This game does an excelent job at story telling.
1. Story:
It focuses on the MC and his love interest and introduces side characters as exactly that. Side characters. It keeps the main focus on wife and daughters and only adds side characters to the mix instead of forcing the player/reader to follow the side characters and their stories while cockblocking the main characters out of sight.
2. Sex:
It adds spicy details but never to much to keep the players interested and advance the story while tossing some sexy scenes into the mix here and there. Of course never to much or to less. Its teasing non the less but that what makes it good. People always coming back for more and thats exactly how it should be.
3. Humor:
I cant adress this enough but life is full of humor. To add it into a story and aknowledge the fact that most guys make a damn fool out of their own skin or at least pretent it to actually make their women laugh is excellent. Its always nice to see a dev that knows that and adds it to the mix without making the MC a complete joke or a babbling idiot. He is funny when he needs to be and no more.
Some things i would advice to improve:
Its obvious both are interested in the MC. A great story element would be to add spying scenes where they spy on the MC and his sexual encounters with the wife as example. It could also be the MC spying on them and seeing them talking about him.
But PLEASE for the love of god not in the "Oh Daddy" while she fingerblasts herself kind of way as we seen hundreds of times in other games. Its boring and seen a hundred times over now.
As an example for a different scene:
The daughters talk about their dad and how one of them feels no guilt to be sexually attracted to him. While the other is shocked and they discuss it where the MC finds out both of them want the Daddy. Then they talk about how such a sexual encounter could go down. Not only will the reader start imagine that scene in his head it could also turn on the MC who then gets cockblocked by the wife fucking her brains out in the process for interrupting him while she has to adress him as "Daddy" to fulfill at least a bit of his dream.
And it dont have to be the daughters it could be one of the side characters as well who has this conversation! "I have the hots for your dad" to which she replies: "What?" Followed by: "But he is an old man" And the conversation could go on: "Lots of experience then" and so on and so forth.
While i believe its important to have her around i think she kinda gets forgotten other then a few dialouges and fucking her when the MC gets a chance to. Maybe she finds out the MC cheated behind her back but doesnt get mad. Instead asks what he is missing in the bedroom and how they can improve their relationship. The MC could tell her he would never leave her no matter what but for him its kinda the same stuff over and over again and it doesnt excite him anymore. Opens a whole new level of kinks that could be added even introducing her to the incest story line. Or threesomes etc.
She should be more involved in the story and the daughters maybe even finding out about this sexual tension between MC and daughters and the story could go two ways.
1. She is absolutely disgusted by it and thinks the MC is downright insane for considering this stuff and even gets mad at the daughters for it. I HIGHLY ADVICE against that approach as it starts drama which turns to a downspiral of annoying dialouge stealing away renders blocking the story advance and stretches the story to even more work where nothing gets done other then a mad episode.
2. She is curious on why and how and could approach this whole scenario with the "love doesnt choose" stuff and actually consider a foursome with the daughters as in her mind its better having a loving relationship even when its incest other then losing their girls to some fucked up chad who uses them for sex only maybe getting them pregnant in the process then dumbing them on first sight and crush their emotions with it.
She finds out about it and confronts the MC. Asking the right questions where the MC beats around the bush and then the wife drops the bomb by actually liking the idea simply because its cute that her husband is seen as a loving prime example of a male by her daughters. She could go on that they would lose them sooner or later to some guy taking them away from her and him and if its this what it takes to keep them she is willing to take the chance.
Side Characters:
I love the fact that we get small and big boobs not only on the daughters but also on the side characters. Guys like boobs in all kind of sizes. What is a bit of a bummer is that it isnt adressed as most women who get intimate with you adress it sooner or later. "My boobs are to small right?" To get reassured that everything is fine the way they are. Adds more intimacy and more believable dialouge to it and could also improve the relationship with the side characters and the daughters when they hear about the compliments the MC dishes out to all kind of sizes of breasts.
A so to say all around reassurance.
For anyone holding out this long thanks for reading