VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Mike's Obsession [K84]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Very short game with multiple endings. The characters, CGs and renders are quite good (far from perfect), but the story and the plot was rushed and goes from 0 to 100 real quick.
    The gameplay requires some trivial work/sleep routine to progress and the money aspect is ignored a bit, but it is not too grindy to make this annoying.
    It's a good game for very quick few hour gameplay, but do not expect much.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    first i don't believe that this game from the same creator of kelly family

    the game totally sucks HOW !

    let's make it simple

    porn linear story not attractive at all
    no decisions to make .. i cannot say yea or no
    low quality renders
    the female characters so fucked up they are ugly
    doing every event again and again
    low quality animations (but it's okay)
    i couldn't progress the game without being forced to threesome with another man which i didn't like

    the sandbox mechanism only

    finally i deleted that game and don't want to remember it again
    even after i liked the kelly fammily of same creator IDK if i will play any of his games again after that one
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    The game is very short, and the English is a bit rough, but I liked the game simply because I liked Mary. The women are gorgeous, especially Mary, and there are some decent animations. It's very linear for the most part, including a mandatory sex scene with a character that I desperately wanted to avoid, but the game does have more than one ending. You can roam around the house, but there's only a couple of scenes to find. Most days you just have him work, go to sleep, and wait for a story scene to play in the morning.

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  4. 1.00 star(s)


    How can I begin with this game... Holy fucking asscracking shit its bad ? Too much ? Maybe better break it down so my review doesnt get marked as trolling, and this need to be avoided like the plague.

    Art/Models 3.5/5 - The best part of the game, Zoe is attractive as all hell, Jenny despite using one of the sexiest hairdos female models can get is not that attractive... Mary is in between. Male models, the MC is generic and shaved (so basically dudebro loser), and the best friend that is attractive exist as the butt of all jokes...

    Story -4/5 - yes that first one is a "negative" sign... thats how bad the story is... The beginning had such promise as it starts the MC off where most MC's in other games wish they could get too... He has the girl of his dreams who is a 8/10 easily, and prudish enough to not want to slut around, but still adventurous enough to be down for public sex on a beach. Sadly your introduced to Jenny a total bitch that makes Zoe your girlfriend into an utter gutter trash whore that craves orgies cause "why not?". Its funny, Zoe goes from normal if a bit bitchy and princessy to disease carrying street walking whore in no time after one party with Jenny, and yet Jenny who was that, tries to settle down with the MC... WTF on a ****ing Sandwhich, with *** on top... and a side order of **** ?

    Characters 0/5 - Honestly didnt find any likable characters here, the MC is mostly a victim, but depending on his choice ending (dictated by the player) he can either move on which is a plus, or go into the shithole (most of the endings that pair him with jenny who ruined his fucking life). Jenny is basically Sekai (School Days reference) thats how utter shit she is as a person... Zoe while not Kotonoha (School days reference) is at least a decent person at first, but her overnight mood swing after a single night of partying is fucking horseshit, thats how drastic her change is...
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    To begin with, the game summary is both more exciting AND terribly misleading about the actual game. As is described in the summary, Mike likes to go to the gym, never happens. He likes to go to clubs... only happens in the opening scene and never again. Enjoys a full life with a wonderful and loving girlfriend? WTH! Now, the game itself is only a grind between the kitchen, where he cooks meals separately for himself then his GF, the living room where he either watches his own choice of porn where his GF after a few tries barely finishes a blow job, the bathroom where he either showers by himself or gets run out by the GF, the bedroom where the only sex ends in only her satisfaction, or she uses of a dildo and excludes him. They do sleep and he did have two near miss wet dreams starring Jenny, and the office where he works for $5 dollars an hour (insultingly unrealistic given the skill) to buy his ungrateful and wholly selfish girlfriend a gift; which, I might add, she takes to work and we never see her open it, nor does she thank him for it. Then she sets him up for tasks with very little return...except her own personal gratification. Worse still he never complains or gets angry and in fact encourages this behavior. He never leaves the house without very specific reasons that he doesn't even control. After the slut GF leaves for reasons of her own he gets saddled with huge bill he had nothing to do with and didn't even bother to protest.
    To sum this up, this game affectless, pointless, and without imagination.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.5...

    For having a great UI, this visual novel/game is very slow moving and lacking in content, so far...

    The visuals of the characters are decent, and the backdrops appear to be unique... The animations are a bit annoying as it takes a ton of clicking to get past them, if you don't want to wait... That needs some fixing... The user interface is really good looking and easy to use... Sometimes blank screens appear and have to be clicked to go to the next scene, which seems a bit unnecessary... The cell phone interface is alright, but the contacts button just closes out the phone, so unsure if that is a bug or work in progress...

    The script has a small amount of broken English here and there, along with a few spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who lives and works at home... He has a girl friend who lives with him as well, but she seems to have a lot of attitude, even before the Jenny interactions... In any case, his girl friend begins to have sexual needs that the protagonist doesn't seem ready for, yet he always seems to try and keep her happy, until it doesn't work out and she leaves him... There are of course 2 other women who he can have relationships with, depending on choices...

    There really is not much content, as after the short introduction a grind game begins... Along with each game day broken down into hours... It feels rather random, but in fact the story is very linear in nature with you wasting time now and then trying to keep the girlfriend happy and make money... No matter what you choose, she will eventually leave anyways... There are goals you can find on the cell phone, but it takes time grinding a small bit to open up the events that give the goals... Not much content really gets added in each update from what I can tell... You end up spending quite a bit of time for only a small amount of content each event, and I can count the number of events with both hands...

    Also, the story moves so darn slow and because of the girl friend, there is no feeling of compassion, love, romance, etc in this game... It doesn't feel much like a visual novel due to so much wasted time, and hollow story... Eventually you do see possibly a love/romance with the neighbor, and although Jenny seems interested in the protagonist, I'm a little wary of her real intentions... Almost as if she is orchestrating something... Like how she is the one who influenced the girl friends new sexual desires, and now wants to move in with the protagonist... It's a bit suspicious...

    Overall, visually I like this game, but it moves too slow for very little content, which sort of spoils the story immersion a bit... You will spend a lot of time grinding out money for certain steps, which takes a while because money is gained very slowly... The story concept is interesting, and the story elements are alright, when you experience them... But I just get this stagnant feeling while playing, which either stems from the grind or from the hollow relationship with the girl friend through most of the current content... I'm almost glad she's gone, and hope she stays out of the rest of the story, to be honest... Will I revisit this one? As slow as the content is generated, I will most likely wait a while before revisiting this VN/Game... To give it some time to grow and develop...
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent story thus far, with high quality graphics.

    I am not a big fan of the current setup, as there is no clear progression in the game nor a point where it says "that's it for this version".

    There are items that you don't use yet, and "goals" that you can't complete in the current version. It leads you grinding on and on trying to figure out what to do but with no real way to go forward.

    Would prefer the standard "That's it for this version" note.

    Anyways, I've enjoyed the content from this author previously and will look forward to future releases.

    PS. If the author is reading this, please make the saves compatible with future versions. Your games are too grindy to restart over and over for seemingly small updates.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review version 0.1

    Art 8,5/10: models are really good and detailed, and the background, mostly, are blurred stock photos (or they seems to be) but blend pretty well with the models. In the complex it's a little different from Kelly's family: Mother in law (his previous work) but it still have the same animations.

    Story 5/10: Story is pretty simple & in the future versions we will probably have the usual "1 dick to rule them all"/ dating/do things behind someone back, that is usual to K84 storylines. But it flows pretty well and that is what matters. I would have given a 6 but it's too short ( 2 minutes with a blue balling but nice sex scene).

    Sound 7/10:Some background music & sex noises that are well placed but is pretty ordinary

    overall 5/10: As usual since the demo is so short (basically is just half the introduction of the game), it will not pass the exam. But we already know K84 and his works are solid [Ren'Py] - [VN] - [Completed] - One Night With Caroline [K84] [VN] - [Ren'Py] - [Completed] - Kelly's Family: Mother in Law [v1.0b] [K84] (i can bet that everyone here fapped to one of his games at least once). Let's hope he will do like saddoggames & improve his stories a little. But for now, I know that i will enjoy the ride anyway

    Panda of approval (even if i know is more based on reputation than the actual demo presented)