H content is decent but the 'survivor' gameplay is horrible. Played it on normal difficulty and it was impossibly difficult to kill anything before 5 more things had spawned (and that is with the game saying it had a slower difficulty ramp for this demo) so no faith they have any chance of balancing a game to be challenging in a fun way considering there was an even higher difficulty available and there is no meta-progression (atleast currently). Rocks in the combat zones have infinite friction which is what killed my run, always great when the environment feels like a bigger threat to look out for than the enemies. The combat itself is boring, just run around hoping the game doesn't spawn things right infront of you leading to unavoidable damage while you tickle things with your attacks. Nothing you got felt impactful, gun was seriously under-powered and the in run power-ups were boring and equally under-powered. There was also pretty much zero variation in the path you took, there were around 5 paths and they were all 99% identical across the board with the only differences being some ? events instead of combats. I don't think there were any meaningful choices I got to make the entire time I was playing.
Text is full of spelling and grammar errors. Doors on the ship were stupid, running into them waiting for them to open would drag you with them and half-glitch you into the wall and doors are allowed to close on you trapping you inside them until you open them again. For some reason after every mission you are placed in the middle section of the ship in an empty room. Everything there is to do is located in the bottom room of the ship, why couldn't they just respawn you there instead of forcing you to interact with their shitty doors after every level. Had character customization at the start but had no impact on the character sprite you actually look at moving around, only the transparant version of yourself on the side of the screen.
I know it said it was a demo, but this had no polish at all just making it a pain to play. It would be more accurate to call this a MVP (Minimal viable product) which is not what it was advertised as. MVP's are great for getting early feedback to help shape a game into what your audience wants during its most early stages, but that almost never amounts to an enjoyable experience for the player. The only reason this got +1 star is because it had h content integrated into the gameplay which is a lot more than most other games accomplish. This could potentially turn into something good but right now there is no reason to play it unless you want to help shape what the game will become. Game needs atleast 6 months of updates before I would even consider trying it again, at which point it might actually be considered a demo and give an enjoyable experience.
Text is full of spelling and grammar errors. Doors on the ship were stupid, running into them waiting for them to open would drag you with them and half-glitch you into the wall and doors are allowed to close on you trapping you inside them until you open them again. For some reason after every mission you are placed in the middle section of the ship in an empty room. Everything there is to do is located in the bottom room of the ship, why couldn't they just respawn you there instead of forcing you to interact with their shitty doors after every level. Had character customization at the start but had no impact on the character sprite you actually look at moving around, only the transparant version of yourself on the side of the screen.
I know it said it was a demo, but this had no polish at all just making it a pain to play. It would be more accurate to call this a MVP (Minimal viable product) which is not what it was advertised as. MVP's are great for getting early feedback to help shape a game into what your audience wants during its most early stages, but that almost never amounts to an enjoyable experience for the player. The only reason this got +1 star is because it had h content integrated into the gameplay which is a lot more than most other games accomplish. This could potentially turn into something good but right now there is no reason to play it unless you want to help shape what the game will become. Game needs atleast 6 months of updates before I would even consider trying it again, at which point it might actually be considered a demo and give an enjoyable experience.