I'm going as fast as I possibly can, I promise. 12 hour days every day until it's ready. My last day off was Christmas eve.
Please bear with me a little longer, a smarter man than me would have split this into two or maybe three updates. There's AT LEAST 1 hour of gameplay in the update, probably closer to 1 and a half hours or more.
I'm not waiting to release, I'm not waiting to start testing, the second it's ready it will go to testers, and the second it's finished testing I'll release it.
I'm making this game because I love making cool shit, and I want other people to have cool shit to enjoy. One day I'll have a team working alongside me and I can make some REALLY cool shit in less time, but today is not that day, and it's just me 98% of the time.
I'm still hoping for a January release but I cant promise that, could be very early Feb.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.