VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Meeting Her [v0.3.2.1] [Verde]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game definitely isn't for everyone, the main thing carrying this game is the story between MC and his daughter, so if you don't really care enough for that connection than you probably won't like the game.

    A lot of people have mentioned the translation which honestly isn't that bad, but I understand spanish and have been around native speakers who have bad english, so I related and personally felt more immersed in the story because of that.

    The models and renders are nothing special, definitely not bad, and the writing and plot are pretty average as well, but assuming the dev is trying to go for a good father/daughter story, then they definitely nailed it, while also not having anything that really brings that down, which is all that really matters.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6644430

    Would've been a 5 star for me, but as I noticed someone else said, MC acts like a horny teenager instead of a matured adult, it's not like MC is some loner/nerd type either. MC also goes out of his way to shit on curly hair for some reason? As far as the actual story, characters, and visuals, 5 stars in those categories
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Can't work this one out. It just seems to go from one scene to the next with no warning or any explanation.

    Flits between a male and female protagonist without warning leaving you wondering what the hell is going on when you're talking to a female as a male mc then you're suddenly faced with a horny male trying to get in your pants. It's really disconcerting.

    Also uses LOTS of hard pauses or strings of pointless pause commands, all of which leave you clicking endlessly while nothing happens. Couldn't be bothered to check which. I hate it when devs do this do I just deleted it out of annoyance.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A majority of chapter one's sexual content is primarily of Estafania, and the relationship with Fernanda is a slow burn. Which is a bit jarring since chapter two focuses completely on Fernanda, and I would say the relationship is rushed more than a little. Chapter 2 also feels a decent bit shorter than chapter 1.

    The english translation needs some work. While I wouldn't call it painful, there are plenty of minor errors you can forgive, another reviewer mentioned it being machine translated which seems about right. But ontop of that, there are a few sections that just aren't translated, including something from chapter 1(currently on chapter 3), and another part that is just blank in chapter 3(I checked and saw there was dialogue if I enabled spanish).

    Also I believe one or two of the characters got a look revamp which I'm not thrilled about(lorena). Dev also added a big curveball recently, what kind of a dumpster fire do you need to be for MARCOS to get full custody?

    Last played this well over 6 months ago and it looks like there have only been 3 updates. All appear to be fairly small which worries me for the progress of the story, with very little happening in chapter 2 and chapter 3 barely started.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Started really slow in chapter 1, almost gave up. But with chapter 2 things starts to get wild and very interesting. I really like the this game, creative encounters with the partner, added to my watch list to keep up with all future updates.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I have tried this game twice now, once several months ago and yesterday.

    The bad thing about this is the boring story, at first seems interesting but nothing really advances and does not progress besides the "rape" scene that leads to a bad end.

    The writing is terrible, and from what I have seen the developer does not listen to majority feedback from the people here on the forum.

    And the homophobia does not help his case, I hope to see big changes in the future.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised at how good this one is. The characters have some depth, the story does have some elements that have been done plenty before, but it handles the pacing and flashbacks well and even has a slight mystery plot going on. The English and animations could use some work, but the characters and renders are worth the time. Look forward to more from this dev and can say this one earned my patreonage.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is getting better and better, especially the main heroine is very attractive.

    Conversely, the other characters are not attractive. I don't think it's bad actually.

    Like the game Dating My Daughter, I think it's good to focus on the main heroine
    (though the story and scenes don't have to be the same)

    Chapter 2 started well and I expect it to continue like that.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love This Type of Game Can't Wait till next version , Also as for the Camera's i think it would be good if we could also see them from home or on a phone as well, As for the Boss Lady we need some way to Blackmail her to fuck so she isn't a Bitch .
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna mince words, this is one of the worst reading experiences I've had in a minute. Every line is just google translate fed back to English and is no fun to read at all. I'm saying this as someone who doesn't speak Spanish and will only be able to play the translated product. IF YOU ARE MARKETING ANYTHING TO ANY LANGUAGE, IT SHOULD BE EDITED AND PROOFREAD BY A NATIVE SPEAKER. Do not ask for money if you aren't willing to pay someone to do it. You can keep the translated version two months behind your arbitrary patreon deadline. Poor translations are slowly becoming unacceptable.

    On to the story, MC is reunited with his long lost NOTDaughter. She gets jealous of his girlfriend, the girlfriend might be open-minded about it, and he'll probably meet other girls along the way. The side story is MC and his best friend discover their boss is laundering money. And want to know if it will affect their jobs? I guess? They just want to solve the mystery and since every scene with Marcos, the friend, is completely unbearable, you don't wanna care about it at all.

    It's actually a little funny that they put in Federico, he's the audience insert. Fat weeb that plays AVNs all day and cant talk to people or leave their house. So, I hope you realize that's what dev feels about you. And the MC just internally berates him the whole time while trying to be nice. And then the gay bashing and fat shaming in here is another prevalent theme. And, yes, "I don't care if you're gay just don't try to fuck me" is homophobic, I'm not an SJW but you could have worded all of Santiago's interactions with MC a lot better.

    Also the models and backgrounds are not good. Their hands are luminescent and their faces take no shadows, or something, I don't know they all look like they're sick... The posing is super stiff and the BGs and ground planes in general are pixelated and look like the original Wolfenstein.

    It's not my usual novel, just give this one a pass if you speak English is essentially my review.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This is the type of novel that would have been average in 2018. Considering that we are in 2022, its level is even lower now. The script is pretty rubbish, the renders lack a lot but a lot of work and the characters are completely boring, you should avoid this novel considering all the others that are available.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a nice story and has a pretty good script.
    The renders aren't spectacular, but they're not bad at all. The way they appear and disappear reminds me of Japanese games.
    Of the male characters, or not so male, I don't pay attention to them, I usually skip their scenes, but I think there are too many of them.
    The female characters make up for it though, they are sexy, which is what I expect to find in a visual novel.
    The animations are not bad, but they can be bettered.
    The English translation is not perfect, but it can be played without problems.
    I'm not going to give it five stars because there is a part of the story related to the company's economy that is not interesting, it's rather unnecessary.
    In short, it is a game that has made me have a good time and I recommend it to everyone.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Good story that is captivating and flow's in a good way.
    The translation to English is wanting. I mean, sometimes, it says "he" when meaning she. Plus the many other grammatical errors.
    The transitions that take WAY TO LONG on the black screens. Plus the unnecessary scenes of allies and streets with no conversations or anything to go with them.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This release is the first time I have played the game I like what I have seen, at times the loading between scenes is slow but not painfully slow I just hope at some point it can load faster. The story I like it I would hope at some point ppl make a walkthru for it but I tried most of the options and mostly it showed me what was bad fairly quickly so a bit of game-saving here and there saved me from going back far in the story. I liked the animations and the renders are pretty good. I also liked the fact that it had sound effects for simple things like the phone ringing and cooking peeing slapping etc. I was disappointed there was no sound in the sex scenes but hopefully, that will come later. Also, I liked the music, I would hope that at some point the Anal tag will be added. And even though some of the English isn't great it's not bad I can understand and fill in the blanks as in I know what sounds right and my mind just puts the right words there. I look forward to seeing the next update. Keep up the good work Dev. :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far with lots of potential, and im glad that the author clarified no ntr in his description. So far the female models are all very attractive, and not all of the women are randomly throwing themselves at the MC, there is a lot of mystery going on in the background plot, and the characters are enjoyable, they are flawed, but good hearted people and act pretty normally.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The dialogue is poorly translated.
    It is like the dev took all the dialogue from their native language and ran it through Google Translate. A lot of the sentences make no sense.

    Additionally the facial expressions and body language many times don't match up with the dialogue being said. The reactions to some of the dialogue is too extreme; someone may make a moderately funny comment and the render will show the character doubled over laughing hysterically as an example.

    Another aspect of the VN that should be cleaned up is - the scene transitions have a pause. So the game progresses really choppy.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh. At best.
    Transitions between scenes take forever. Thank our Lord Gabe for TAB key.
    Dialogue is terrible. At least the grammar and spelling mistakes provide some humor though.
    MC seems to be a tosser and a creep. His "friend" is passed out drunk, or so he thinks, and he is showing her off to his girlfriend like she is some sort of trophy he bagged on a corner and is ready to be pimped off.
    Girlfriend is the stuff that nightmare monsters are afraid of.
    "Friend's" friend is a typical VN cliche of an overprotective/jealous hag who hates MC because "it's what the cool kids do" and needs to be persuaded (why the hell do I care? I'd rather set her on fire and send her home.) to like MC.
    "Friend" herself is somewhat cliche. She is a 20 year old who has no independent bone in her body. Wants to pretend that she is an adult but... "Grandma won't let me do this or that" Like a 15 year old who has strict curfew. Another typical cliche in VNs of a young adult living with and off their parents but pretending as if they are an independent person.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good start to what seems like a straightforward and solid story. I think there's a lot of room to build this one out. There are a few areas that need work, however. The renders are pretty average and the animations are rough and not too realistic. Plus, the fades are a little clunky and slow down the experience a bit. However, I'll give it 5/5 for setting a solid story base and getting the basics right.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I have high hopes for this game.
    I like the slow start and the side characters. The images look great but not super clear (maybe do them in higher def?)
    Both the daughter and Melina are super hot.

    Very minor criticisms (constructive) are the long fade outs and black screens that have to be clicked through. As others have said, an English speaking proof reader would help a lot.

    The humour, fortunately, seems to survive the spanglish quite well and is a welcome addition to the story.

    I wish the dev the best for this story and hope to see more updates in the near future
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is very verde right now, for starters it needs proofreading, or another writer.

    So far there is nothing to see, dialogue its nothing complicated either which means there is not much to read either. I would say it doesnt showcase much and most likely, at some point, will end up in the trashcan of abandoned projects.

    I hope it doesnt come to that cause so far the pace is slow, but good. Also there is nothing, besides the efforts made in the dialogues to not make future incest way too obvious, that make me feel uncomfortable, so i wish for this game to have the chance to screw up.

    Hopefully it wont.

    EDIT for 161:
    10 months later and the game, if you want to pursue the main female character (that one that you rape and get a game over) you get so far nothing. There is drama, and buildup i guess, but its mostly drama. Why i call it drama? Well, a girlfriend showing in the middle of the night at MCs house, when he is sleeping to blowjob him, and this causes a situation that separates the 2 main leads for at least a day, leaving the office drama as the center of the game. And since the relationship already goes slowly in real time (it's been 11 months since the first release 1 played) and nothing much has changed, that time separated must be the equivalent of like 3 or 4 months of development.

    And I dont mind slow buildup, but i mind when characters ask questions and nobody answers for some reason and everything is always a secret. Its lazy writing. This thing of leaving phrases hanging like "isn't he the one that you....", "you told me that you..." "it's a long story, I tell you another time". Please stop this and actually write the storyso you dont have to pull that shit anymore. I Digress
    Hope it improves and adds something next update cause so far my gallery is full of "next update" placeholders, i have like 2 scenes unlocked and one is a game over.

    And thats a issue cause as for sex, as far as i know, there is this blowjob scene , unavoidable. The other "sex scene" i found is the game over scene.
    There is a scene of the MC removing a girls clothes, you dont see it, there is no image,just black screen and you see the result.
    Judging by this, lewd stuff is not gonna be good, but who knows for real?
    Anyway. Almost no sexual content+nothing going on with the main LI+unavodable "sex" scene with a sidecharacter+11 months of stalled progresion = screwed up, so 1 star.

    Christmas xpecialreleased in the last week of march... Go search for stuff hidden in drawers, and go to the bath to see the female protagonist naked. Taht's mostly the chrsitmas special and its been 2 months since I reviwed the game last time. Imagine if these 2 months were used for this crap...
    Please dear dev, develop the game that is going slow enough already without specials.

    The game should offer something, call it payoff, for all the "build up", but so far the few scenes dont make up for the lack of everything. Youo can't say there is much content, or quality, everything is pretty muhc on the average level.
    The english still needs to be checked, cause there are some unusual formulas and expressions and to finally kill it there is a scene where the MC says that "at least not for now" bullshit.
    For me this game needs 2 more years and some reworks, or its pretty much dead.