VN - Others - Completed - Mamono Musume - Life with a Lamia [Final] [Vanadis]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The only good thing this had for it was the art. Otherwise the story is awful and I realize how awful tsunderes actually are when they are stronger than you to the point where you might die if you set them off too much. This particular tsundere is a schizo and will abuse her "love" interest with rape and physical abuse until he gives in to her demands. No ending is good and the MC has to suffer through physical and verbal abuse which is somehow considered vanilla according to snek girl. I couldn't even fap to this because I legitimately felt bad for the MC who was living a good life until the childhood girlfriend he thought was sweet pops out of nowhere and turns out to be an abuser who will beat the shit out of the poor dude if he does anything that is remotely displeasing to her which happens at every interaction.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Heroine is sometimes weird, but... story and CGs are very good. And finally there's a hero who's NOT a shota and can do something on his own, unlike MGQ. Are there gonna be more Vanadis games? Can't wait to see them in understandable language.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Tired Noir

    I always looked at Vanadis beautiful galleries with an expectation of how the story would be to get those scenes apparently so filled with hot vanilla romantic mg sex, this week i discovered lamia was translated and installed it faster than you can say COOM.
    How i wish i never found out that the game was translated, because this story is utter garbage, the romance is there only if your definition of romance is stockholm syndrome and abusive beatings, this bipolar schizophrenic lamia is at the same level of abusive prick tsuntrash than Naru Narusegawa, if not worse, and Vanadis painting her douchebaggery against the protagonist as a cute tsundere who can't be open with her feelings is revolting.
    Thank god MGQ was released later during those times, because if it didn't exist this thing would be the only Lamia """"love"""" story out there, and one everyone would compare to when new monster girl game "romances" were released.
    Only giving it 2 stars because of the art, and even that takes a hit when the writing that goes with it kills your boner because all the bloodflow is now going to your head veins because of anger.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 545851

    This game is really bad, the pacing and story didn't make sense at all. One minute the main character is farming and doing normal stuff, the next minute the main female character enters and suddenly a blowjob? really? that's how you start your story? no build up, no development, no nothing? and don't get me started on the so called multiple endings, they baffled me to no end, this game isn't good. If you want, a cheap easy sex game, with no cohesive story elements and no fun unique characters, then by all means indulge yourself.