Unity - Abandoned - Master Breeder [v0.75] [Tadtoons]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Its just not very good..

    Place holder art, no reason to "breed" anything, randomly resets, no variations.

    Overall, its something that could be put together in a few weeks, however I believe I saw this for the first time months ago.

    The dev clearly believes this is going to become amazing with words like "This is the first of what I hopewill be the flagship to the Master Breeder series".

    However, at this point, the game is little more than a gallery (Which is funny, because currently, the gallery is unavailable).
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Just gonna copy the review I left on the Itch page a while back, including the edit I made at the time:

    Oof, jank. Jankety jank jank. Buggy, glitchy, simple, full of placeholders like GIFs stretched to fill the whole screen, ick.

    I have a hard time suggesting this one, you don't even get to see the cows pregnant, or get to milk them or anything, it's just RNG breeding and spamming the same two buttons in hopes of increasing your RNG luck more.

    Would've still given it a 3 star rating, but the dev abandoned the game, so no thank you.

    EDIT: forgot to mention the funniest part: literally 100% of the game's completed content is there in the game's thumbnail, those three cows. They just stand there while you click the overblown GIF button again and again, heh.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice base for a game, the ground work is there and all it need is a few ease of life improvement (Skip animations option, time speedup, ect) and the addition of new characters and animations. It is very basic and that is all it needs to be. The game is good.
    Review made during v0.75
    \/\/\/\/Review rule break\/\/\/\/
    I think it would be cool if it turns out to be like a clicker style of game although only time will tell.