Archived Man of the House: Wishlist

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New Member
Oct 13, 2017
Amy and MC dominating Veronica - culminating in a golden shower from both...

Sophia getting fingered at the health club followed by a BJ in the locker room...
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
How about, having sex ranks for all job games (excluding the dudes).
Rank 1-
Successful completion of hot blonde chick = Blow job scene
Successful completion of bear lady = her holding you upside down by your ankles, blow job
Successful completion of crazy fat chick = she has pinned you down and is on top of you 69 style, blow job........( Hey! she needs lovin too).

Rank 2-
Successful completion of hot blonde chick = her on all fours, on the workout bench, while you eat her pussy to orgasm
Successful completion of bear lady = while holding on to pull up bars, she has straddled your face, humping wildly to her orgasm.
Successful completion of crazy fat chick = she bends over allowing you to bury your face deep in her crack, licking hard enough to cause her fat to start jiggling, thus causing a chain reaction leading to her intense orgasm.

Rank 3-
Successful completion of hot blonde chick = having her legs wrapped around your hips, you both reach the final conclusion, having the best standing sex.
Successful completion of bear lady = you sitting on the workout bench, while she feverishly rides your lap, have an explosive finish.
Successful completion of fat crazy chick = while in the shower room, you have her lying on the bench, holding her legs up by the ankles in a V. Thrusting as hard as you can, to an exhaustive finish. (More cushion to the pushin...Lol!!).

To be continued.......................Peace!!


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
Not enough action going on in here, so it's story time kids.......

This starts off in the morning on the weekend, after breakfast and while the girls go to their thing. You enter the kitchen, where Clair is washing dishes. You greet her with the usual, hot kiss with tongue, and as she finishes and turns to look at you, you propose to take her out.
Excitedly, she quickly agrees, saying she's not been out on a date in years. You tell her to dress up and plan on going out this evening, promising it will be one to remember.

Of course this will have to open up a few locations, for Clair's special night.

Clair is dressed up in a sexy, slinky, silk black dress with sparkles through it. You are wearing a tuxedo with your hair slicked back.

The date starts off with a fancy high end, romantic, candle lit dinner. Where there is a live orchestra type band and a dance floor, reminiscent of an old ballroom dance hall. The place was nearly empty, so the setting was perfect for romantic conversation. After the meal, you asked Clair to dance. She happily agrees, where you take her by her hand and lead her to the dance floor. While the band is playing a soft romantic song, and Clair having a few glasses of wine in her, the dance starts to turn erotic in nature. Afterwards, a couple of ladies about Clair's age, keep coming over to cut in with the dancing. You politely refuse, as you tell them you are with the most beautiful woman in the world, and it would rip your heart out if you had to leave, even for a moment from her. Of course the ladies walk away, giving an "Awe that's so sweet" response. Clair is now getting a little worked up, by the special treatment you are giving her. After dancing several dances, you finally decide to leave.
Prior to the date you had set up stuff for the evening, including a horse drawn open carriage ride through the park. Including a special ending scene, that will allow her to never forget.

Leaving the dance hall, you enter the carriage, where you had prepared roses and another bottle of chilled wine.
sitting next to Clair, you put your arm around her, pulling her close to you. She has started taking advantage of the situation and gently starts filling the ride with very passionate kisses. After an hour ride, the carriage finally stops at a remote part of the beach. You and Clair disembark from the carriage, where you walk hand in hand to the beach. In a few minutes fireworks start going off over the water, and after awhile of watching, Clair start to make out with you some more.
After, having set the date up earlier, the time has come. A man appears in the distance and slowly moves toward you.
Clair not paying attention, and really enjoying the make out session with you. The Grand finale starts its run, and the guy moves closer, taking pictures of you two. After the grand finale is over, you stop the make out session, where the guy approaches you handing you the pictures, while you hand him money.
You then go through the pictures and finally hand her the one you like best. It's a picture of you two embraced and passionately kissing, just as the final explosion of the last fireworks was released. In the background of you two over the water, the explosion spelled out "I love you Clair" with two hearts on either side of it.

Clair just stares at the picture, and in a low husky voice, she tells you "we need to go home now". Walking back to the carriage, you have your arm around her waist.........Earning achievement "Perfect Date"...............To Be Continued...................Peace!!


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
I've got another scenario to throw into the mix.....

How about we open the casino more and start a new mini game of blackjack. Only instead of winning money, you win tokens. You'll get different prizes for the amount of token. The catch is, the prizes are sexual in nature.
For example:
100 tokens will get you pick any chick at the table, to remove her cloths
150 will net you a blow job
200 will let you tongue to orgasm any worker at the casino
500 will get you a sex scene with any worker at the casino
You kind of know where I'm going with this..............Peace!!


Active Member
Sep 3, 2017
As always... new update, new items in the wishlist.

There are so many cool things to do on a beach.
Playing tennis, sunscreening, going to a little cave...
I loved the first swimsuits, mainly because they are pretty tame, that gives space to make them more and more slutty.
Also, this opens the door to more outdoor activities, like go to camping.

About the jealousy and suspicion thing...
The first one is like Ashley is gonna resent you until she grudge-fucks you into submission? I'm down for that.
And the suspicion... it's just an excuse to make hilarious little scenes, like having to hide in the closet or something like that?
I'm down for that too.


Aug 10, 2017
Simply put, a few titfucks to enjoy, lots of nice boobies about but no titfucks to enjoy (I find this a lot with many other games too, plenty of boobs but not many titfucks)

You could say I'm on some kind of a crusade


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
Ok, boys and girls, time goes by and a couple of days here on the wish list thread. Time to throw in some more wish scenarios for you. @Faerin likes to give me inspiration with his updates, so I will try to do the same for him.
Without further ado........It's story time kids.

This starts off with Amy, suspecting now that you and Veronica are into a full blown relationship (sexual).
Even though she finds that Hot, she refuses to believe that its really happening. You tell her that it has indeed progressed to a full blown relationship (sexually), she at that point demands that you show her proof.
Having had dealings like this with her before, you decide to make it more interesting. You tell her you'll provide proof, if she'll have a night of pure unadulterated sex with you. Smiling the happily accepts, provided that if you lose the bet, that you become her slave for a week. She gives you two days to come up with the proof, and you accept with a Hot kiss on her lips.

After you get home, you wait for Veronica to go to work. You then set up a recording cam in her room, and get ready for the next day. In the morning you go and buy roses and chocolates from the store. You deliberately avoid giving Veronica chores and taking her to your room for, reward or punish. Veronica now kind of pent up and concerned, approaches you. You then tell her that you have something special planned for her, but she has to wait until the evening. She passionately kisses you, saying "Ok! My sexy master", knowing that on this night she doesn't have to work. She leaves fully content, that she will be rewarded later.

Later that night, while she is in the shower. You go into her room setting up roses and candles around the room, even hiding the cam in a vase filled with roses. you even went as far, as to have rose peddles covering the floor of the room, and covering the bed in them. You then strip down and cover your cock with a big red bow, and stand there holding the open box of chocolates. When Veronica enters the room, she immediately shuts and locks the door, with an excited squeal.

The night starts off with wine and chocolates, being fed to each other. Then it goes to light petting, deep passionate kissing, and orgasmic foreplay. It then moves to the bed where you start with missionary style of lovemaking, that leads to Veronica rolling you over and riding your hips, slowly at first until she can no longer restrain her movements any longer. After you both finish the initial explosion of cumming together, she then sits between your legs while you both cuddle and drink a glass of wine, basking in the afterglow, and sweetly whispering love talk to each other. When you finish your wine, you begin to gently rub your hands across Veronica's silky smooth skin, until she moves you both to the floor and you start to take Veronica doggy style.
After an exhaustive work out, you both cuddle again, drinking another glass of wine. Getting more intoxicated, just makes you both even more horny. This time as you start to move back to the bed again, Veronica gets a little playful. She turns to you to kiss and thrusts your already hard cock between her legs, moving her hips in a humping motion, she starts smiling at you. You can no longer take it, and you push yourself back inside Veronica. Veronica with a small hop, wraps her legs around your hips, and you place your hands on her butt cheeks to hold her weight, as she continues to pump wildly for another well deserved finish. Once back at the bed you hold each other and sip at some more wine. Now laying, with her in front of you, and having your arms wrapped around her, you start to get hard again. Veronica then lifts her leg straight up in the air and you take her again, still able to produce a cum finish.
This goes on for awhile longer, as morning begins to creep closer. You both finally succumb to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.
You wake up before it's time for Clair to have yoga session on the roof. As you try to get up, it rouses Veronica from her sleep. She asks if time for you to leave, rubbing your back. As you are getting out of bed, she has a devilish grin, and playfully swats your naked behind saying "I really love my sexy master and his great rewards" When you are dressed and enter the hallway, you then get the Achievement ...."All Night Long".

Later that day, having already sent the video, you decide it's time to go to the gym. Upon entering, you noticed that Amy is looking at you with her mouth wide open. She also has a look of uncontainable lust in her eyes. Without saying a word, she grabs the front of your shirt, and draws you in for a passionate kiss.
Grabbing your hand, she leads you to the women's shower room. You remember to put the (out of order) sign on the door before entering.
All ready she has removed all her clothing, and as you enter she starts to rip off your shirt. Kissing every part of skin that gets exposed, she methodically keeps removing all your cloths. When you are naked, you go down to sample the taste of her already hot pussy. You also notice that she is so wet, that her juices are already running halfway down her thighs. You no more than get a couple of licks in, when she grabs you by your hair, forcing you up saying "There's no need, I'm ready now".
You lift her leg, and slowly enter her pulsating pussy. You start pumping, keeping rhythm to her heavy breathing and moaning, until she blasts you with her clit orgasm. Making your entire front side soaked, and running down your legs.
Not having enough, you raise her, where her ankle is now resting on your shoulder. You start pumping her hard and deep, which then leads you to actually find her G-spot. You continue, until you feel her to start losing control of even standing. You then grab her hips with both hands. to not only to grind harder, but to keep her standing as well. Just as she starts to spasm, you release your load, hitting her G-spot with it. It causes you both to collapse on the floor, holding each other. As you recover, you notice that Amy is still convulsing with deep orgasms and staring blankly at the ceiling as she enjoys the ride.
When she finally recovers, she gets dressed kissing you and says "You win, just name time and place Lover".
This of course earns you the Achievement.........."Completely Satisfied".
Hey! To Be Continued..........................Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
Ok, boys and girls, time goes by and a couple of days here on the wish list thread. Time to throw in some more wish scenarios for you. @Faerin likes to give me inspiration with his updates, so I will try to do the same for him.
Without further ado........It's story time kids.

This starts off with Amy, suspecting now that you and Veronica are into a full blown relationship (sexual).
Even though she finds that Hot, she refuses to believe that its really happening. You tell her that it has indeed progressed to a full blown relationship (sexually), she at that point demands that you show her proof.
Having had dealings like this with her before, you decide to make it more interesting. You tell her you'll provide proof, if she'll have a night of pure unadulterated sex with you. Smiling the happily accepts, provided that if you lose the bet, that you become her slave for a week. She gives you two days to come up with the proof, and you accept with a Hot kiss on her lips.

After you get home, you wait for Veronica to go to work. You then set up a recording cam in her room, and get ready for the next day. In the morning you go and buy roses and chocolates from the store. You deliberately avoid giving Veronica chores and taking her to your room for, reward or punish. Veronica now kind of pent up and concerned, approaches you. You then tell her that you have something special planned for her, but she has to wait until the evening. She passionately kisses you, saying "Ok! My sexy master", knowing that on this night she doesn't have to work. She leaves fully content, that she will be rewarded later.

Later that night, while she is in the shower. You go into her room setting up roses and candles around the room, even hiding the cam in a vase filled with roses. you even went as far, as to have rose peddles covering the floor of the room, and covering the bed in them. You then strip down and cover your cock with a big red bow, and stand there holding the open box of chocolates. When Veronica enters the room, she immediately shuts and locks the door, with an excited squeal.

The night starts off with wine and chocolates, being fed to each other. Then it goes to light petting, deep passionate kissing, and orgasmic foreplay. It then moves to the bed where you start with missionary style of lovemaking, that leads to Veronica rolling you over and riding your hips, slowly at first until she can no longer restrain her movements any longer. After you both finish the initial explosion of cumming together, she then sits between your legs while you both cuddle and drink a glass of wine, basking in the afterglow, and sweetly whispering love talk to each other. When you finish your wine, you begin to gently rub your hands across Veronica's silky smooth skin, until she moves you both to the floor and you start to take Veronica doggy style.
After an exhaustive work out, you both cuddle again, drinking another glass of wine. Getting more intoxicated, just makes you both even more horny. This time as you start to move back to the bed again, Veronica gets a little playful. She turns to you to kiss and thrusts your already hard cock between her legs, moving her hips in a humping motion, she starts smiling at you. You can no longer take it, and you push yourself back inside Veronica. Veronica with a small hop, wraps her legs around your hips, and you place your hands on her butt cheeks to hold her weight, as she continues to pump wildly for another well deserved finish. Once back at the bed you hold each other and sip at some more wine. Now laying, with her in front of you, and having your arms wrapped around her, you start to get hard again. Veronica then lifts her leg straight up in the air and you take her again, still able to produce a cum finish.
This goes on for awhile longer, as morning begins to creep closer. You both finally succumb to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.
You wake up before it's time for Clair to have yoga session on the roof. As you try to get up, it rouses Veronica from her sleep. She asks if time for you to leave, rubbing your back. As you are getting out of bed, she has a devilish grin, and playfully swats your naked behind saying "I really love my sexy master and his great rewards" When you are dressed and enter the hallway, you then get the Achievement ...."All Night Long".

Later that day, having already sent the video, you decide it's time to go to the gym. Upon entering, you noticed that Amy is looking at you with her mouth wide open. She also has a look of uncontainable lust in her eyes. Without saying a word, she grabs the front of your shirt, and draws you in for a passionate kiss.
Grabbing your hand, she leads you to the women's shower room. You remember to put the (out of order) sign on the door before entering.
All ready she has removed all her clothing, and as you enter she starts to rip off your shirt. Kissing every part of skin that gets exposed, she methodically keeps removing all your cloths. When you are naked, you go down to sample the taste of her already hot pussy. You also notice that she is so wet, that her juices are already running halfway down her thighs. You no more than get a couple of licks in, when she grabs you by your hair, forcing you up saying "There's no need, I'm ready now".
You lift her leg, and slowly enter her pulsating pussy. You start pumping, keeping rhythm to her heavy breathing and moaning, until she blasts you with her clit orgasm. Making your entire front side soaked, and running down your legs.
Not having enough, you raise her, where her ankle is now resting on your shoulder. You start pumping her hard and deep, which then leads you to actually find her G-spot. You continue, until you feel her to start losing control of even standing. You then grab her hips with both hands. to not only to grind harder, but to keep her standing as well. Just as she starts to spasm, you release your load, hitting her G-spot with it. It causes you both to collapse on the floor, holding each other. As you recover, you notice that Amy is still convulsing with deep orgasms and staring blankly at the ceiling as she enjoys the ride.
When she finally recovers, she gets dressed kissing you and says "You win, just name time and place Lover".
This of course earns you the Achievement.........."Completely Satisfied".
Hey! To Be Continued..........................Peace!!
Thanks for the inspiration @jaydem, I like it a lot!
If I start working on this straight away, I'm sure I'll be able to finish it before the end of the year ;)


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
Thanks for the inspiration @jaydem, I like it a lot!
If I start working on this straight away, I'm sure I'll be able to finish it before the end of the year ;)

Happy to help Brother.... Better get started then....Lol!! Oh! by the way, I have way more than this :cool:..:heartcoveredeyes:.......Peace!!
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Feb 19, 2018
i'd like to suggest that the mc needs a obsessed stalker girl, something along the lines of:

MC meets a random girl at Neon while waiting for Veronica to finish her work, and they have a few drinks together, maybe a dance and then exchange phone numbers, or even a bit of fun time in the clubs toilets, after a few more nights of that the MC starts getting messaged from the girl, the messages increasing in frequency over time.
Then she starts appearing at the places he works, the shopping centers and even the beach when he is there
After a while, the MC notices things are missing from his room, like his favorite shirt, or something he holds dear too him.

after that i'm uncertain how it would continue, but could be tied to MC's other girls, for example: when he is punishing/rewarding Veronica the stalker girl somehow gets pics of that, or when he is "teaching" Ashley or helping Clair with her yoga, using that against the girls to try push them away from the MC so she can have him all to herself.

ofcourse there would have to be a way for the MC to tame the stalker girl and still keep his other love afairs alive and well, but no idea how to go about that...

anyways, thats my idea, feel free to think up what more could be done and pros/cons for this idea and all that :)
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2017
I don't think you are getting the goal of this thread...

We are not scripting full scenes so Faerin can render them.
Or full storylines...
This is mainly a feedback thread...

Faerin is a great dev, has a game plan... he just wants tips and notes.
What do you want to see more? That kind of thing.
I'm saying this because in the last two pages some people are writing the Bible here...


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017

I have another wish, this time not really in the form of a story.......Yet!!

How about the MC, starts to get the family comfortable with his relationship with every in the house. Only little bits at a time. Once everyone is at a certain level of love, the MC decides to have family night, instead of the usual watching tv routine.
It will start off innocently enough, with everyone sitting at the dinner table, playing poker. After conversations get a bit revealing, to cause the suspicion to rise to a certain point. the level of the game turns to strip poker. This will continue over a few night plays, until the MC is able to strip everyone in the same game and still have at least one article of clothing on, thus winning the game. After achieving that, the games then switches from strip poker to drinking truth or dare, where anybody can opt out by taking a drink of wine or whatever.
I think this could actually be a good bonding experience for the family as a whole. Also it would open up all sorts of possibilities, while maintaining a playful mood about it. It could then start revealing bits of info for each of the others, so they could get used to each other's place, and no longer having to hide their relationship with the MC from the others. But only family at this point, doesn't count to other girls, outside of the family right now. They have to remain as they are for right now. Remember Auntie is family too........Think about it Brother...........Peace!!


Feb 19, 2018
I don't think you are getting the goal of this thread...

We are not scripting full scenes so Faerin can render them.
Or full storylines...
This is mainly a feedback thread...

Faerin is a great dev, has a game plan... he just wants tips and notes.
What do you want to see more? That kind of thing.
I'm saying this because in the last two pages some people are writing the Bible here...
not trying to be a smartass or anything, but i would like to point out that feedback and wishlist are 2 entirely different things.

feedback is information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

a wish list is as the name implies things we WISH to see implemented, basically suggestions for the game
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
I don't think you are getting the goal of this thread...

We are not scripting full scenes so Faerin can render them.
Or full storylines...
This is mainly a feedback thread...

Faerin is a great dev, has a game plan... he just wants tips and notes.
What do you want to see more? That kind of thing.
I'm saying this because in the last two pages some people are writing the Bible here...
not trying to be a smartass or anything, but i would like to point out that feedback and wishlist are 2 entirely different things.

feedback is information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

a wish list is as the name implies things we WISH to see implemented, basically suggestions for the game
It's all good guys, like @Viatovic said: I have most of the story planned out already and I have a clear image of where the game is going.

On the other hand a lot of the suggestions here match stuff that is already planned and there are some really nice additions and details, that could make it into the game! And for the stuff that isn't planned yet, we still have a long way to go, so who knows! :)


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
I have another wish scenario for you brother, not sure if you read my stuff. I will say again that @Faerin definitely can inspire the imagination, as well as, have the best damn game.
As some don't like a long page of story, I will try my luck at the spoiler tabbing.......

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Of course after Clair's bedroom scene, I would add in the next of my scenario's. that would lock in the relationship.

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Now I know, that it would be inconceivable to make these in full, but it's possible to condense it down, to get a same effect.....Maybe. More later.................Peace!!


Feb 19, 2018
I have another wish scenario for you brother, not sure if you read my stuff. I will say again that @Faerin definitely can inspire the imagination, as well as, have the best damn game.
As some don't like a long page of story, I will try my luck at the spoiler tabbing.......

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Of course after Clair's bedroom scene, I would add in the next of my scenario's. that would lock in the relationship.

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Now I know, that it would be inconceivable to make these in full, but it's possible to condense it down, to get a same effect.....Maybe. More later.................Peace!!
@jaydem your mind is beautiful when coming up with scenario's like this :eek: i normally don't like reading long paragraphs either, but with how well you write these scenes i don't even realize they are that long and then go "so where's the rest?" lol, and @Faerin is my favourite game maker on this site, hell that i have seen in the last few years

Also i like that you tied stalker girl mode into "Ginger" :p it would be even more amusing if we find out that she has actually been stalking the MC since she first heard about him from Claire though.

and i think that the MC actually saying that she shouldn't see him as a man instead of a son could be a viable option to let go of Claire as a sexual partner, but only if you don't want to go the harem route and only chose 1 of the other girls.
For example, if you only want to be with Veronica, you would need a way to let go of the other girls, for Claire, that Dr. Mathews email is the best way, for Ashley, perhaps you could make her believe she is actually a lesbian and then hook her up exclusively with Sophia, for Aby, you can make her the boss at Neon's slave, or even Officer Debby's slave.

And finally, for the Claire date, i don't know why, but i thought it would be kind of funny if it actually had a bad ending, like if Ashley see's them making out and goes crazy angry at both MC and Claire (because of her jealousy stat), thus ruining the date and making Clair email Dr. Mathews 1 more time, this time for a way to repair her and MC's relationship with Ashley, thus opening up a threesome route for MC, Claire and Ashley
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
your mind is beautiful when coming up with scenario's like this :eek: i normally don't like reading long paragraphs either, but with how well you write these scenes i don't even realize they are that long and then go so where's the rest? lol

Also i like that you tied stalker girl mode into "Ginger" :p it would be even more amusing if we find out that she has actually been stalking the MC since she first heard about him from Claire though.

and i think that the MC actually saying that she shouldn't see him as a man instead of a son could be a viable option to let go of Claire as a sexual partner, but only if you don't want to go the harem route and only chose 1 of the other girls.
For example, if you only want to be with Veronica, you would need a way to let go of the other girls, for Claire, that Dr. Mathews email is the best way, for Ashley, perhaps you could make her believe she is actually a lesbian and then hook her up exclusively with Sophia, for Aby, you can make her the boss at Neon's slave, or even Officer Debby's slave.

And finally, for the Claire date, i don't know why, but i thought it would be kind of funny if it actually had a bad ending, like if Ashley see's them making out and goes crazy angry at both MC and Claire (because of her jealousy stat), thus ruining the date and making Clair email Dr. Mathews 1 more time, this time for a way to repair her and MC's relationship with Ashley, thus opening up a threesome route for MC, Claire and Ashley
Thank you so much for your kind response, I usually have loads more, of those kinds of stories, floating around my head.
I thought you would probably like the tie-in story line, since your idea was pretty good.
I'm a momma's boy, by incest gameplay mostly, and definitely a harem whenever possible, and prefer That route most of all. If it becomes a choice, I most likely go for MILFS first........Just my pref, i guess.
But you do have a good thought on how to drop some relationships, if it were to come to that.
As for the date, remember that she'll be holding on to the ending picture.....could back bite later...Lol!!
Thanks so much for your reply Brother, I enjoyed it a lot.....................Peace!!
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