My Gameplay Review of the game:
1. The main design seems to be a management game plus a full RPG adventure, your character is supposed to be the leader/ boss of a mercenary group. In reality you have no control over anything, (even less than in Amor) meaning that the game is basically just a linear VN made in RPGM
2. Speaking of the MC, this is the worst Male Protagonist of all time, he does not question anything and makes no attempts to be a leader. There is no excuse or justifiable reason for this character to exist, even going as far as to set up a rape scene, again the player has no real control over his actions (linear VN) and makes no attempt to engage in any relationships with the other girls.
3. The girls, the character writing is terrible and the only purpose they serve is to be sex dolls for every male in the game (except you). The only character with any thought is just Shea and for me is only character worth starting a relationship with…
4. I would if I could, but the dating / invite out system from the previous games has been removed completely which means that outside of pre-scripted events, you cannot build your affinity (Love, Compatibility) with the girls. This means that the affinity system is pointless and does nothing. This is a linear VN.
5. Speaking of more pointless gameplay, the H stats are as well, due to the fact this game is just a linear VN. The fact the MC even has these stats, is a waste since you can’t do anything with the girls anyway. This also means that you have no control over how the other characters form their relationships either.
6. The pregnancy is the same as the above 2 points, it is very difficult to the girls pregnant. Could be a bug? Only really exists as a part of the linear VN story.
7. Was there any need for this game to be an RPG? No it is just as pointless, it does nothing apart from adding a grinding element. The quest system while the most functional of the gameplay the game has to offer, only really serves the purpose of preventing the MC from getting with girls and keeping the MC as the weakest character in the game.
8. The bar/ brothel on the upper floor doesn't generate any monetary income, only magical seamen. This makes it pointless, I would have designed it so that it generates income based on your reputation value (high reputation = more customers). You also cannot select just bar work only. You could then assign the girls to do prostitution work (handjob to full sex). The player should have the ability to fully manage the bar/ brothel, as it currently it has no real effect on gameplay.
9. The NTR is pointless this game has no Magical Seamen minimum target, and no time limit in which to acquire it. What this means is that, if you had full control over everything, you could just play the game as vanilla as you want. You could have had a full harem, none of the girls at all or everything in-between. This also means the game has no replay value as there is only one way to play it.
10. The entire story is pointless, since as I have discovered you have no way to hand over the collected Magical Seamen to the succubus, to be able to fully heal/ restore her. The succubus' complete form is never shown and I even unpacked the CGs and did not find one. That means the primary objective of the game is unfulfilled.
This game could have been a turbo-charged Luxoria but we did not get that, instead this is just a linear VN with the walking simulator and grinding that comes from being an RPGM.
This game is fixable we just need full control over the experience, the dating invite events added back in, for the MC to go on the quests, to have repeatable sex scenes between the MC and the girls and for there to be routes and ending paths to go with it.
0.1/10 Would not recommend