RPGM - Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession [v0.37c P2] [Abaddon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpg games. Gorgeous main character being a truly sexy woman. In this game is excellent animation of sex scenes, many possible main character paths. Manila Shaw is very hot policewoman :love:
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Was looking for a game where MC gets taken advantage of / cheats and the game delivered pretty well on that front. The characters are decent and animations are enjoyable.

    The main complaint would be being unable to skip animations. It gets really annoying, especially if you're the type to load the game and try alternative choices to see what happens.

    Can't say much about combat, cause I cheated my way through it all (I'm a story mode kinda guy).
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has some good CG art and decent scenes, but there's a painful gap of make-work between each one of them. Every day you have to manually change clothes, shower, file paperwork, drive to work, and go to bed. The process takes can take a full five minutes with cutscenes and walking and multiple days can go by without a H scene or story event of any interest. It's a completely avoidable problem, but sadly all the content of this game takes around an hour of slog to get to. Is that really worth it to you?
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I will not be prolific(bc usually my posts get warned and i lose the power to make reviews for a few weeks...and usually i write text-walls for the sake of giving hints and opinions...but it seems it's not something people/mods like it unless i praise even the dumbest game ever)

    This game is boring and a massive bunch of sad clichès.

    For the long version of my opinion check @TheGreatXanDamn's review

    Extra: I kinda feel this game is a fraud.

    The End.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is game is hard to play. The render quality of 3d images is high, but it fails as a game and as pornography. The most blatant offences are the pointless grind, needless hub world, and uncomfortable writing.

    First, by grind i am referring to two seperate problems. One, the tedious morning and evening routine that are unavoidable. These scenes offer no enjoyment, erotic or otherwise. To be clear, a majority of the play time you'll be taking showers, changing clothes, and commuting between locations. Effectively, you'll be experiencing a walking simulator. I'll come back to this in the third paragraph. The second reason that the game becomes a grind is rooted in what seems like an identity crisis. Unless you are losing the game often and making bad narrative choices there will be ZERO sex scenes. Which would be fine if this was a narrative focused game, but it's clearly not. A majority of the characterization amounts to the ramblings of demented people who have twisted internal monologues about filling everything with cum as an act of violence. Some conversations go so far as to say so directly . Sentances along the lines of "I want to fill you with my seed slut to show you that your pussy is worthless but still one that I would like to fuck. Your life worth is shown by my tainting you with cum" being the most gripping material. That would be totally forgiveable were this a porn game, but to reiterate there is a strong potential for no sex scenes to be encountered by the player. Even if you actively seek them out it takes about 5 hours to reach any vaginal sex scenes. The entire experience is a grind to nowhere.

    The use of an open hub world serves no purpose. There is only ever one or two interactable locations, but they are located on opposite sides of an empty map with as many as three consecutive loading screens between them. To add insult to injury many of these loading screens are complete with 5 second animation sequences. Much of the world could have been an enjoyable addition to your commuting time if there were exporation elements. Unfortunately the world is largely empty and asset flipped from the base RPG maker package seen in many Steam cash-grabs. This game would function much better rebuilt from the gound up as a visual novel but I'm not sure it would be worth the effort.

    I've already touched briefly on the dialogue so I won't go into too great of detail. However, I feel like I have to mention that there are frequent grammatical mistakes. Even when the grammar is correct, the wording is often awkward if read aloud. If i were to guess, basic proofreading was not part of the developement process.

    To summerize, this game competes with itself every step of the way and suffers for it. I feel like the scenes that shine the most are the infrequent developements in the investigations. Sadly, each of these scenes is immediately followed by brainless and unsatisfying softcore. Even these take an hour or two if gameplay to reach. I assume that the dev would rather be telling a story, but is tied to the platform of a porn game for monetary reasons. I look forward to their next project anyway, as I have a feeling they are just coming into their own as a writer. This game is a series of glimmers of inspiration that are buried in boring smut that left me flaccid.
  6. M
    5.00 star(s)


    Main downside: lengthy animations. Including taking the elevator.

    Deserves a [cheating] tag, though that is optional. In fact, a lot of the sex scenes are optional (hell, maybe even all of them), provided you win all the fights. Losing a fight generally results in a sex scene.

    You can choose who you have relationships with. Not all the guys are ugly. And unlike most games, not all the guys are complete perverts. So you can refrain from guys you find ugly or their behaviour unappealing if you want.

    You can cheat if you want. This game is starting to develop a focus on pregnancy.

    You can make her as slutty or as wholesome as you want tbh.

    Overall: 9.5/10

    Just needs quicker scenes. You have to wait a pretty long tine for a sex scene to finish.

    And also a map would be nice.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the DEEPEST RPG xxx I have ever encountered, many, many paths, choices MATTER, different reactions of the main character, decent combat system, and good sex scenes.
    Even if it needs a lot of polish, I recommend it for real, since it one of the best of this genre out there.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Hm really good game nearly every fetish of mine but not one of the best atm.

    - big tits
    - decent looking girl
    - much blackmailing
    - impregnation
    - old guys
    - some really hot ideas and outifts
    - hopefully there will be more scenes in her asian kimono outfit and her agent outfit. Sexbomb outfit is always welcome.

    - it’s too exhausting and annoying at some points:
    She can get fucked by plenty trained young guys but I am HOURS into the game and still can’t let old guys fuck her... I want to see Mr. Burke, Sensei, John Doe and the Black Rich father fuck her but still nothing happens hours into the game. Just teasing and getting fucked by cocky trained young guys...
    Its frustrating.
    - her face could have more character looks a bit bland
    - her hips and thighs could be curvier imo
    - some fights are too hard like with that Blood Moon girl
    - can’t skip animations earlier last two long for a simple animation pls let them skip ...
    - at the asian temple you can fight 3! Times in a row... makes no sense, you can’t win all + I don’t want to fight 24/7 I want to have sex! At best with old guys!
    edit: could get fucked by one old guy after about..4? 5? Hours into the game and plenty exhausting fight scenes.

    Got headaches of playing hours and fighting annoying fights

    If you avoid sex with the cocky young guys you don’t have sex at all HOURS into the game! And too much fighting!

    TOTALLY ANNOYING UNBALANCED FIGHT SCENES!!! Really far too many misses, too strong enemies, killed characters are alive when defeated, no chance to train the mc in the short duration between fights! only solution is to invest plenty of money into really good but fucking expensive stun guns.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an opinion. Not everyone will agree with me.

    Lasted about 5 minutes no joke.

    - 27 years old
    - Beautiful
    - Big breasted, I assume they are implants because of the shape
    - Non dating

    Little bit of stretch so far but that's fine.

    - Virgin

    NOPE, I'm out. I can not suspend my disbelief that far. If you want innocent then go younger. I can believe a senior in high school might be a virgin. Even in College you will find women who are virgins, but when you start looking at the factors such as her breast size, and overall beauty then you move into the improbable.

    Also RPGM is a negative...

    Renders are par for the course. Not bad, not good. Ugly fat male characters. Note average renders is a really low standard, everyone should be better than this.

    Writing is poor, but not horrible. Falls on tropes INSTANTLY.

    I can't take anymore. I didn't even made it to the plot of the game.

    There is no saving this game for me. Sad, because the topic of blackmail and sexual violence is interesting.

  10. 4.00 star(s)


    There are few games that effectively weave the choice of pregnancy into the storyline and have more content than a single birth scene. This alone puts this high on my watch list. However, the big problem in this area is that it givesy ou a fertility rating that is entirely misleading until you hit a certain cutscene. Why would it not simply tell you that using fertility treatments can't happen due to infertility. Look through the comments with how many people this system has confused.

    It has many common sins of RPG games - namely tasks that are not optional, highly repetitive, and only serve to pad the experience. It is hard to find someone the quest is telling you to speak with if they teleport to different areas and it doesn't tell you where those are.

    I did feel like I had a decent set of choices to make but the game sure makes certain paths more boring than they should be. I also wish there was a bit more of a sexy "ramp" in clothing. Your police uniform starts off incredibly tight and sexier than her casual clothes. The first sexy dress she gets is the most revealing thing for the rest of the game. I feel like most of my issues are relatively easy to fix.

    Gameplay -6/10
    Future Promise -9/10
    Art/Scenes -7/10
    (I consider 5/10 an average rating)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This game lost me before it even started.

    First the slow af dialogue that I don't care about because who gets invested in a character's slice of life before knowing said character? And you can't even skip it. Slogged through, thinking it'll be better once I know the MC.

    Then next comes the slow pictures. Fading in and out. Really? First time I saw it, my immediate response was to close all other application and a few background apps from task manager. It still didn't work.

    It never occurred to me that it's a deliberate feature.

    And so of course, being the idiot that I was, I look around a bit for a "fix". Things to make the game run smoother on an old PC. Guess what? The delay wasn't my computer being slow, the dev just thought it's a good idea to pad the game by literally slowing everything down to a crawl.

    Solid nope.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the porn game with the best story I've ever played. Lacks that the updates are faster and with more content, in addition to some porn scenes somewhat better. For the rest, it is a story that makes you think that you are living in reality as the protagonist, where you will have a good time of fun or despair for the situations of the protagonist, but that does not leave anyone indifferent.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    So after playing this game through this game I can tell you that this game loves wasting your time. You will spend most of your time looking at repeting animations(Shower Scene, Car Sequences, Elevators, you get the picture) and such and repeat the same cycle of filler until this game eventually decides to give you a little bit of the content you came for.

    The Plot is stupid if you really give it a thought, basically in the world of this game no woman can get pregnant(or at least almost none) except you, for whatever reason. The Antagonist of this game is actually the good guy who tries to find a "cure" and make woman become fertile again but the doesn´t care to explain that to anyone except his followers ofc.
    No matter which route you take, you´ll actively try to stop him - the only difference is that you can win/lose fights which at the end of the day, don´t really effect the outcome overall.

    - 3 Routes (Good Girl/Nice Cop, Corrupted and Blackmail)
    - (Sometimes) Exploring/Doing Sidequests allows for different choices
    - Avoidalbe scenes(If they are not for you´re liking)

    - A lot of filler(waiting for animations, doing the same stuff over and over)
    - Weird orgasm/cum sounds
    - Apparently everyone is a pervert/rapist
    - RPGM Fights that can take way to long
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Alright guys - I'm sorry, but this game really, really, annoyed me. Now I have played a lot of porn games before; I have disliked, hated a lot of them - but Manila Shaw managed to annoy me like no other.

    The thing is - this should be a game like I like - the renders are good, the story's intriguing, the animations are meh - it's not bad, you know? Solid 3,4 stars. But the gameplay - oh, the gameplay makes me SO ANGRY THAT I HAD TO TYPE IT IN ALL CAPS AND GIVE IT A -1.

    1.) You can't skip dialogue. Believe me, I have tried. A minor point, some would say, but this is only the first of many. It's frustrating, cause you'll be sitting there, pressing Enter key after Enter key, and image would fade out and a new image fades in - and the entire thing is SO SLOW THAT I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT. It's even more bothering mostly, you'll be traveling from one conversation to another - and watching the same scenes takes a toll on my body. (More on that later).

    2.) Everyone moves slowly. Even with the dash command on, it's just bearable.

    3.) Everything seems just so repetitive. Here's a few -

    3a) Every morning, Manila gets up and says she needs a shower. Now, I think it's a good thing that the dev cares about hygiene so much, but really? Every day? It's a game, man. The world isn't going to end.

    3b) Shower scene - A choice, everyday, for which shower scene you want to see. Really? What if I DON'T SHOWER?

    3c) The car - Every time anyone gets into the car - it takes three seconds for them to leave the FUCKING SCREEN, and three seconds to ENTER THE NEW ONE. EVERY DAMN TIME. And you'll be entering and leaving the car, MULTIPLE TIMES IN A DAY. I never thought I would grow sick of a car engine noise, but here I am.

    3d) Working - I don't know who the dev thinks I am - but please, please, please PLEASE, DON'T MAKE ME WORK IN A PORN GAME. AND IF YOU DO, MAKE IT QUICK, OKAY?

    And I can't take it, people. Really, I have seen this scene 5 days a week everyday. I have seen this scene more than any fucking porn in this game. PLEASE, SPARE ME - at least if I had a option to breeze through it - but no, you can't skip dialogue - and you have to watch this, everyday.

    3f) You have to go home, wear lingerie, come back to the TV, spend till midnight doing nothing, return to bed, for a day to end. That's five things that are completely unnecessary and serve no purpose whatsoever, and yet you do them every, fucking, day. I CAN'T TAKE IT.

    3g) Manila is environmentally conscious - I like that she switches off the lights when she leaves at night - but REALLY, after the rest of it all, it just grates on me. Just.... why ?

    3h) You can't cross screens unless you're on a sidewalk. Uh, WHY? IT'S NOT LIKE THERE ANY CARS RUNNING AROUND!

    4.) You can't save in image showing dialogue mode - which means you can't save just before a choice. Really?

    5.) I still can't make sense of the combat system - you equip martial arts? How does that work? (This is a minor gripe)

    I can't think of anymore at the moment, but I'll add it to the list if I do. While all these are minor things, that's why it bothers me the most - these are all minor problems. I have played RPGMX VX games before - none of them have these. The porn in this game is covered by a lot of padding - which is okay - but the quality of the padding is so bad that it sucks the fun out of the porn parts. It's just so.... SLOW and ANNOYING. Only the weekends are any fun. If the dev was going for realistic simulation of life, he has it. But ... why? WHY?

    Just fix the issues, or allow me to play the game at 3x speed, and I'll give it a 4 star rating. I'l go take my meds now. Peace out.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A promising game so far, as usual, it ends as it starts to get really interesting ;)
    It would be great if there could be a mechanic implanted to step back in the story and dialogs a bit. I am trying to play it a second time to try the corruption path and it is totally annoying, if you have to start from the last save point again, just because you hit enter one time too often :confused:
  16. Q
    5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games ever. Female protagonist with many routes makes for interesting decisions. Can't wait until the pregnancy switch is activated. Would be good if a future update allowed for Mnila to defeat J. Blue/Red Robin and their evil leader.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    One of better games on this site. I actually like RPGM format, at least it's a game instead of static visual novel. Manila's morning routine is quite boring, but besides that it's pretty much cinematic experience.

    1) It's corruption game from female perspective, which is my favourite. Many naughty scenes.
    2) Manila as character. I like her model, she's badass & has interesting proffession. I also love that she starts as virgin. Very few western games have this option. My only nitpick would be very revealing constumes since very beginning (especially red dress). It would be better if her taste would change along with corruption level.
    3) Character models in general. Very few female characters, but all of them look great. Also, it's a nice change that most of male characters are fit & good looking. I almost puke when I see all those fat ugly bastards & old hobos fucking hot babes and it's unfortunately standard in other corruption games.
    4) Story in general. I'm fed up with 'slice of life' kind of stories that go nowhere. Here we have plot, mistery and police theme.
    5) Witcher-like choice & consequence mechanics. It's amazing that every choice opens posibility of new unique scene or plotline in the future. There is more than pure or corrupted route & that motivates player to try every posibility. Kudos for virgin route option.

    1) Not enough narrative during sex scenes. I would like to see more descriptions & internal thoughts of Manila before, during & after sexual act. It's corruption game after all. We must see how Manila's perception of sex & feelings towards her abuser/blackmailer/sex partner changes as times go.
    2) Where is recollection room?
    3) Not enough save slots. With this game I have to save every 5 minute, becasue thare is many different routes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is shaping up to be the greatest RPGM games on here. You can see improvements in animation quality as the game shows signs of progress don't be thrown off by older reviews. The game starts with a virgin protagonist and you can be corrupt or just. You don't get game overs from losses. Eventually, there will be the option of prostitution. Who knows we may see a Renpy conversion one day.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I think if I had reviewed this game several months ago, I would have given it 1 or 2 stars, but the story is coming along nicely and there are a lot of things to like about this game.

    First of all, Manila is a bad ass and she can opt out of most of the situations. There are few drug induced moments where she has no idea what is happening, but for the most part she can control her own destiny. Also, the animation and pace has started to balance itself out and there are several enjoyable scenes.

    On the downside, and this has been said before, it is just way too repetitive in spots. The shower scene in the mornings, the speed of the transitions, the police station routines. There is also no way to replay the scenes.

    I am looking forward to future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Hugo Mungo Bass

    In a world (made by Abaddon) where everyone is searching for the ultimate individual in human kind Manila stands tall and shouts "Here i'm..Worship me.." One of my favorite gaming characters Manila has it all big tight boobs big tight ass and in general a body to die for not to mention the beautiful face and the expresions that she makes , simply gorgeous..

    Pros: 1) The character of Manila and all the above..
    2) The lack of other female charaters and that means more content with Manila only..In a world full of meat sticks Manila will catch them all..
    3) The story is very good and the kind superhero elements here and there are good too..
    4) The pregnacy mode that the creator planning to implement in the game is intriguing to say the least..

    Cons: 1) The early animations of the game..Indeed the creator did a great job with the latest anim but the early game is lost forever (or Abaddon will surprice one more time and remake them too ) :p
    2) The mistakes in the dialog..Is only logical when English is not your native language but is distracting non the less..

    Thats all..The game is awesome and Manila fucking HOT HOT HOT(y)(y)