Others - Completed - Metal Breaker [Final] [Ponkotsu Maker]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I disagree, this game is ABOVE average.

    While it's true that controls aren't good, and it's difficult to actually shoot your weapon fast and reliably, pistol being a pea-shooter that doesn't do anything to any formidable foe, and it's ridiculous that the game suggests a possible no-hit bonus in this kind of wonkiness - it still has a lot of creativity in it, which is worth witnessing.

    Just for all the unexpected designs, battles not being stupidly simple, for hidden stuff like minibosses, level routes, two different endings, this game is definitely above average. It's worth noting that the game doesn't pull punches when it comes to killing, enemy deaths are pretty good and satisfying for a game that's not even tagged with anything ryona-related. You can also actually kill some allied POW girls if you're not careful, without any sugarcoating and them just lying there, dead.

    Good little hentai action game. I doubt you'll be able to fap to it, but you might get satisfied mentally by action being combined with hentai aesthetics.

    WAY harder than Metal Slug series it tries to mimic, but here you have health instead of getting OHKO by any bullet, so the difficulty is somewhat negated by it. Somewhat. You'll still die to bullshit like penultimate level.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I agree with the rating so far: 3 star

    The game is average. It does have a bit more content that I initially thought, and the scenes are nice. Gameplay wise you have the weapons, the melee and the granades. It is fun for an hour or so. The scenes you have are the typical; lose enought health to get undressed and then you can be raped. Overall I like it.

    But as I said is average. is a sidescroller.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's very clunky, but the H scenes are very good! The gameplay tries to imitate Metal Slug as the title suggests, but the game plays like a flash game from the early 2000s. If you want to check out the scenes, they are unlocked at the end of each stage, and all seem to be of good quality to me!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a game with so much wasted potential...
    The game's art is a solid 10/10, gameplay is an 8/10, and the variety of enemies is way above the average for the H genre, with excellent boss fights.
    However, the creator didn't bother designing an acceptable and balanced difficulty level they opted for an unlimited game over, removing any consequence for failure and robbing the gameplay of its excitement. It's only worth playing to appreciate the beautiful art.
    I'd give it a 6/10, which easily could have been a 9/10, but I'll go with a 7/10 because the game is visually stunning.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I actually though this was a decent game. There's a good amount of H-content and all the content from each state is unlocked when you complete the stage. The animations are much better than similar games in this genre. I would certainly not lump this in with some of the generic side-scroller games. There are also animated game over CGs.

    The gameplay is pretty straightforward. Sometimes all enemies need to be killed to advance, sometimes you can just run by. Either way there seems to be no penalty to dying because you can just continue from where you were.

    A pretty solid title.
    Likes: jttth
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent sidescroller for one hour of play. Not too difficult, not too easy. 4/5 because of controls, sometimes irresponsible. Few quite interesting desined enemies, quite well written boss fights.
    I play almost every sidescroller on this site and iwas having fun playing this one
    Likes: jttth
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Played this for shits and giggles since I'm a massive fan of the Metal Slug franchise. Best way to describe it is a Metal Slug game with all the good elements taken out.
    • Controls (especially jumping) are super floaty and unresponsive.
    • I counted multiple occasions where I was pressing the fire key and nothing happened.
    • Special weapons are awful, with probably the saddest shotgun I've ever seen in a video game.
    • Some enemies are so small they can't be hit without taking damage yourself.
    • Escorting mechanics in a game that isn't built around escorting mechanics. Slowly policing prisoners along is totally the aim of what's supposed to be a high-octane shmup.
    • Trying to rebind the controls causes the program to freak out and not work properly.
    • And many, many more points...
    H-content is the run-of-the-mill rape stuff (poorly animated, of course) I didn't dig it anyways since I'm more of a wholesome monster girl type guy, but like I said, I'm here for the gameplay.

    Overall, you're better off just playing Metal Slug or finding another game to get your nut off to.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fun metal slug H game. Controls are familiar, yet clunkier than the original, sometimes shots just dont come off, jumping is not as responsive, and aiming is a little off. But it's still a fun experience.

    H content happens ingame, so you don't need to lose in order to see them. Quality is pretty meh unfortunately. Gallery unlocks gradually when ending missions.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun little game about an hour long. Clearly inspired by the old classic side-scroller shooter Metal Slug.
    Could be a lot more enjoyable with tighter control. Movement feels floaty, but still is serviceable.