Unity - Midnight Sin [v0.4.2] [Faerin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a few things that I really like with this game and that differ from most of the others.

    First, the MC don't start fucking around after just a few minutes of gameplay. And I tend to loose interest in a game when the MC start putting his dick in every hole he can find.

    Second, it hard to predict how the developer planning to develop this game; it is very hard to foresee what going to happen in the next release. And that is very much the opposite for most of the games that can be found here.

    So overall, this game is really tempting
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    At first I thought "you are a body guard for a wealthy woman and her three daughters" was a great original premise that would give you classic porn gameplay (explore a house and fuck everyone in the family) without any weird fuck your sister fetish stuff, but within 5 minutes of playing the dev reveals that all the characters are actually your biological half sisters. Why exactly?? I guess it's so you can have a bunch of "gee, I guess I shouldn't be doing this?" hesitation from the MC, which doesn't really fit with the tough guy/bodyguard/PI protagonist.

    Anyway, the art is really good and this game has a neat puzzle. Apart from the puzzle the romance stuff isn't that engaging, it's obvious what you're supposed to do and the girls have "love" and "lust" stats that go up as you do stuff for them, but those stats never seem to be used as checkpoints for anything, so you end up having to progress through everything linearly.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good renders, interesting story and characters. Their personalities seems to contribute to the variety that the game could offer. Progress is a little slow in the beginning, so the story doesnt advance and the scenes are scarce
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've always loved Faerin games. No mattert what, I download and play the game withot any doubt. Frome his game "Man of the house", I liked the animations, the models, the scenario.... and he uploads new updates frequently. Keep going, you have all my support.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    early stage of the game but very good, played the last games too and you notice an improvement. Characters are very beatuyful, cant wait to see more. Only wating for the next update playing Manors again in between.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Has a few red-flags like too much inner monologue, empty sandbox elements, ect- but it is a relatively new title that looks to be crafted with care and has a actually manly dude as a protagonist so its easy to overlook its warts and hope it'll become great!

    + Nice to be able to play as a handsome adult man instead of the usual VN fare.
    + Nice UI and some novel game-play elements.
    + The integration of paintings is a nice touch. Makes the sandbox feel more meaningful / interactive.
    + Map was nice to reduce endless clicking.
    + UI for character bio is really clean looking.
    + LI look nice and are produced with high quality.

    ~ Premise is a lil slap-dash, but it works
    ~Lots of empty non-interactive sandbox elements. Which is TBE in a fresh game, but is a red-flag to me since the devs other finished title Mystwood Manor had a major issue with unused locations and empty sandbox.
    ~Not much to do at the moment in the game. You just end clicking the time skip button a ton each day until you get to the one event you can do.

    - The protagonist's inner monologue does not match his looks. It is vibe whiplash. Why does this handsome fucker act like a virgin schoolboy so much. All the hehe's and other random cutesy shit didn't make much sense on him. It is like the dev literally cannot put themselves in the shoes of this character even just to write from their POV.
    -Save functionality only works during certain times
    -Meaningless railroading choices. Often one leads to a game-over, the other keeps you on the tracks. Also, there is pointless and unfunny 4th wall breaking text from the dev if you get a bad ending.
    -The ratio of listening to this protagonist inner monologue about the same shit over and over again to anything actually happening is too damned high.
    -A lot of the text in the ui elements is lower case when it should be capitalized.
    -Progression systems of Love Points / Lust points is beaten to death at this point. Boring.
    -The gals height being very homogeneous is a little aesthetically boring.
    -Dialogue is porny and not very natural
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Miguel B

    Still in the begging but looks like is going to be one of the best if it keeps the current flowing! Beautiful art style good and ideas for developing the characters histories!

    The creator is a compromissed one who have finished all his previus games, so im really excited to see what is coming from this one!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version v0.1.5

    First of all, having played Faerin's previous game "Mystwood Manor" I have to say I got some expectations for this new one.

    In terms of story, its pretty early to comment about this but I hope it comes with more twist and turns than MM, since it was easy to spot who the bad guy was since the beginning.

    About the bond you have with the characters, I understand there is a need to show intercourse early to catch the audience but with Rebecca it felt insanely rushed. Is she crazy? Or did I do something wrong?

    About originality I hope this game is long, so no matter if the premise is simple, the development of the story is what entangles you, so right now at this stage is pretty difficult to say but I have hope in the creativity of the author.

    Renders are, to me, pretty amazing. Why? I know... Not ultra realistic, but they have a unique touch and you can see there is a huge effort in post production to make them feel original, also you can see that even in the dialogues the character moves a little which is a wonderful touch of care and professionalism.

    In the characters field I feel somehow disappointed (for now), why? Because in MM you had eight (8) beautiful and very different main female characters who had a very decent amount of scenes, also another six female minor characters to have fun with.

    There was the black haired ultra voluptuous nurse, or the perfect nordic cutie who actually looked a lot like a normal nordic hottie, or the MILF who reminded me of Stifler's mom and how could I forget the last unlocked character who was a true bombshell and the redhead with her small tits and slender body.

    In "Midnight Sin" you have 4 main and blood-related (similar) love interests and two minor characters with whom you can have fun with, at the moment. Hopefully, we can get many more characters with whom we can have several intercourse scenes with.

    About the sound, pretty neat, I like the music choice and the way songs are made to be there, not take the spotlight and not be boring.

    The playability in this game is very good, I feel that it still lacks a bit of visual development (in the map in particular) to the level to which Faerin had us accustomed, since the bar is so high. The user interface is easy to go by and I don't find any punctual difficulties with its use.

    So, for the record I expect "Midnight Sin" to be much better than Faerin's previous work which was amazing, the bar is high but this is early in development so there is a lot of room for improvement. My five stars are in hopes for a much better game since I know how amazing his work can be.

    Thanks for your attention and have a nice one!
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    Updating for v0.2.1 - let's call it a 3.5 but I'm very conflicted on this game.

    My previous review (below) basically stands. The models and renders look very nice and the navigation is the best I've seen. You can travel anywhere with one click, everyone's location is always shown, and you can skip time straight from the map. Every game should have a system so good. Also, the painting puzzle was very clever. A+ for that.

    The plot and gameplay are where this game falls flat for me. Not because they're unoriginal (which they are) but because of how forced everything feels. A lot of the relationship building happens during mandatory once-per-week trips you escort the girls on which contributes to empty sandbox feeling where you're skipping 12 hours every day to do "the content".

    Even the free-roam stuff is railroaded. The main quest is to find five books. Why? Because the game tells you to search the house and, while doing so, you'll eventually find a weird bookcase missing five books and the MC decides to find the other books. Why not, instead, have the stalker drop a hint about the bookcase or maybe the MC hears a noise and goes downstairs and sees it move or something? Also, you can't find the books before locating the bookcase or find them out of order. They'll be there, but you can't interact with them until the game lets you.

    There's a similar situation with two of the sisters where you can help them skip chores. At dinner, their mom will call them out on it and the first time you're only allowed to lie for the girls but after that you can snitch. It never felt like there was a reason to snitch but the hints tell you to do it and the game won't progress if you don't.

    So, I like the visuals. I liked the painting puzzle. I don't like the fighting minigame (it's a rhythm game but the music doesn't match the visuals). And I don't like how much it felt like I was just doing what the in-game hints were telling me to do and not like I was investigating a murder.

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  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So we have a new game from Faerin, again it did not disappoint, because it is at the beginning, the only problem is that you have to start the game from the beginning with each update, a problem that I think will be solved in the next updates. The characters are very well done in terms of design, although Olivia when she smiles makes me think of Chucky . As the story is going at the moment, I suspect that we will also have secondary characters with hot scenes.... Finally, congratulations to Faerin.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.4

    First, take this review with a big grain of salt. It's super early in development and honestly probably too soon for any real review in general. That being said, judging based on what is here, I am honestly pretty underwhelmed.

    Though I enjoyed Mystwood Manor for what it was, my biggest problem with that game was the lack of complex characters and general character development. History already feels like it's repeating itself a bit. I really hope there is more going on beneath the surface with the love interests, as they feel very cliché so far. Each one is a very clear and exaggerated character trope. This makes them feel unnatural to me.

    More than that, I already despise the MC. We play as a 36 year old bum whose inner monologue consists only of pervy comments (so far, at least). Man am I sick of that. I have seen this exact type of MC in a dozen different visual novels and I didn't enjoy it in any of them either. Only in those, we play as a dumb horny teenager instead of a dumb horny man child. It makes the MC feel like a major creep. Beyond that though? Nothing sticks out about him (in a boring sort of way). He's lacking in both maturity and general competence.

    Plot wise nothing to speak about really. It seems the focus is more on the girls themselves, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is painfully obvious who is blackmailing us (though if I am wrong on this one, I'll take the egg on my face). Considering the MC is supposed to be running a security business, it feels comical how he is immediately made helpless. If this is a sign of things to come, I have little hope for him.

    The sex scene with the maid did absolutely nothing for me. I get it was supposed to be a bit abrupt, but I can't get into scenes that happen immediately with characters we know nothing about. It gives off fuckfest vibes, and those really aren't my style most of the time.

    At the same time, I have no real idea what this game is going for. If it wants to be a more, lets say simple, harem sandbox with an overall less serious tone then fair enough. I can accept it isn't for me. I have no doubt that a lot of people will love this game given the dev's track record, and I even want to like it myself. I hope I'm proven wrong and things end up going deeper than I'm giving it credit for. But if you're like me and place a lot of value in more complex and in-depth writing/characters, this ain't it so far (once again only based on this very short and early build).