Jan 8, 2024
so Porscho must rework the look of the their cars

Porsche will never change the original project--- all cars have to looks the same?... All cars must looks like as Ferrari :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
you are an unimaginative conformist

This imagewas perfect to me!... This is the REAL MILA!

Hope the Dev will avoid to follow an unimaginative conformist advice with the power to change the characters look in his game!

Thanks to be interested in my opinion!
Dude calm your titts! Dont call people names if you dont want to be called upon in reverse ... I would never call you a pedophile because you love and fight for the 3. visual style! I would never!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Dude calm your titts! Dont call people names if you dont want to be called upon in reverse ... I would never call you a pedophile because you love and fight for the 3. visual style! I would never!
really? is the pedophilia your problem? this is a fiction without realistic characters
there are a lot of Japanese arts that looks in a similar way...

do you remember Sailor Moon?

I think you are just a conformist as I said o you in the "Ferrari" post
you will never understand the real art!

It is just fiction that in this way is no more actrattive how Mila was in the previous version!!

Now i will ignore you ... you have pedophilia problems!... this are just art! they are not photos of real women
Porno is something that saved a lot of girls from rape... in the fiction you can imagine everything!... if you limit your imagination just to pedophilia is your problem not mine!
Happy bigoted life to you!
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Game Developer
Apr 20, 2020
I do not understand why the dev changed just for the ones that was more faster in complaining
I changed the art style because of a number of reasons.
First of all - I hit the wall with the complicated scenes. I needed sdxl model for that, and that was the main reason)
The first model was unstable, especially with Mila's hair. Sometimes it made it red and it was extremely diffucult to fix that, sometimes it made it curvy. Sometimes I couldn't get the right length etc. Face model was more or less stable, but I had to use bunch of smaller models with face, and that lead to changes in facial structure - sometimes it choose to bend to the side of another anime style, and Mila lose her nose.
Mila was too small, and because of her petite body and small tits she looked like a loli in some pictures. Personaly I don't see her like that, but I received a couple warnings from patreon and had to delete some preview pictures because of that. And I didn't want to risk it any more.
What we've lost is a "animelike" expressions. I like the old style in that regard more, because it conveys the emotion better. But overall - new style give me much more freedom so that's why it is the main model now.

please don't change things if you feel pressured by opinions
Thank you :) I changed the art style first and then, after three releases, deleted pictures with the old art style. So it's more like I deleted them because I felt thretened, but I changed the art style because I found the better fitting model and learned how to work with it :)

Maybe there was/will be also a poll about the visual style
I am not sure why - I won't change style because majority like it or don't like it. But I will change it if I find one that fits better. That is the main reason to change it, for me :)
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New Member
Dec 4, 2017
I changed the art style because of a number of reasons.
First of all - I hit the wall with the complicated scenes. I needed sdxl model for that, and that was the main reason)
The first model was unstable, especially with Mila's hair. Sometimes it made it red and it was extremely diffucult to fix that, sometimes it made it curvy. Sometimes I couldn't get the right length etc. Face model was more or less stable, but I had to use bunch of smaller models with face, and that lead to changes in facial structure - sometimes it chose to bend to the side of another anime style, and Mila lost her nose.
Mila was too small, and because of her petite body and small tits she looked like a loli in some pictures. Personally I don't see her like that, but I received a couple warnings from patreon and had to delete some preview pictures because of that. And I didn't want to risk it any more.
What we've lost is a "anime-like" expressions. I like the old style in that regard more, because it conveys the emotion better. But overall - new style give me much more freedom so that's why it is the main model now.

Thank you :) I changed the art style first and then, after three releases, deleted pictures with the old art style. So it's more like I deleted them because I felt thretened, but I changed the art style because I found the better fitting model and learned how to work with it :)

I am not sure why - I won't change style because majority like it or don't like it. But I will change it if I find one that fits better. That is the main reason to change it, for me :)
People are always going to complain if you make a change to literally anything.

Personally, i agree completely, the model you are using for Mila now (in my opinion) not only looks better, but fits the role much more. The new look almost looks like a more attractive version of Bonnie Wright who played Ginny Weasley.

I completely agree with you as well about that first look, the anime style it was in, looked super close to loli, which personally, would make me uncomfortable enough to not play it. Anyone that wants that first look back, should really reconsider if they should be posting and commenting putting that look on a pedestal, when you, the literal dev, even acknowledges that its borderline, if not literally, a loli look. I think that very first look you used that people are crying about being shelved, was way too young looking, like almost borderline loli. I agree that it looks much more anime-like, but what do anime characters look like sometimes? Too young. Fun fact, the reason many anime styles will lose a human nose, is because the point is an innocent, "cute" looking face, and to achieve this, many artists will model the face off of a literal cats head. To anyone that wants that first model back... like a man once said: "Why don't you have a seat?"

I get the wish to prefer anime-inspired expressions because they're more detailed than a more naturalistic model could achieve, but I believe the benefit of the change outweighs the drawback if it simplifies the process of manipulation. I just think anime-like expressions would just require so much more iteration to get a specific desired emotion right, compared to realism, where a face may come much more naturally.

In summary, don't listen to all the "critics" who want you to cater to their specific kinks, and don't let the minority of people burn you at the stake because you made a change. This is your project, and there's a distinction between hearing suggestions and advice, as opposed to letting people take control of your project for their own pleasure.

I look forward to seeing your progress.
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Feb 4, 2021
If you meant it in a way that I don't have enough support - thank you.If you meant it in a way that I have too much support - sorry :)For me AI is just a tool. It shapes a template for your taste. Something like a 3d printer or photoshop of sorts. What is the big difference between AI generated pictures and for example 3d pictures? Most of the games made with 3d renders use the same free meshs and models. The developers just download a bunch of assets, put the dolls in the right posisition and done. A lot of games with 2d arts use real pics that used as template for picture. Isn't that stealing? For example Good girl gone bad made that way - and I absolutely adore it.For me it doesn't matter what is used to make CGs, what counts is amount of effort. You can make shitty game with Daz, you can make a good game with Daz. You can make shitty game with 2d arts, you can make a masterpiece with it too. The same is right about AI CGs. The only difference is - you can make more CGs at the same time, or the same amount with better quality. That called progress.In the past there were only paintings made by artist in real world. The artists "stole" technics one form another and developed their own styles which is most of the time is just a bunch of other styles mixed in a certain proportion. We did that untill we reached the wall - "The black square" of Malevich. He thought that time that the art is dead, or at least it's my interpretation.But then we had photographs. Which pushed the art further. There is no point of drawing something precisely if you have a way to make a picture with a click of finger. Isn't that cheating? But there are a lot of depth in lights and composition. Photos became an inspiration point for lots of artist to get away from the realism, or vise versa.Then we had PCs and photoshop. You can not only make picture, but then you can even change balance of black and whites, colors, fix it, shape as you wish.And then there were digital pictures too. People now can make photobashing for making amazing arts (like use different pictures and 3d arts with some changes).All of it called progress. On every step we swap a part of (now) useless skills to a way to automaticaly shape the form to our imagination. And AI is a part of it. I don't feel any remorse using it. It's just better than everything else. It's already here, denying it is pointless.
To be put in motion your slop machine needs art that amounts to the painstaking effort of someone who has taken it upon themselves to realize the aesthetics that you crank out of it in order to avoid having to do as they did. So don't act nonchanlant and put yourself on the same ground of the people you're taking advantage from because there's nothing egalitarian about AI. One sucker will always have to provide the hand made art necessary to automate the process of creating the art of unscrupulous persons like you.
Jan 16, 2018
To be put in motion your slop machine needs art that amounts to the painstaking effort of someone who has taken it upon themselves to realize the aesthetics that you crank out of it in order to avoid having to do as they did. So don't act nonchanlant and put yourself on the same ground of the people you're taking advantage from because there's nothing egalitarian about AI. One sucker will always have to provide the hand made art necessary to automate the process of creating the art of unscrupulous persons like you.
Yet your hate speech does not explain why I keep on seeing the very same 3D model (with minor variations, at best) featured in half of the VNs whose devs shouldn't be addressed as "unscrupulous" and lazy, but are instead glorified for what they "create".
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