- Sep 27, 2018
- 270
- 376
I have the following lists:
[1,"Keep cool",0,"sanity",1,"conversation",1,"","","sanity",1,"","","","","conversation",-1,"","","",""]
Essentially the conversation list is made of [unique id], [conversation text], [cost], [good outcomes x3], [neutral outcomes x3], [bad outcomes x3].
The plan is for the player to start with the first 6 [cost 0] conversation options which will move into the Player list at the start of the game.
These will appear as menu choices the player can have with their kidnapper or discard to gain a conversation point.
If they select one of the choices or discard, it then gets moved over to the Spent list.
Non used conversation choices stay in the Player list for the next hour.
Once they end the hour the game then moves to a "buy" phase where the player can spend conversation points to buy other menu choices from the ones left in the Conversation list.
Once they have spent their conversation points the cards that had moved to the Spent list are then purchasable again at the end of the following hour.
I'm not worried with having lots of menu choices, I can manage this by splitting the menu into 2 and stacking the duplicates, but is this multidimensional list thing the best way to manage this?
I realise I just need to track the id's and not the whole list but I felt it would be easier for me to follow in the code and I can't see it being much overhead.
Player = []
Spent = []
Conversation = [[1,"Keep cool",0,"sanity",1,"conversation",1,"","","sanity",1,"","","","","conversation",-1,"","","",""]
[2,"Keep cool",0,"sanity",1,"conversation",1,"","","sanity",1,"","","","","conversation",-1,"","","",""]
[3,"Small talk",0,"conversation",3,"","","","","conversation",2,"","","","","conversation",1,"endhour",1,"",""]
[4,"Small talk",0,"conversation",3,"","","","","conversation",2,"","","","","conversation",1,"endhour",1,"",""]
[5,"What do you want?",0,"conversation",2,"flipdemand",1,"","","flipconversation",1,"","","","","sanity",-1,"","","",""]
[6,"What do you want?",0,"conversation",2,"flipdemand",1,"","","flipconversation",1,"","","","","sanity",-1,"","","",""]
[7,"What I mean is",1,"chancesnext",1,"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]
[8,"What I mean is",1,"chancesnext",1,"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]
[9,"It's all a misunderstanding",2,"conversation",4,"","","","","conversation",3,"sanity",-1,"","","sanity",-2,"endhour",1,"",""]
[10,"It's all a misunderstanding",2,"conversation",4,"","","","","conversation",3,"sanity",-1,"","","sanity",-2,"endhour",1,"",""]
[11,"You need to trust me",2,"oddshour",1,"","","","","oddsnext",1,"","","","","sanity",-1,"conversation",1,"",""]
[12,"You need to trust me",2,"oddshour",1,"","","","","oddsnext",1,"","","","","sanity",-1,"conversation",1,"",""]
[13,"Just stay calm",2,"sanity",2,"","","","","sanity",1,"","","","","sanity",-1,"endhour",1,"",""]
[14,"Just stay calm",2,"sanity",2,"","","","","sanity",1,"","","","","sanity",-1,"endhour",1,"",""]
[15,"We'll get through this",3,"eventgood",2,"","","","","sanity",1,"eventgood",1,"","","eventbad",1,"endhour",1,"",""]
[16,"We'll get through this",3,"eventgood",2,"","","","","sanity",1,"eventgood",1,"","","eventbad",1,"endhour",1,"",""]
[17,"Can we talk over here?",4,"conversation",2,"chancesnext",2,"","","chancesnext",2,"","","","","chancesnext",-1,"","","",""]
[18,"A bold lie",4,"conversation",1,"sanity",3,"","","conversation",1,"sanity",1,"","","sanity",-3,"","","",""]
[19,"Offer a empty promise",5,"chanceshour",2,"","","","","chanceshour",1,"","","","","remove",19,"","","",""]
[20,"Girls, over here",6,"eventgood",4,"endday",1,"endhour",1,"eventgood",3,"sanity",-3,"endhour",1,"eventbad",2,"sanity",-2,"endhour",1]
[21,"We can work this out",6,"eventgood",3,"sanity",-2,"endhour",1,"eventgood",2,"sanity",-2,"endhour",1,"eventbad",2,"sanity",-2,"endhour",1]
[22,"Take action",6,"eventgood",99,"endday",1,"endhour",1,"eventgood",2,"endday",1,"endhour",1,"eventbad",99,"endday",1,"endhour",1]]
Essentially the conversation list is made of [unique id], [conversation text], [cost], [good outcomes x3], [neutral outcomes x3], [bad outcomes x3].
The plan is for the player to start with the first 6 [cost 0] conversation options which will move into the Player list at the start of the game.
These will appear as menu choices the player can have with their kidnapper or discard to gain a conversation point.
If they select one of the choices or discard, it then gets moved over to the Spent list.
Non used conversation choices stay in the Player list for the next hour.
Once they end the hour the game then moves to a "buy" phase where the player can spend conversation points to buy other menu choices from the ones left in the Conversation list.
Once they have spent their conversation points the cards that had moved to the Spent list are then purchasable again at the end of the following hour.
I'm not worried with having lots of menu choices, I can manage this by splitting the menu into 2 and stacking the duplicates, but is this multidimensional list thing the best way to manage this?
I realise I just need to track the id's and not the whole list but I felt it would be easier for me to follow in the code and I can't see it being much overhead.
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