considering the setting of being a Witch Hunter it's pretty accurate I say, unless you are a really old Witch Hunter and have a claw of a Slanneshi Daemonette's claw stuck up your ass and use magical staffs of Tzentnch which might mind control you, then you are going to stick to the shadows and bury a few daggers in to the enemies skull.

    In all seriousness the story is a 3/5, Ambiance is a 5/5, Gameplay is a 4/5 and it is a WH Fantasy game there aren't many of those, I suggest trying it, it'S short and unrepetitive and finally the scenes while a handfull are quite nice as well so you do still realize that this is a porn game at tits core. 4/5 would get fucked silly by Bloodhounds again.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 2 review (tbu for future releases)
    As expected, there is not so much content to evaluate, but certain points can be advised for the early stage of development, though :)

    SETTING => 7/5
    Warhammer Fantasy has enormously large universe. However, you can rarely see it as a background for games, especially for H-games. Still, it brings some limitations story-wise, and hopefully the Developers don't step over those.

    GAMEPLAY => 2/5
    TBH, it's quite primitive in general. You move from one point into another and click the interact button. Key-bindings are not regular for RPGMaker MV, and I would say, quite inconvenient.
    Sometimes you need to move according to a certain route or be punished. Sometimes you need to go through a cliche labyrinth.
    No combat, but there is a stealth-kill system. The system itself is also rather cliche and primitive--you need to stay 2 squares from thugs and catch up with them to stab from behind.
    In-game choices (perform or not perform an action) and dialogue options are quite limited: open/don't open a story door, die/live, kill/spare a monster (for future), be raped/not be raped. The main issue with the choices is that 4 of 7 rape scenes (incl. GH) are completely railroaded and can't be avoided. Smells like a VN style... :poop:
    The good point is opting for a simple parameter system for the character.
    On the other hand, the GAMEPLAY is quite acceptable for the introduction chapters.

    STORY => 4/5
    The story is at it's early stage, so don't expect anything 'mega'. So far it's OK.
    One minus in the story logic:
    story-wise the heroine is expected to be rather tough for a novice (quote: "Witch Hunter General is proud of me"), but she virtually can't do anything (quote: "She was not prepared") against the in-game challenges. Even her stats are 1/1/1/1/1 ;)

    MODELS & ART => 5/5
    Low-resolution pixel art without any animation (except for the fire). Some background/interactable items are barely discerned. Quite dark, but I guess this is OK for the dark Witch Hunter setting in Warhammer Fantasy.
    GSs are very good. Not my cup of tea, but I can't say anything against the mastery.

    No valuable assessment for Chapter 2.
    Well, at this point the game is a one-time playthrough with 3-4 reloads to see what happens if you chose a stupid way of behavior.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, not bad for introduction. I will want to see where it goes in the future. Art is nice, maybe a bit too dark in most scenes so if it was a long game could be eye-straining. ESC being the open menu key was bit annoying, could be I missed another key for it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    During the time i am typing this it is first release so my opinion will change.

    Story: being set in this fantasy format being a female protagonist whose occupation is a witch hunter you expect to fight monsters and possible NSFW scenes which is a must have in a hentai game, being tasked with your first contract with out much backstory does effect me a bit due to me personal wanting to be attached to the protagonist as much as i can. I have no idea of why the main character is in the area besides being asked by her Superior. 3/5

    Game play: multi-choice options in game is a must have however there is no combat in the current version however being asked to save when something "important" is gonna happen has its ups and down, it can work if you perma-die however it is a way of saying there is something important removing the surprise. 3/5

    Scene: The game is mostly pix elated which doesn't affect me which is cool CG inst that bad, not much animation rather just a bunch of PNG which is cool since its the first release. 4/5

    Conclusion: just read this if ya cant be arsed to read something long, good game has potential and i hope the game developer remains in good health.
