RPGM - Mansion of Lust [v1 Fix3] [Leocid2]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The animations are good, the story is intresting, graphics are good (I love those huge tits and fat asses).
    It has a good amount of conted.
    My gripe comes from 2 sides, one is that there are no map to atleast figure where are you and second there is no journal to know exactly what to do. and a bonus is that to enter the phone you have to roght click insted of like any other rpgm with the "esc".
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Some nice art and animations, marred by horrendous game design. This is an example of a dev that neither plays games nor respects his players' time. It's essentially a dev experimenting and throwing things in, like a running real time schedule, a phone menu, etc.

    Also not really sure what the fetishes are for this. Really not worth your time, skip it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    I really like all the characters, their models, and the animations... too bad the gameplay makes it really fucking hard to see these scenes.

    First off, the (normal) menu is disabled and instead gives you a phone menu that you have to open with right click (yeah, so obvious that it doesn't even appear in the tutorial it gave). While obtuse and broken, it's not the worst I have seen. It's got a fast travel system, a relationship screen, and a load option... but no save option.

    Like really, what good does it makes to limit when and where you can save?
    Not that there's any challenge besides walking around, nor does it affect the progress of the game. It's natural that players want to see different outcomes, why makes it such a hassle that you can only save in your room? While there exists a fast travel, it's still so finicky that it makes you wonder "why can't I just save right away"

    Yeah, the place is huge as shit, if you wanna walk, you'll be spending the entire year of your life wondering where the hell you should go next because the navigation sucks dick. Since the fast travel only takes you to main locations, it doesn't help you with specific locations like someone's room, or the freaking hallway where they work.

    Why isn't the objective screen tied to the phone menu, really? Do I have to go back to the room everytime I made progress and had no idea where I'm suppose go or what to do. The hints it give you is stupidly vague as well "I need see Wendy for the key to the pool." Well smart guy, I have several questions like where's Wendy and when should I go find her so she doesn't greet me with generic dialogue like "the weather is nice"

    This isn't because the developer has ESL, this is a fundamentally bad navigation if I can't find her even with fast travel. Especially whn the "objectives" could easily be a quest menu than something you need to see at a freaking desk!

    All of this is worsen by the fact that most of the events are randomized, meaning that there's no specific schedule that characters follow, or where they go during the day exactly that you can keep track of, and the time keeps flowing, so the characters keep changing where they go before you can even walk there while you grasp the directions.

    Yeah, there's a real time flow, each minute is one hour in this game like how it works in Last Hope, but crappier. This sucks so much that I wish the developer wouldn't bother designing such of bullcrap system and instead just opted for "each event passes the time" like the other games did.

    Sure, it's an alpha, but the development started since Sep 2022 to the time writing, Nov 2023. That's entire year and 2 months to fix these fundamental problems I should mention, it's awful how the developer thinks nothing of the design and kept it all the way to how it is now. Which disappoints me, since this could've been a really good game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    This game is the epitome of crap gameplay.
    A huge amount of time is spent on completely stupid walking around an empty mansion.
    There are no hints on what to do, sometimes the characters say where to go, but where exactly this place is is unknown, the map are in the game or not, or it is blocked, It’s not clear, without it you have to run around a huge location in search of “something”.
    I understood how to load the game, but I still don’t understand how to save it. :ROFLMAO:
    In any case, the implementation is disgusting, the game does not bring positive emotions at all,It's difficult and unpleasant to play. :sick:
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential. It features well-crafted sex scenes, appealing character models, and an intriguing storyline. However, the overall design leaves much to be desired, to be honest. There are notable bugs that hinder player interaction, especially in scenes involving the character Nadia. It's quite bizarre to encounter duplicate Nadias in her room, but it's understandable that this is a bug.

    One significant drawback is the limited ability to visit your room – where you can save progress and view objectives – only at certain points in the day. This restriction can be quite frustrating for players who prefer more freedom in managing these aspects of the game.

    Given these issues, I would recommend the developer to consider a fresh start. A remake of the game with improved design could potentially address these bugs and enhance the overall user experience. Starting afresh might allow for a more polished and seamless gameplay environment, ensuring that players can fully enjoy the engaging elements the game has to offer. I hope the developer takes this feedback into consideration for future updates or developments.

    For my Spanish speakers -

    Este juego tiene mucho potencial. Presenta escenas de sexo bien elaboradas, modelos de personajes atractivos y una historia intrigante. Sin embargo, el diseño general deja mucho que desear, para ser honesto. Hay errores notables que dificultan la interacción del jugador, especialmente en escenas con el personaje Nadia. Es bastante extraño encontrarse con duplicados de Nadia en su habitación, pero se entiende que es un error.

    Una desventaja significativa es la limitación para visitar tu habitación, donde puedes guardar el progreso y ver los objetivos, solo en ciertos momentos del día. Esta restricción puede resultar bastante frustrante para los jugadores que prefieren tener más libertad para gestionar estos aspectos del juego.

    Dado estos problemas, recomendaría al desarrollador considerar un nuevo comienzo. Un remake del juego con un diseño mejorado podría abordar estos errores y mejorar la experiencia general del usuario. Empezar de nuevo podría permitir un entorno de juego más pulido y sin problemas, asegurando que los jugadores puedan disfrutar plenamente de los elementos atractivos que el juego tiene para ofrecer. Espero que el desarrollador tome en cuenta estos comentarios para futuras actualizaciones o desarrollos.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5083671

    Utter garbage. RPGM game that crashes every 2 seconds and there's no clear indication of what you're supposed to click on to move to the next area because sometimes there's a glowing dot and sometimes there's not. I played both other games from the dev and while I like his art; he never finishes games and I have no doubt this will never be anything more than a buggy, incomplete mess.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I like this game because of the characters, and the family history.
    The characters remind me of NLT, but the difference is this Dev is professional, because his games don't have bugs, and when they do they are repaired immediately, in addition to the stories of the games that are engaging.
    90% of Mansion of Lust is walking around the house without any action.
    There are bugs that don't let you interact with the character (eg Nadia) where in her room there are 2 duplicate Nadias.
    No offense but I think Dev is amateur , or they have no imagination
    I wait for the game to end (if it does) and then download.
    I gave 2 stars just for the characters, otherwise I would only give one
    I'm glad I'm not subscribed to this Dev's Patreon otherwise I would waste time and money
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I would give half star if I can. The only good things in this games are women models (most of them) they are pretty hot and animations are not too great but also not terrible. Mansion is to big, 2/3 of the game I spend on running all around. Yes, there is a fast travel option, but it doesn't help much. This is 3rd game of this developer and still there is a lot of bugs, sometimes only loading previous save will help. Hints about game progression are sometimes confusing and I spend too much time searching for place where I can progress story. This is v6(?) and there is very few scenes/content, development is slow. I was more bored than entertained while playing this game.
    I strongly recommend to not play this game, unless you have a LOT of free time and very desperate. I personally will return when game is (and if) completed.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    As other reviewers have already pointed out: This game has horrible game design.

    You can only visit your room (save, view objectives/progess) at certain points of the day.
    With that said there is no way of knowing what you are supposed to do next as the NPC dialogue is vague and cuts off.
    Walking simulator makes it much worse since you have no idea where to go or what to do & the maps are big so have fun!

    The animations are the bait, better to just rip & view.
    Dev needs to stop this game and start from scratch after learning alot more.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Connie Nikas

    Version Alpha 4
    I really couldn't make it too far into this game because of the awful game design (there is no way in hell to guess where your supposed to go half the time in a fucking enormous mansion), then somewhat thankfully the game broke and i couldn't leave a room so I had no desire to continue playing it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    8/10 models
    0/10 game design

    The game has only just started, and I have no idea what I am supposed to do. The broken english certainly doesn't help, but even worse is the completely dark and disorienting mansion where you can go up stairs, but to go back down you have to go all the way around the corridors to the other stairs. The hallways also make no sense and many doors lead nowhere.
    3d models look awesome though (except MC) and are the saving grace from getting one star.