Since we're apparently throwing around personal anecdotes: MEGA is perfectly serviceable. Not "DA BESTEST111" but it's pretty fast, has decent folder view options, can play video directly in the browser, has a decent daily cap which can be partially bypassed via megatools, and links don't seem to die all that quickly. The "download into browser first" thing is different sure but not actually bad.
Pixeldrain's ability to preview archive contents makes it better for ZIP files specifically. Gofile, mixdrop and workupload seem to be more lenient with their quotas but I got "file contains malware" warnings from mixdrop too. Google drive is good for image galleries as it's pretty responsive and generates previews e.g. for PSD files, but gets annoying with its virus scans and "zip the zip" nonsense.
Uploadhaven is slow, filen and dropbox have atrocious UI/usability but should be fine for singular game archives. Most of the others seem to be dead by the time I get to them, but obviously I can't tell whether they're actually worse or just less well maintained by the uploaders.
Most of the time the best option is to grab one file from each of the decent sites if you're downloading in bulk, for single downloads google drive's compression antics and the 5GB limit on at least MEGA and Pixeldrain are the main issue.