VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Mech Academy [v1.0.0] [Space Samurai Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Great renders, all the girls look really hot and the scenes are well done. Where this game loses points is it feels like the story started rushing towards the end and all the endings suck and are super disappointing.
    Likes: EmoBot
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit!
    This is a really well made game, multiple choice decisions, quite engaging story, versatile cast, nice renders.
    5 stars might be a bit over the top, but the game is finished and bugfree. That is a whole star unto itself. Well done Space Samurai Games, well done.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I love the the sci-if/mecha elements, and the plot of species gathering together to fight a greater evil, and even most of the characters, but it's all held back by shallow choices, and porno logic. It's really a shame, I think the game has great foundation, and while the MC isn't my favorite, he is a flawed character and it makes him feel real at least like a lot of them. I don't like that for a game the choices are shallow throughout most of the game, and it feels like you're watching a movie than actually playing a game, the only real choices is just "Do I want to lewd her or not?" Which feels empty.

    Now on to porno logic the plot just happens with little to no involvement of the main cast, they're to busy training, flirting, and having sex than actually doing anything else. You could replace all of them with people with high synchronization with the mecha and the world really wouldn't lose anything outside of plot armor. The game is obviously a harem game, and while you can try to only romance/ pursue one girl the game won't recognize it, and will still treat you as a horny player regardless. Everything is centered around sex in some way be it training, or fixing cars and all the females want the MC even if they are enemies making it feel unnatural and what I mean by characters having prono logic. The game feels like a porno version of what could have been a better game. By the mid-late game you realize that all the great elements of the game that hooked you in regressed into just a shallow porn movie where the only important choices you have is what meaningless words do I say this time to get a sex scene?

    Finally the "Ending" it definitely felt rushed which is a shame, looking past it's flaws I still liked the game, but that ending was just anticlimactic in my opinion and each ending was just a quick, where are they now. Overall I still the game a 3/5, I think it's a good unique game if you compare it to other games on the site, but it definitely has it's flaws.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Rez E Dent

    It started out OK. Great renders for the most part.

    It felt like a larger story was waiting to be told what with the amount of years that has past for the MC and the varied new species now inhabiting earth and the looming danger of an aggressive species attaching earth you expect much more involvement in this sci fi future world than what we get, at least I hoped we did.

    Yet a few updates later and we are at the end of the story. Whether the developer run out of financial support or other unknown circumstances caused them to rush the ending you cant help but come away from this game feeling disappointed.

    Such a shame.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly, Really liked the game for a long time and had I written this review before the ending I might have decided this was a five star game. But the ending offers no real resolution on the intimate character relations you had through the game and seems to just tack on conclusions to the story for the sake of finishing it.

    Game play wise its nothing crazy but that is not a bad thing. The choices as they appear impact game play slightly but its a visual novel so its logical that they would not outright change anything other than opting out of romances. I will say the narrative cohesion of the story leaves some to be desire as the basic story kinda just gallivants all over the place with out really every showing me anything. That is to say the game suffers from telling me everything it wants me to know about the story rather than showing it.

    Honestly, with regards to game play and the ending I think all the major issues could be fixed if more visual storytelling was used rather than character monologues or thoughts from the characters. I also think re-working or adding sex scenes that last longer than a second for the end game eplilouge may have made the game way better but as it stands the game just sort of ends in a very "Dexus ex machina" manner (Literally and figuratively).

    The first half of the game is the best and if the developer can simply mirror the beginning of the game just in a cooler sexier way it would be an easy 5/5 but as it stands the ending basically just makes me shrug and go its an okay game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deep Spirit

    What I liked:
    -Some quotes from the text.
    -The ability to choose and be a “jerk”.
    -It was interesting to learn the characters' stories
    -The sex scene is varied and sometimes even unexpected
    -I really liked the beginning, especially the main character's reactions.

    What I didn't like:
    -In the end, I was tired of the dialogues and missed them.

    The game is also interesting without a sexual component. It takes about a few hours of reading.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The dialogue is possibly the worst I have come across. it has the thinly veiled racism and sexism which sums up woke bigotry. Every other conversation has some agenda insinuating men/white people/humans/meat eaters/smokers are to blame for everything ...whichever group the author wants to blame at that moment.

    This means there is basically no space for plot. They give a quick rundown of their fake version of history and then the rest of the dialogue is hate for any of the groups listed above 'disguised' as lectures on how much better their alternatives like veganism/matriarchy/asexualism are.

    The renders are good. The models are bad. MC seems to be based on the thor actor. The women are all grossly unproportional.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + The Prologue started quite interesting, and it had lots of information to process and was mostly well-written.
    + Sex scenes have animations.
    + MC has a kind funny and enjoyable character.
    + Unlike some love interests some characters are great like Mei, I love it when she tells Drana ''Your racist nonsense'' or like Irina, she is a very honest, kind of silly but sincere person.

    Bad Points
    - The game lacks a naming feature for the MC.
    - The location of the text is a bit annoying.
    - Some love interests are straight-up dumb and annoying and have very bad first introductions, it almost feels like the writers intentionally wanted them not to get liked by the players considering they acted insulting, toxic, and racist against the MC.
    - Most women do not have unique and self-created faces, they have faces you have seen in other games already.
    - The future created in this game sucks, smoking & alcohol is illegal, money does not exist, gambling does not exist, and steaks do not exist. I agree with the MC ''Oh my fucking god. This is hell.''
    - Render quality and details are not good.
    - Sex animations are bad, they tend to look a bit weird, robotic, and unrealistic, and have some visual bugs like textures going inside of other textures, like hair textures going inside of body textures, etc.

    For The End
    The game has potential, but execution is poor, it would have been a far better game if certain stuff was done better, and honestly improving some stuff like animations and renders alone is not enough to make this game good game, for being a good game this game kind of needs remake, and I doubt it will happen, but if renders and animations are improved I guess it could be average at least.
    Likes: jivce
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Evangelion babes & steamy hot sex :p.

    The best part of this game is the hot sex with the multitude of babes. Each one looks amazing, credit to the character model creators and adjustments made. Their personalities are all different and it's great to see each love interest's approach to love and sex. Some can be quite extreme LOL. The main protag is the perfect male specimen and man can he fuck, he always has a few loads ready for multiple explosions :ROFLMAO:.

    The story is about saving the god damn earth and man it's going to be epic when it all ends. That said, I feel the story is really only just starting, at least I hope it is as they really haven't done much except train and get familiar with each other (i.e. having heaps of hot sex :ROFLMAO:).

    Definitely will be keeping tabs on this one. Great work! Can't wait for the next update.


    I ended up finishing the game and it was so good that I wish there was more story. All good things come to an end. Looking forward to the next project!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's really a 3.5 Stars for me. The story is engaging enough, but largely only serviceable. The characters are individual and interesting, but on the verge of cartoony. The main character can be sensible and coherent, but he's more often than not an over-the-top asshole.

    The problem with this game is that every aspect is just a bit... too much. Expressions, humor, attitudes... it's all on the brink of decent quality, but it's all taken a bit too far.

    Your readers understand subtlety. You don't need to hammer everything home, so that the point becomes comical.

    If the Dev would dial it back a notch, it'd be a better, even a decent story.

    Edit: Also I disagree that only the upper hole is worth three points... what kind of game is that? ;)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First off this one of the best VNs I'd played in a long while. The pacing with the dialogue is better than others, funny, and keeps me reading without boredom. The girls are at a league of their own in hotness. Each with their own quirks and flaws that the MC explores with them. The animations aren't great but the variety of sex positions makes up for it. Transitions-sounds between scenes could use some work though. I'd appreciate if maybe their could be narrative warning what comes next in some of them. Apart from that its a wonderful story (brought from the past to future into the present) and one I will stay in tuned for.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is silly and entertaining, girls are hot, have somewhat distinct personality and there aren't too many so we actually get a fair amount of progress and content with each of them. I like that there's some rare fetishes you dont see a lot like unconscious sex, strangulation, bdsm, and a fair amount of anal which is always a plus. Overall I ended up liking it more than I thought, solid game, worth playing.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    i've come to the point where the game is over...for me.... all the bags are shagged and story has gone stale. i have commented many times about this or that, thing i like or not. that's what we do. but i think the gig is up.
    so here's the breakdown: OMG what an amazing new AVN, i said. it has a great story, beautiful women and Action.
    it has Attitude!! oh boy does it have attitude. vastly different points of view in the characters, a man out of time and a World at stake. the starting setting and views are common in the world today not just in the 'fictional' world of this earth. we are faced with challenges to conquer both physically and emotionally/physiologically.
    and once we get past or well into those hurdles we have a War to win against an enemy that has conquered the universe. so set in the Far future (200 years, Fallout??) where life is changed and not for the better in the MC's eyes.
    now all is good, there seems to be a plan. both for and in the story by the author, but we also seem to be losing focus on the story and doing tons of fan service. it's one fuck after another in unnatural situations (aren't they all) but keeping the freak in check. and what about those very important battle plans.... well we have to make sure everybody has a bit of the MC in them first. <wink wink nudge nudge> and this is where i quit. with the commander spread eagle for her turn finally...

    WHY??!!?? ... so here's what goes down in MY story....
    MC 'finishes' off the fickle pickle hater (the Commander) and feeling proud and a bit curious walks down the hallway buck nekked to the hold cell of the alien prisoner. he thinks to himself that he could get all the information they need if he just had a bit of time with ...Her.
    so of course he, being full of confidence and sperm, he deactivates the force field and proceeds to 'torture' her. first a little licky Licky, then a finger or two, and finally the whole 9 Inches... he pounds that alien pussy so ...'good' that she can't stop orgasming and it Blows her Mind.
    well we new they were a powerful psychic race, but we didn't realize they were a Hive Mind and this was the Queen!!! so in one not so swift Fuck the MC turned the Whole race into drooling vegetables. the END.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried really hard to like this game, and yet i found myself just not being able to.

    Dialogue seems to get worse as the game progresses.
    Choices often make no sense what so ever.
    Reactions are all over the place and not matching what is going on.
    Quality of the renders is inconsistent.
    Story is neither here nor there, and it does not even make up for it with copious sex scenes to make up for it.
    And often times felt like it was in dire need of proofreading to make it work.

    In the end neither the story nor the porn was enough to keep me interested.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    review for v.

    It's beautiful.
    real talk if i hear or read someone say that again, i might have to stab a bitch.
    girls be all cute, animations kinda shit, writing is fun, mc ma spirit animal, we both retarded.
    strong nut outta 10.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Story/Theme 5/5
    + Don't remember when was last time i laughed my lungs off while playing the game.
    There are a lot of jokes, cliche phrases from old movies, funny situations.
    Yes, it's not the Lord of the rings, but it has it's charm.
    And a game's theme - Sci-Fi (future, aliens, new technologies...): my favorite one.
    - Obviously Developer is not native, so some dialogues could have been more polished, mildly saying. Also there are few issues with language localisation, like there a few dialogues in itallian even though you are playing in english.

    Music 4/5
    I really got hooked on few music tracks in a game, it really sets up the atmosphere during some scenes and makes the game even more cinematic.
    Not all of the tracks are good, but in general sound is above average.

    Characters 5/5
    + Main LIs are gorgeous with well written unique personalities. They all have behave and treat MC in their own way.
    It's what probably hooked me the most.
    Ellara, from my perspective, is one of the most alive and believable VN characters and I played plenty of games.
    She is bitchy, arrogant, jealous, childish, vindictive - on the one side, but also she can be sweet, sensitive and caring on the other one. - Just normal emotions from normal human being. I mean, we are not perfect after all.
    That makes you believe her and feel for her.
    The same goes for other LIs.
    Oh, and expressions, face expressions, like angry or pouty face or happy one, these are pieces of art indeed, very well done.
    - From negative experience - out of all 5 main LIs, Mei is probably the weakest one (just my opinion). So far she seems not redeemable, even after putting in danger everybody on the base (nightclub event which brought Noxa to the base), she doesn't feel guilty at all.

    Choices 4/5
    + The game has a lot of choices - major, minor, or just flavour. I like it this way. I only hope Dev won't get lost in the code, cause he already messed up and created some inconsistencies.
    - About inconsistencies - there are a few scenes where despite making some choices the game goes as if you made the opposite:
    1) MC defeated Noxa in my play through, but aftermath scenes play out as if it was Valentina who did it.
    2) I chose girls not to kiss each other in the club (not fan of FF content), but some dialogues were as I did the opposite.

    There were also a few other minor inconsistencies, but it didn't bother me that much
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for version [0.4.21] Contains spoilers.

    Mecha Academy is, sadly unlike the title sugest, not about piloting Mechas or learning how to pilot one in academy in order to a war veteran help the effort in winning the war with an extra flavour of having datable girls and sex alongside, but a medicore porn focused game with a a bit edited and mixed story of Idiocracy and Pacific Rim in the background with a characters starting as nicely written, but becoming more and more retarded very fast with each and every word comming right out ot thier mouths.

    So, the story stat's quite differently than the generic porn game. MC is actually dying due to lung cancer, as has no more than few months left to live and as he has no family, no friends beside few buddies in the field, they used him as a test subject to put him into stasis in order to slowy heal him over next 200 years. You would think it's just a some military bullshit talk just to cinvince MC in order to test this new technology on a lab rat to aid healing of troops in the Vietnam affected by the Agent Orange, so US can simply nuke charlies into submission and keep thier troops somewhat alive to keep the civilians happy and morale of the army high and MC was but a lucky one to survive in one pod that long and he's simply put back into service.

    But nope. As you progress the story you are learning it was actually a deliberate ploy to deliver MC right where he was needed, so he can simply save the day by being the chosen one to become pilot of a Mecha. If not for the title I woudln't actually know about it, because in this whole timespan of few weeks (or rather months, but with time skips) you can actually witness MC fighting with renamed Kaiju three or four times and Mechas being mentiones maybe few times more.

    Even though the characters and story were already going down the slope at this point I was able to bear it until that scene with Mai requesting to self-destruct her Mecha, while being inside said Mecha, and... surviving it to the point she made full recovery.

    I hate dumbing characters and plot in order to move it forward, like punching that not-kaiju few times and calling it a day or not having any troops, partially charged Mecha or anti-not-kaiju bombers (mentioned later in the game) on stand-by to aid Mecha in combat, but making sacrifice of a character pointless by making survive it is even worst.

    As I wrote about characters being nicely written at the start and quickly going down the slope. Sicientist turned out to really be a Jester, her girlfriend a cheating whore and doctor, or rather a nurse, turned out to be a rapist. After that Mei not-sacrifice, it just went straight down with every dialogue. Not so stupid veteran MC became, this time for real, a caveman and a commander of the facility MC was training became just as much retarded as the council being in charge of the military. To be honest, turning down that energy condom around Earth just for aliens to exterminate everyone would be actually an act of mercy.

    At least characters are nice to look at. And MC has actually a man looking face instead of that of a 15-years old kid. But his body? A bit too much if you ask me.

    As for sex scenes, I have rather mixed feeling about them. Some are nicely done, some not that much. Sometimes you have an animation, sometimes you have just static renders. Sometimes there are retarded dialogues and sometimes too much of weird close-ups on female faces instead od the action.

    2 stars, just for the effort.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I played through v0.4.21 in a few evenings.

    The story closely follows the plot of the 2006 movie ‘Idiocracy.’ The MC is a dim-witted military man who is placed in suspended animation and wakes up hundreds of years later in a world that is completely retarded. This brave new world has done away with all those things that are bad for you: alcohol, tobacco, meat, having children, money, etc. They get by though, because they have electrolytes...or mechas...or something.

    About those mechas: If you were hoping for lots of action with the MC piloting his robot war machine and battling giant space lizards: sorry, you are out of luck. We see him in a total of one battle, which he pretty much settles with one punch. Supposedly he is going on such missions in the background, but we just see him moping around the base, and seducing all his fellow (female) mech pilots and base staff.

    The game seems to be the type where you are called upon to make lots of dialog choices which build up your stats with the various girls until you get a high-enough score to fuck them. I played with a multi-mod--as I hate that type of game-play--so I think I probably got as high a count as one could get, which still left one LI unfucked. I am sure her turn will be coming soon.

    The game looks okay, the animations are adequate. The negatives are a MC that--despite his looks--is a bit of a wimp, the world-building that is just plain stupid, and the story which may go somewhere someday, but so far doesn’t seem in a hurry to do so.

    If mindless sci-fi and the chance to fuck some slightly alien-looking women sounds good, you will probably like this game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game with renders from average to good but awful gameplay. Progress is way too slow for a porn game (it spends way too much time on conversations, which could be completed in a shorter time.) and it's too boring to keep me hooked to see more. Writing is atrocious, characters are retarded and dialogue options are really bad. Goes to my ignore list.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Corrupt King

    Great story. One of the few where I actually read all the dialogues. UI needs some attention, not all character designs are to my liking, but the romance, scenes, choices, and everything else is excellent. Plus, the updates are quite consistent!