VN - Others - Completed - Marshmallow All the Way Home [Final] [Marmalade]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been a fan of Marmalade since I played Study and Steady, so seeing more games like Primal Hearts, and Marshmallow localized, is such a bless to me, kudos to Shiravune.
    What made me love Marmalade and especially this game is how they write the characters and MC, and honestly, out of their games, this game's MC is probably my favorite, he's gigachad and know how to handle things. Marmalade H-scene is also godlike, I love VN who have sex SFX and this game have it lol.
    Also, they have a sprite viewer where you can literally edit the text, use different clothes, etc which is cool tbh
    The only downside of this game is that there's no J.C. route :(