Unity - Midnight Sin [v0.5.4] [Faerin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Fake Name Real Money

    90 percent of your time playing will be spent skipping time. Looped animations and blandly looped moans. Renders are solid and story is interesting but this is probably... easily... Faerin's worst game. It's definitely salvageable bcuz of how good the girls and the story is, but it really needs some tuning just to get to above mediocre.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The state of the game on this version it's okay, Faerin has been evolving game by game, and this game really shows how he has grown as a developer.
    Midnight Sin by this version while doesn't has a lot of content, it shows enough to keep you hooked not only on the story but onto the characters as well.
    Characters: 9.5/10 really biased towards Anabelle, but every girl has a unique charm.
    Story: 8.5/10 by this version, the story it's really vague, but well written enough to keep you interested.
    SFX: 5/10 Not really a fan of moan loops, and the same voice on the mini-game.
    Models: 9.5/10 Every model design are really well made, everyone has a unique touch that keeps you attached.
    UI: 10/10 A refined and simple UI that shows how the dev learned from previous titles.

    Closing comment: Midnight Sin, to the date the best game from Faerin, you really should play it, and it's worth the wait. Can't wait to play it finished.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.4.1c.

    Really my only complaint right now would be the lack of anything to do in the first few days of the game. I found myself skipping through 90% of the first couple days. But once the ball gets rolling there's a lot more to do throughout the day. The only other thing ill say is I'm not really a fan of the mother-daughter BDSM. It's not really a complaint its just something I personally am not in to, I wont let it affect my rating because everything else is really good. I love the story so far and the character models are excellent. Looking forward to seeing more updates!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    [After playing v0.5.2]

    It's the first time I play a Faerin so soon in development, but I have to say as far as it goes it looks as good as those before. Of course there's still some road to go, but I have no doubt after playing this that it will work.

    The characters are nice and likeable, dialogues work nicely, never feel too short like just an excuse between porn and never longer than needed like trying to appear deep when they're not. The gameplay is interesting and the sandbox mechanic works, it doesn't seem absurdly grindy.

    Sex scenes are ok (of course, it's a bit light yet, as it's a slow corruption thing, but the way it developes is ok at the moment)

    Everything works nice and time flies playing it. Highly recommended (though I would consider Faerin's finished games before this one if you haven't).
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    After finishing this version (v-0.4.1) all I can say is that when scenes start to pick up the game is amazing and the girls are hot as fuck, specially Annabelle, but man the start ot the game is waaay to rough and slow. I dont know if this because of how many times we need to go from place to place and wait for the points to stack up or what cause after playing the other games more than 3 times each I neved had that feeling, not even when getting 100% on each game on steam. I will change this review after the game is finished.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 0.4.1c Extra
    SUMMARY: Good game, with gorgeous models and humour.

    1. Models are very impressive and animations are decent
    2. Sound FX are great and actually fit the scenario
    3. Story is not bad, written well and structured well.
    4. Pacing is not bad but there is a Con here regarding content.
    1. As with other Faerin games, the way its designed always frustrates me. Primarily due to the fact that when updates come out like this version, you often find you need to fast forward and skip hours and days to progress a character, who would be the only progression possible e.g. 4 board room meetings. This makes no sense in terms of content, IMO if you going to release an update, try and do it in such way that you can do all together without having to skip days, so focus on several characters in stead of like the e.g. above where 4 board room meetings are needed...
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based on a early build, so the game is still taking shape.

    A lot of potential in this game. Render quality is incredible, the plot is engaging, and while the gameplay is classic sandbox, the interface is clear and the IU seems to be a work in progress still, but perfectly serviceable.

    Just 4 stars because I miss a bit the more engaging gameplay of Faerin previous game (Mystwood Manor), but I understand that for some people this would be a plus instead of a drawback.

    Definitely worth keeping an eye on this one until it’s completed!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.3.2 Extra

    A good start but needs a lot more before it becomes enjoyable.

    I have played Man of the House (Faerin's first game) to its entirety and I enjoyed it. I would give it a 4/5 and definitely recommend (although I haven't written a review, perhaps I should) so I have hope for this one, but currently it lacks any major content, both in story and sex scenes.

    The renders are very nice, the characters are varied enough to make them interesting, the MC is amazingly not a teenager which is a huge plus for me as I hate the average adult VN MC appearance, and the game plays like a modernized Man of the House: You visit certain places in certain times and you get certain interactions, which is a good formula for a pseudo sandbox game.

    The bad news is that the story is really barebones in the current version, and you reach the end of content for most girls really, really fast because there isn't much yet. There are some foundations for the story and you can guess where it will probably go but that's about it. Sexy outfits and other items you can buy serve either no purpose (as the MC has "no reason" to buy them yet) or are only to enhance the grindy part of the game which is you raising the MC's combat stats which are used to make money. Most of the places you can go are quickly out of interactions, empty or outright locked.

    Also be aware that the only real sex scene that I could find in this build is with a side character, and you cannot refuse it which is really annoying. After that event the MC gets blackmailed into flashing himself or get risky with the main girls, which is contrived and lazy. I hope you get to choose if you want to bang characters or not, I hate when lewd games (the ones with supposed story and choices) don't give you the choice and just shove a sex scene or love interest at you regardless.

    I give this current build a lukewarm 2.5 rating with a potential 4+ stars when more content is added and things get polished.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Sex scenes have decent animations with 3 different speed options, some have second angles as well.
    + Art style is good.

    Bad Points

    - The story is not well-written nor interesting, and the whole thing feels like a manipulative game Madeline playing with MC & girls and as a player we have no power over it, because everything goes the way she wants, even when MC/player things he taken control over things & Madeline she still finds a way to turn things around & manipulate the situation to her benefit. MC getting close with love interests revolves around getting blackmailed to do things, how he act like a wuss and do everything blackmailer told him, acting like a good boy and getting called good boy by blackmailer, or how there is no main purpose at all is quite boring. And even when MC confront the Madeline it was still annoying to see she keep acting like she was still one in control, and then Olivia & Annabelle being sad about punishment ending, and suggesting if Madeline don't have the time anymore MC should have done it, then MC getting cornered by Madeline again and things going the way she wanted...
    - The game has nearly no content at all, and the story is empty, so we do look for other things like sexual progression with the main girls, and what we have is literally nothing, maximum progress we had with girls was one girl touching and kissing MC's dick and kiss on lips, that's literally all... Other scenes are just about seeing them naked, etc, type of scenes, and the only sex scene we have is with a one-time thing with a maid...
    - For a sandbox game this game doesn't give you enough choice about matters, for example, you can't even choose who you are going to have sex with.
    - Lots of things like passcodes, etc, are randomized, and that just makes things more painful than it supposed to be and makes ''walkthrough'' kind of useless since most stuff is randomized.
    - Nearly all minigames are annoying and boring.
    - The game is made by Unity, that alone is good to say as a bad point. We have most Unity-related problems with this game like nearly all Unity games as well.
    - Most features the mouse has in other games are non-existent here, like hiding text with the middle mouse button or opening the menu with the right mouse button and saving easily.
    - We have only 10 save pages, most games have 999+ pages for years, so only 10 is not even funny...
    - You can't save while you are in scenes, that's literally the most important part about saves, what's the point if you can only save when you are in freeroam?!
    - There is no option to change the voice volume, To change it you need to change the main volume otherwise you will hear very loud sex sounds, can't see any reason not to add the voice volume change option...
    - Everything is annoyingly detailed, like even when you just want to travel from one place to another you see time passing on screen and the game makes you wait for it... Why? Makes no sense.
    - Sex scene animations are kind of decent, but they can be better, and aside from being better not all of them having second or third-position angles is another bad point, and like this is not enough most of the chosen animation angles are not attractive either, some of them looks kind of bad and most of them are just fine.
    - It's a bit grindy without using mod to fix that problem.
    - Art style is good, but with one exception, and that's weird and badly made facial expressions, they make characters look weird, old and unattractive.
    - We got the first penetration sex scene with v0.4.2, and it was the first time the girl had sex as well. But the scene itself was quite bad. First of all how the sex scene happened by ''accident'' was nonsense AF. Secondly sex scene itself wasn't good looking at all, it was shown with a very close camera angle and it was bad.

    For The End
    The game has potential, but it has lots of cons, and nearly every updates adds more cons instead of adding more pros and fixing cons, so it this point I'm not sure I can suggest playing this game or not, better to wait for some time to see if they will do better job with the game or not.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I've played man of the house before and enjoyed it, even though a lot of its mechanics are dated at this point. So when I saw a new game by the same dev but newer and with modern graphics I had high expectations.

    And in a way those expectations delivered, the renders are great, the story is interesting and the characters look fun. If that's all you care about it could be a 5/5 but the gameplay unfortunately ruins this for me.

    Many of the mechanics of this game are just as anti fun as it can be, from the clock that moves minute per minute with broken timing, to the grind, to the excruciating "real time" traveling from location to location that should have never been done again in a modern game, it all really detracts from the experience.

    But by far the worst offender is the fact that you can't save whenever you want or even rewind your choices. I don't understand why people want porn games to be some kind of nuzlocke run. Are you in the middle of a cutscene and you have to stop playing? Well too bad, you can't save so you're gonna have to start over.

    With all these gameplay problems I can't give it more than a 3/5 no matter how much I wanted to like this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely awesome game. Even though it's a sandbox, it has a mini-grint. I really like the story. Every girl has her secrets and MC should find out as quickly as possible. Hey Faerin, brilliantly directed up to this point. I almost have to say that I'm more interested in the story than the sex scenes. But well, let's see where it goes. The graphics are excellent and the game mechanics are very easy to handle.
    My ranking:
    Gameplay: 5 Stars
    Models: 5 Stars
    Story: 5 Stars
    Game mechanics: 5 Stars
    This is clearly a top-class game. I just hope it stays that way.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Realy Nice Excellent Work, Nice Gameplay and Storie good Character Designs i Realy like the Work Done to this Game hope for Big Updates in the Future, good Game to Play Recomend it, One of my Favorites PornGames so far.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Another banger created by autor of the "Man of the House" and "Mystwood Manor". Both games were great, and "Midnight Sin" seems like another good game in the making. Renders and animations are something above anyone else, the main problem right now is a lack of "action", but judging by his previous work, I'm sure he's going to deliver. Fingers crossed to see the final result soon enough; this game's a blast. 9/10
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So far the game is much better than Faerin's previous games. Both visually and mechanically. Not as grindy as Mystwood Manor, characters have more soul and appear more realistic.

    However, the game been in development for a year and you think it has at least some content to be worthy to download - you are wrong.

    There is only a single blowjob and vaginal scene happened on the first in-game day with the SIDE character, this game has no more content involving MC.

    Don't bother trying out this game. It needs at least another 1 or 2 years of development
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I played A LOT of diffrent Games so far. Also Man of the House and MM wich seems pretty cool.

    This Game is by far one of the best. I like the Game-Style, the Story and just how everything looks. Also the mechanics are very smooth.

    Cant wait for more Updates since there is no real XXX-Scene so far, because playing it in V0.3.

    Props for this Masterpiece so far.

    By the Way pls. add pregnancy in the later game ... would be delicious ;)
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a typical game by this dev and feels like too many others you already played. The renders are good. Be careful you don't click on the wrong arrow and go to the wrong room one too many times or you will get the luxury of the game immediately ending. The game really isn't fun and what good is a game that isn't fun. It's just a retread of countless other games who actually do it better.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The developer builds on their previous experience, creating a new game that features very similar elements to their past games like:
    1. Point and click/Sandbox style game in Unity engine
    2. The game taking place mostly in a single location like a huge house, where the MC comes and fucks all the ladies living there
    3. Harem with some incest, corruption
    If you like these elements, this game does a great job given the dev’s past experience. Hopefully there's more content for the story and things to do in the game as it it's still only in the first year since it's release.

    Great UI and nice renders

    • The UI is really nice, clean and makes it easy to interact and navigate in this sandbox.
    • Renders look great, really improving on the dev’s prior works. The models look good, even the MC. The mansion setting where the game mostly takes place in actually feels unique rather than the typical same crappy Daz3D mansion you see in visual novels.
    • The animations are solid, but the sex scenes could be better. There’s moaning sounds as well, but they still feel a little stale.

    There’s gameplay in the sandbox, but it feels limited in content right now...

    It's a new game, so hopefully there will be more content on the way.
    • It’s one of those sandboxes with schedules and the clues make it straightforward in what you have to do or find to solve puzzles. There’s a few minigames too.
    • However, with a lot of these sandbox type games, they struggle with either not much to do or too much grinding for money or stats. This one doesn’t have much to do outside of interacting with the ladies in the house. The puzzles that are in the game are the ones you have to solve anyway to reveal a secret that’s part of the main story anyway.
    • There are other locations and a timer that reflects travel time, but you don’t currently get to do anything at these other places. There’s no ‘optional side’ content like other ladies to meet outside the house or anything.
    • Currently, it is linear and feels restrictive because of the above reasons. You can make story decisions that impact lust/love stats for the ladies at the house, but it’s mostly just to have the stats go up to unlock more scenes with them.

    Story? You’ve seen it before, but there’s hopefully more…

    The premise is fairly basic and it's going for the same harem sandbox incest thing you've seen before. The writing is solid and the tone is grounded as there’s a sort of nice slow burn as the MC discovers something going on with the house and his father’s murder.

    Ultimately, there’s a BDSM focus and I wouldn’t call this corruption as it wasn’t really something the MC set out to do, but the MC will likely fuck everyone in the mansion.

    It’s not doing much to make itself unique, but feels the most grounded and well done compared to games doing this same song and dance.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Never been much of a fan of mindless fuckfest games and this game wont change that either, it has a relationship system which apprently dosent mean fuck all, i treated one of the maid like shit and she turns up in your room and strip nude and end with giving MC a BJ and fuck her, you cant tell the bitch to fuck off so it really just is a fuckfest which is just no fun, might as well visit a porn site instend since its not really a game when it dosent give you choices, never found joy in fucking people you hate hole game loses any meaning, also it just dosent make any kind of sense since its MCs first day on the job and hes promissed a shit ton of money and he chooses to risk it all to make a main whos been nothing but a bitch to him, which is why story just fell apart to me after that.

    And you can see it the "plot" from miles away that being forced to fuck the maid will either be recorded by her to use on you or someone else will know and blackmail ya, i mean its seen 5 million times before why not come up with something new and it just follows the kinetic set storyline its all just meh.

    Funny enough game starts out saying how your choices will matter and how people will act and treat you, but when getting minus points ends with a BJ then wtf is the point of the system, you also gain points just from doing your job which makes it harder to lose points with one you hate and since game is just kinetic why not just remove the system when it dosent mean anything.

    MC is also one of those boring brainless idiots and even being a big dude and a bodyguard hes just to submissive and the lack of choices dosent help the game either and when he gets blackmailed into doing shit that would get him fired in 2 seconds i just couldent play anymore, hes to submissive to easy manipulated its just not fun.

    Girls are pretty hot but ive never been a fan of having LIs forced on me which is also why i just never play kinetic games and i wish devs would learn to put that tag up so i wouldent have to waste my time, being a sandbox is still kinetic when you have no choices in anything.

    Animations are decent and proberly the best thing about the game, but its not enough to keep you playing with a shit story.

    Music is standard background stuff, nothing special.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Decent game, safe for all, vanilla like the ice cream.

    Everything is well built, tested, all game is smooth and after you understand the gameplay dynamic is not as grind as it could seem.

    Story is credible and characters are likable.

    Well done, it is not my cup of tea but it is a decent game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A very decent game at this current build, shows a lot of promise and i can hardly wait for the latest update
    Characters and plot were a bit synonymous to Man of the House but who cares~ As a long time fan of that classic game, I'd say I need me more of that stuff