See I told you dev, as I mentioned earlier, this guy is a type of person who expects everything to align with his own vision. He doesn't comprehend the complexities involved in game development, focusing solely on the negatives while failing to appreciate the positive aspects of the developer's work. It's amusing to think that if he were to read the Bible, he might exclaim, 'How can Jesus Christ resurrect the dead? That's unrealistic, this book is rubbish!'
Bro, this is just a PORN GAME, it's not meant to be a depiction of REALITY. I would suggest you to try creating a game yourself. I would be interested in pointing out the 'UNREALISTIC' elements of your game

. But, let's be honest, you are probably not capable of that. your expertise seems to lie in bitching others, which is quite laughable
See, even a minor typographical error seems to be of immense importance to him, as if that alone validates his argument or some shit

That's next level of sadge copium right there