VN - Ren'Py - Masters of the Ring [v0.2 Ep.2 Part 1] [NSFW Gamer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    A. Dark

    The previous game called "Natural Selection Female Wrestling" was also a great game.. The only problem in these games is that the girls are already extremely slutty.. This does not lead to intense moments in the sharing/swinging section.. Cuz the game just becomes brainless cuck simulator.. It would have been a ton better if the girls resisted or the mc had to corrupt them for the sharing scenes..

    I'm only giving 5 stars rather than 3 stars is because this game needs more recognition.. And I hope the devs add force/blackmail/corruption to the sharing scenes..
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed NSFW a lot, and was excited for the story to continue, but.. I have to say I think the direction the devs took the story was a mistake. The return of your dad? Having the first chapter of this be only about him? Kind of flies in the face of the harem aspect of the game, and takes the focus away from the MC.

    Personally, the last thing I want to see is my characters dad fucking a bunch of people. I ended up pretty much skipping through the entire island chapter because I just have zero interest in the character. I mean, say what you will, but there's a reason that the "dad" character in games like this never comes back. Having him in the picture just kind of spoils the whole atmosphere to me.

    I'm not sure I'll even continue playing the game at this point, to be honest, so I can't give it more than 2 stars.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    English is not my main language, but I hope you understand. This is my first review(second try).
    Until half(?) of the version [v0.2 Ep.2 Part 1]


    A lot of sex.


    Models: Some look good, like the main girl from the island, and some look terrible, like MC Mother.



    I didn't find it.


    Father: Asshole( very despicable and hateful ). He can have fun with the people of the island for 3 years, instead of going back home at least one month after the accident, but his family shouldn't recover from his “death” and starts to have fun, which is a little hypocritical. If you think about it.

    MC: Almost non-existent.

    Girls: Every girl, except the one that helped the father (she was a great woman who showed empathy and was very likeable), is a slut from the start.

    Most characters don't have personalities; they are just there to fill the sex role. The Main island girl and the father are the only ones who have shown something until now.


    Can't say, played mute.


    Nothing related to the NSFW, is basically showing how the father is an asshole who ignored his family when he was needed; both families came together, and now if anyone is horny, you have a sex scene. This is the type of game where the story is almost non-existent, just to watch sex. If you are into it, you might like it. Otherwise, stay away.

    If I miss the point of the "story" and misunderstand something, my bad, otherwise that's it!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this game sits right between NSFW and MotI and continues the story between the time cap,
    it has a lot of story and untypical for his games it gets quite emotional this time.

    it also does look good for a game made in Koikatsu.
    i do like his games, they are easy to read and have lots of lewds.