Ren'Py - Max's Life [Ch. 5 v0.54] [Kuggazer]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Holy shit I've never seen a sandbox game with such a piss poor navigation system. Simply moving room to room is a huge pain in the ass. For this alone I would say the game is bad, but it also has really dated visuals, fragmented English and grammar errors. This means that simply playing the game is a chore. Also, there's no gallery system and the game is grindy so you will have to grind tedious scenes to unlock stuff. While the stuff you unlock is nice and the themes and everything are cool, simply unlocking it is horrendous. Also, saves don't carry over between chapters so you're grinding for choices that are just wiped in the next chapter anyways. While the girls look fine for an older honey select game, the absolute SLOG to get to the scenes and girls is simply not worth it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I have seen this AVN for nearly a year but always gave it a pass as HS is not my favorite style. But after starting and playing all content and watched as the characters became better looking with each version. Story is well written, has good flow, humor is mixed in well with the story. I really like the fact that you can turn on or off certain elements of the story. Thank you for that option! I am greatly looking forward to the next installment of this story.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is linear game pointlessly locked behind an open world.
    Basically there is a sequence of "key scenes". Said key scenes involve one or several characters. To access the key scene you need to see *every* scene of *every* related character. After you've seen the key scene - new scenes will unlock for some characters, that you'll need to see next in order to see next key scene.
    Problem? There is no logic in this process. You can fuck all three girls in the house in all holes in every room, but until you get bj from one of them in random toilet scene - you won't be able to progress with any character. Not with any of those three - with ANY character in the game. Because progression is linear, events unlock one after another, follow the walkthrough.
    This kills all the joy that you can get from the game. There are hot girls here, and the story is decent, but you can't enjoy it on your own terms and you can't just enjoy the ride. You have to constantly check for instructions.
    If it were a simple linear VN or proper "go wherever" open world - it would've been great. As it is - i couldn't finish it and can't recommend it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    very good,i love this game!
    it contains lots of hot scenes!
    i hope that grandpa in this game has lots of scenes!
    rita and grandpa!
    mom and grandpa!
    alisia and grandpa!
    and so on!
    rita will make lots of hot movies!it contains grandpa!
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience

    I’ve been holding on reviewing this game for a while, because it’s quite difficult to cover everything. I figured the best (and longest) way to tackle this is to start off with generalizations that apply to the whole game, and then make separate sections addressing each chapter.

    General Points:

    The game covers the life of Max, from his sex awakening in his youth, to a grown businessman. The plot is nothing to write home about, as this is very much a fuckfest kind of game. The general structure consists of: Max meets a girl -> girl is in trouble -> Max helps said girl -> gets laid as a reward. The exception to this is Max’s family members, whose corruption is slower and more satisfactory.

    The game follows a sandbox structure, but there is barely any grinding. However, you cannot avoid any girls. The game will offer a few storylines to progress, but you will have to finish them all to unlock the next batch of progression options.

    The huge cast of LIs is a double-edged sword: on one hand, the game does a fantastic job of having a girl to cater to just about any taste. On another hand, the only girls that consistently get content are Max’s family members. If there’s another girl outside of that circle that you enjoy, you will be waiting for content for a while.

    Now, to finally address the elephant in the room: the NTR. Let me start by saying I’ll be using the term “NTR” because the game itself uses it. Whether or not this game has NTR at all is debatable, depending on one’s own definition. What’s featured here is most definitely sharing though. The game has an “NTR switch”, which enables or disables the sharing content. Therefore, sharing is optional, but eventually it takes over as the focal point of the game. We’ll get to that.

    CH 1:

    Chapter 1 got a remake, and a damn good one at that. This is the whole “coming of age” arc, as Max starts his sexual endeavors. Here, the cast of characters are small enough that each girl is memorable, and the family members are still on their slow burn phase. The graphics are pretty good for a HS game, the character models are great, and there’s a few custom animations to make the sex scenes stand out. The dev also makes great use of different camera angles for the sex scenes (this remains true for the whole game).

    As for the handling of NTR, this part does it very well. Sharing scenes are mainly for the less important LIs. Each sharing scene always has a non-sharing counterpart, and you can choose between the 2 versions even if you have NTR enabled. So, if there’s a particular girl you don’t mind sharing, but another you want to keep exclusive, you can (this remains true for CH 1 – CH 3).

    CH 1 is a great experience, highly recommended.

    Score: 5/5

    CH 2:

    Ch. 2 really shows why Ch. 1 needed a remake in the first place. It looks bad, it’s very buggy and there’s no hints, so a walkthrough is pretty much required. There was a time skip, so the girls went through redesigns that look substantially worse. There are no custom animations, and the sex scenes auto-play even if you don’t click anything.

    I’ve met 2 progression-halting bugs. The first one I could circumvent, but the second one I couldn’t do anything about, and I had to skip the chapter. It’s a shame too, because story-wise, the most important moments happen here, but I had to watch them from a gallery…

    Score: 1/5

    CH. 3:

    This is more in line with Ch. 1. Girls went through another redesign, which look much better than Ch. 2. The renders and animations are good again, there are clear hints for progression, and not many bugs that I can recall.

    While Ch. 3 is pretty good, and still focuses mostly on Max, it plants a lot of controversial seeds. With the climax of the story done in Ch.2, with Max having sex with his whole family, it seems the dev wanted to do a “soft restart”. New family members get introduced and move in with Max. These are an aunt, her son and daughter. The girls represent another couple family members to go through the same corruption process the others went, while the cousin Steve is meant to go though the same “coming of age” arc Max did, and Max is placed in a “mentor” role. While Steve is a likable enough guy, shy and inexperienced at first, his introduction predictably leads to much of the controversy regarding the NTR vs non-NTR debate surrounding this game.

    Score: 4/5

    Ch. 4:

    Visually, and technically, its not too different from Ch.3. Characters look great, sex scenes are great. What ramped up significantly was the depravity factor, for better or worse.

    This is where I argue the game stopped being a harem game with NTR elements to becoming an NTR game struggling to keep the vanilla fanbase happy.

    While up to Ch.3, the game squarely focused on Max, in here it seems most of the new developments are supposed to happen to Steve. Some developments already happened between Steve and his mom in Ch.3, but here Steve is just out to fuck Max’s whole family (with his consent; like I said, it’s sharing). The supposed main draw of the plot is less about what Max is doing and more about “when is Steve going to fuck X family member?”.

    To further back up the point, the game no longer allows you to choose which version of the scene you want to see. If you have NTR enabled, you will automatically share everyone. That is because there are elaborate plotlines dedicated to Steve and who he fucks, so maintaining continuity while juggling between the 2 modes would be very difficult. Also, not every NTR scene has a vanilla counterpart anymore. For the non-NTR version, most of the NTR scenes are just cut, meaning the NTR path simply has more content.

    All of this makes the non-sharing path feel very much like an awkward, stitched together edit of the full game (the NTR version). Things often bleed through, with girls getting very touchy with other dudes while naked, plus a handful of obvious cuts where the NTR event is supposed to happen.

    More important than any of this is the fact that if you’re not experiencing Steve’s sexual conquests, there’s not much going on with Max. He’s just having the same sex with the same girls he always has. The sex scenes grow stale, and for a fuckfest game like this, it’s a big problem.

    Score: 3/5

    Ch. 5:

    Ch. 5 seems to be the final one, and it’s mostly about closure. Max is running around trying to make all his many sex friends feel special, which does lead to some sweet moments. But once again, same girls, same sex. Meanwhile, Steve and now Max’s own grandpa are turning the whole family into a free-for-all orgy. While I think Max’s handling here is a bit better than it was on Ch.4, pretty much everything still applies, and fatigue of a very long game has set in.

    Score: 3/5


    I really didn’t mean to write a “sharing bad” kind of review, but I feel a solid chunk of your enjoyment will ride on that. Ultimately, apart from chapter 2, this is a good, mindless fap game. It looks good, models are great, lots of women variety, and tons of sex. The staleness problem towards the end should be less of an issue if you get excited by the sharing stuff.

    Avg. Score: 3.2/5
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    When I first started playing this game I thought it was really good. I really like the games with harem and incest tags even though there are a lot of them out there. The grind wasn't too bad compared to other games that I've played over the years. The models in the first couple of chapters were really good and the animations were ok but not the best compared to other ones I've seen. Those are the only good things about this game.

    Unfortunately, the patrons have dictated the direction of the game over the latest chapters with the whole swinging/sharing and ntr garbage. What's the point of making a "harem" game with "incest" if the plot of the game starts to force those types of scenarios onto the player. Plus, it seems like the dev doesn't know which direction to point the game in. Adding a bunch of unnecessary plot points just to build up the game and play time seems like a waste of development. The plot getting a drastic change very quickly will turn a lot of players away from the game.

    Being able to make the family more perverse and having "fun" with them was the selling point for me to start playing the game. Now that other factors have been added with forced tags is a major turnoff.

    Some of the plots such as the whole Mr. Panties were pretty disturbing. Forcing the MC to either get the panties or asking to "share" his mom in a "harem" game was unnecessary. If getting the panties was for the MC's enjoyment only then it wouldn't have been too bad. Getting called a pervert by the LI's with teasing would have been ok.

    Maybe one day the game might go back to the original roots that made it one of the better VN's out there, but I seriously doubt it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Update 20.01.2024:
    Changed the stars from 3/5 to 2/5, because in chapter 4 there are even multiple scenes where other guys jerk off behind your character while you have sex with girls, and your ugly nerd cousin Steve is constantly having his hands on your girls, even though NTR is turned off.

    Original Review:

    Oh boy, this game could've been a 5/5 so easily, it has the potential to be one of the best adult games ever made. That is due to a kinda interesting open world, tons of girls, a "story" that is fun (you work yourself up and get richer, buy businesses and stuff, which makes you feel like really going somewhere) and lots of great ideas by the dev (for instance, you teach a female class about sexuality and you can imagine where this leads to. Lots of cool ideas and different places with different things).

    But.. there are many things that keep the game down. First and foremost, the open world isn't really "open". You often can only chase 2-3 different paths at once, everything else is hardlocked behind progress on these paths. But this works against the idea of an open world.

    I could understand if some major events were locked behind some sort of overall progress, but here it's really constantly like this.

    Then this game falls for the usual trap: Tedious tasks with 0 gamplay value. To be fair, it's not exaggerated here like in other games, and it doesn't feel grindy often, but still you'll find yourself walking to stores buying items, or visiting the same girl 3 days in a row and see nothing really new in order to progress with her story.

    But often you'll also have a hard time figuring out how to progress, and the ingame hint system often is useless. It should actually tell you what to do, and not give you hints that you already got by dialogues.

    So if Jennifer says to me "I lost my ring at a place between X and Y", the hint system should tell where that place is, and not repeat the same info.

    Often you'll have to search this thread on F95 to find out what to do next, and you'll also be constantly looking into the guide. Not as much as in other games again, but often enough to be annoying.

    I can't stress this enough: Good game design is when you DON'T need a walkthrough to play a game. Everything should be designed that it comes naturally while playing.

    Next thing that drags the game down is, that a lot of sex scenes are the basic one from the Illusion game that was used for making this game, and they're being recycled too often. Luckily, in chapter 3, there's a bit more of custom scenes (as it appears), but still they only make up like 20%. I would have loved to see more own ideas, since the world and the places and different girls give sooo much room for fantasy. Potential is being wasted a lot here by the same sex positions over and over again.

    Then, the dev does also two mistakes that most adult game devs make:

    1. After ejaculation you'll be faced with a static image instead of the animation keep going, this is a huge turnoff

    2. Many sex scenes are wasted by close up shots on the dick how it goes into the pussy. That always erases the complete personality of the characters having sex. You could literally take any of the other 100000 games and watch a scene with a dick into a pussy and the only difference is the artstyle.

    Good shots show at least the female partner, her body movements and her facial expression. Lots of wasted potential again.

    Chapter 2 isn't reworked yet, so after you finished chapter 1, which is great, you'll have to torture yourself through the chapter 2 with less good graphics, no ingame hint system, laggs when you go to sleep for the next day to occur and some game-breaking bugs that you can only solve by downloading hotfixes that are somewhere hidden within the 779 pages of this thread here and by uploading your savegame to online save game changer for renpy and manually editing missing corruption points, that the game just doesn't give you.

    And some events trigger randomly and then only on day X, but are required to move on, so you'll find yourself grinding through weeks and hope for the random event to occur. Or save right before it and reloading a couple of times.

    Last but not least, the game forces more and more voyerism to you, as you find yourself more and more often in sex scenes where other men are watching you fucking girls standing next to you. I even had a scene where I had to fuck a girl with a black guy together despite that I have turned NTR off.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    First half of the first chapter was really fun to play until I got to go to prison. Prison time seemed rushed, without passion, as if it needed to be pushed out to complete the first chapter. It consisted mostly of transitions, missed content and fun.

    Second chapter introduced a new UI that´s unnecessarily complicated, fonts that can only be read on a 4K Display (tablet: small white font with red outlines on white background, but providing important infos). It´s missing a hint system and is lagging (2 seconds on my laptop).

    That´s why I never even made it past the prologue.
    Animations took a step back, not forward, they feel cleaned up, not to show any interesting details anymore (no wet pussies, no creampies, no juices).
    Biggest turnoff: you can´t click forward during animations. You´re forced to watch those clips in full length to be able to advance. NO GO!

    Conclusion: Started really strong and then plummeted down like the stock exchange prices on black friday back in those days.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    Story is bland and the writting is ok, sandbox is boring and you cant do things in the way you like since buying stuff is locked untill you reach the story part that unlocks it, those things i could deal with though dont even mind a grind but having to visit some old ugly milf with huge saggy tits to make money no just no, also i cant deal with is the lack of choices and freedom, slap a kinetic tag on since thats really what it is.

    You cant pick who to fuck, if you want to progress the story you have to fuck everyone and maan i hate forced LIs i just cant have it, that also why i never play kinetic which is a tag this game should have to warn people that you have no choices when it comes to importen stuff like relationships.

    So expect a full blown fuckfest game with 0 relationship build up, 0 romance just a pure pointless and mindless porn game, where you never get to feel any emotions for any LIs.

    And dont expect it to be NTR free even if its turned off, multiple girls will still do lesbian stuff without MC being there anything from licking to strap-on so yeah not anywhere close to NTR off, you even agree to share a LI with anoter girl.

    You need to be into young/old/tin/fat/ugly/small tits/huge saggy pretty much everything, dont know how many people likes all but i sure dont, i hate big tits with a passion and having them forced on you and having to fuck somone with that is just a no go for me, game only becomes a huge turn-off constantly which is a pretty idiotic thing for a AVN/Porn game, also know that fetishes will also be forced on you, like feet,lactation, BDSM and so on, so you truely need to like everything in this game to play it.

    Why not give people the choice instend, its no hard just add a freaking yes/no button and change a bit of text so it shows you dident fuck em... sure its a bit more work but then game would then be for all instend of the few.

    As for virgin fans just forget it, theres no deflowering, no pain, no blood, no nothing its pure and simple a normal sex scenes where they just put in the word virgin, absolutly nothing to come for.

    Girls 4/5
    Girls looks pretty good and there is a good diversity in builds as well, to bad all of them are forced on you, but that dosent change that they look good.

    Animations 4/5
    They are pretty good for this type of character style.

    Music 0/5
    There is none.

    Choices 0/5
    Forced relationships/LIs, store items are locked to follow a kinetic story like you cant buy the dress you might like for the sister but forced to buy em in order once story reach the point.

    Sandbox 1/5
    Its the worst kind where you have 0 freedom due to questlines being tied together so you cant progress story without doing them all, so you cant skip someone that way either if you hate the LI really awefull setup, the grind is easy and moving around could be a little better like theres no mini map to go to diffrent rooms, have to click your way there.

    If you had choices in this game it would be 4 maybe even close to a 5 star game but without them its just no good.
    For me to play it as it is now i had to use fast skip (ctrl) to get past so many forced scenes which ruins the hole story as well.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked the variation the game has to offer in girls , not all of them feel same dialogue and looks wise so that is really nice

    Did not understand some of the pacing in the plot earlier but that gets fixed later on so that's not really a issue.

    Lots of content though , huge props for that.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a game that provides you with a good time. Nothing more, nothing less.
    The story is basic and cliche but that's fine it's not pretending to be anything else than what it is.
    There's no "real choices" here with consequences. Every girl is going to fuck you no matter what. I feel like you need to go into this game knowing this and accepting it. If you do, 4 stars.

    To sum it up, it's like a number written in a bathroom stall that says: "for a good time call xxxxxx"...
    If you're into that sort of sh*t... it's going to be a good time guaranteed :D
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I played again and confirmed that it's one of my favorites. Visually, the artstyle and proportions were perfect for me even tho there are bodies for every taste. Max has a nice personallity and every character stands out in their own way and moment. Even new characters are memorable. The dialogues aren't heavy, I guess the font helps. Some typical plots but they balance with creative ones. You knew how to fit a lot of girls and I love it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    exceleent game please keep going one of the best game it i hope it will be updated soon thank you guys please put futa trans as well thank you very much kuggazar what a great story please make annna in the story little bit more milfy
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    simple sandbox game with great renders, animations and solid scenes

    sadly it was ruined by terrible dialogue and pacing

    if there was any simple corruption dialogue with moderate pacing this could easily be one of the best corruption games of all time. sadly the pacing is incredibly rushed which leads to all the scenes being filled to the brim with porn logic
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game since Chapter 1-4, and I've been supporting Max and the girls throughout the story. The plot is well-written, and the animation and graphics have improved with each new release. Recently, the game has added a feature that allows players to choose whether or not to share the girls. Those who prefer not to share can disable all NTR content in the settings, while those who want to make a choice for each girl can enable the feature and decide up front. I believe this approach is beneficial for everyone. I understand that the developer wanted to add more spice to the game since it is quite lengthy, and incorporating more kinks achieves that goal.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It feels like this game is designed from the ground up to be as tedious and annoying to play as possible.
    Unable to buy items from the shop until prompted, having to click through to a bed to pass days, events that must be repeated at the same time requiring sleep spam. That's just the first chapter.

    The second chapter fixes some of these things but adds even more time wasting annoyances. They removed the walkthrough, made skipping time require opening a menu, made scenes unable to be clicked through, and added constant menu boxes that consistently bug out.

    The game itself is quantity over quality design with tons of characters and scenes without much thought put into any of them, which is fine.
    But the awful menuing sandbox buggy junk just ruins the experience
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    currently going through chapter 3 and is started strong (thank god for the return of the assistant) I would give it 5 stars but chapter 2 bugged out completely, looking through the guides I saw that I needed to wait for a night visit that never came.
    had to skip half chapter 2, hot fixes did nothing.
    for this kind of games I often ask "how close in quality is it to Harem Hotel?" and base my rating on that.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, this is one of those games where the author decides for you which heroine to choose, or rather, you need to sleep with everyone in order to continue the plot further. I absolutely do not like this approach - where is my personal choice? Plus spending a lot of time on characters that I'm not interested in. I agree to less content, but against the mandatory passage of absolutely all branches.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is almost 5 star the models are perfect and scenes are flawless story is not at all boring . The only concern i have with the game is the NTR switch, either we have to completely off or completely on . I prefer to decide from girl to girl. for example i don't like to share M, rita , laura, nicole . other girls i don't mind sharing . i just wish we could decide which girls to share and which girls not rather than it's just completely sharing or no sharing at all. other than this small problem the game is fantastic.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Best damn game on this site. Hit all kinds of kinks that most games don't. Love the story, characters and of course all the wild sex. Max is a pretty cool guy. Thier is a lot of hardcore stuff here, but you can play it vanilla if you would like. Please never end!!