Unity - Completed - Master of the House [v3.0] [Qui3tDog]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun, short, and simple with some solid pixel art animations, the gameplay loop is enjoyable, not too difficult, and changes up slightly with each girl. Overall it's an enjoyable experience and it'd be nice to see more like this.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has good art and a decent premise (reverse tower defense using monsters to save trapped maidens), but suffers horribly in the game balance.

    The primary element of a tower defense is supposed to be strategy, with the player combining different units with different strengths to overcome specific enemy patterns. This is part of the charm, as there is a puzzle element to every level on top of strategic leveling.

    In this game, there is next to none of that, for the following reasons:
    • You are not told what each of your units can do, you need to infer it from context or level them enough to have them survive long enough to do something that you can observe in a round.
    • Some units are intrinsically superior to others, so there is no benefit to leveling more than one unit type per level.
    • You have to manually click each lane and unit type in real time during a round, meaning it is next to impossible to construct formations reliably.
    • The exp used to level your units comes primarily from units doing damage to enemies. What this means is that the first 1-8 rounds of a level will have you accomplishing exactly nothing and only getting exp from your units dying. Once your units do finally do damage, you have so much exp that you can make them overpowered, instantly skipping any strategy that the level might have offered.
    • Some upgrade paths can break your units and make them nonfunctional. For example, upgrading the plant attack speed enough in the second level can make them just stop attacking. This is clearly a bug and can kill a run.
    Since the goal of this game is the h-animations (which are admittedly very good), your goal as a player is to beat a level in less than 20 rounds (i.e. save the princess and unlock the sex scene with her). Below is the strategy to do so for those who might be frustrated:
    1. For each turn, you will use exactly one unit type and will spread them out evenly between lanes, clicking lane 1,2,3 then 1,2,3 again etc. Space them out so that the few ranged piercing enemies can't instantly vanish a group of your units (i.e. stage 2).
    2. You will level only one unit for the first 8 rounds or so, so figure out which one does ranged attacks and level their stats as well as the number of units, with the goal of getting at least one of them to attack before dying. Once your units start actually attacking, you will get so much exp that you will win within the next few rounds.
    Given that this game was free, I would say I enjoyed the hour I spent on it. I do however think that it could be made into a substantially better experience given a bit of balance, polish, and maybe a few more heroin scenes for the trouble.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 6/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 8/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 7/10

    Rescue your maids, do it fast for sexy bonus time!

    Kind of like a town defense game, where you are the attacker. Using monster forces to repeatedly attack the defending ones, earning exp to spend on upgrades for your units, and then sending them back out to die again. "Throw yourself against them if you have to! I need me pixel maid pussy!"

    Beat the basic rescue and you get to watch the maid fucked by a monster, but defeat the path in less than 20 turns and you can also pork your maids. 4 in total, a red head, a blond, a black woman, and the weird one. Red head has the best monster sex animation being porked by a slime, but the weird one has the best secret animation. Thigh highs for the win!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Agree with the fact that at times its kinda boring grind with almost no explanation about what unit does what.

    The pixel art looks good and the gameplay needs to he improved to be worth the time, nut It should be good in a few versions if you are into this type of gamesa.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    kinda boring grind with barely any explanation about what unit does what.
    remind me of another one where you had to summon slime to catch a priestess in a level with glitchy IA.

    starting from level 2 the map is full of tower that one shot your entire pack no matter how much hp increase you take it seem, so you are stuck to grind 20xp at a time until you get enough speed to ignore the mechanics ...

    pixel art is fine, too bad the gameplay isn't worth the time, it seem gallery start fully unlock so at least that save time.