how can I merge two images into one phase of the animation?
I think my need can be understood from my wrong code:
I think my need can be understood from my wrong code:
image tickling mia liam 3:
"/Mia/room_Mia/tickling_Liam/3A.png" with Dissolve(0.3, alpha = True) +
"/Mia/room_Mia/tickling_Liam/3A_homesuit.png" with Dissolve(0.3, alpha = True)
pause 1.0
"/Mia/room_Mia/tickling_Liam/3B.png" with Dissolve(0.3, alpha = True) +
"/Mia/room_Mia/tickling_Liam/3B_homesuit.png" with Dissolve(0.3, alpha = True)
pause 1.0