Ren'Py - Milfrim: The Elder Fuck 69 [v1.068] [Omar Company]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Enka Kazai

    I'm enjoying the game so far, perhaps it's a little bit grindy but it's good, even if the drawings are not the best they're decent though and the game is quite easy and friendly with the user, I stopped playing for a month and when I came back it wasn't so difficult to get use to it again
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is grindy as hell. No clear path, not many explanations on what to do and it breaks down as soon as you perform one quest before finishing another unrelated.

    I know they put a lot of effort on this one and thus abandoning another promising game, but so far neither is ready enough to be called an organized game.

    After 30 minutes only got some animations of asses. If that is all you care about play this game.

    Not giving 1 star because I saw effort put on the games.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The final release was bugged as hell. Skipping was not working. Major game mechanics like the quest log just disappeared. There was game balancing whatsoever. The english translation was so bad that calling it bad would be a gross understatement. As a fellow game designer I am baffled how this can considered a complete release for public without even 5% testing. I can now underrstand why so may people are cursing the developers.

  4. 4.00 star(s)


    That version number made me believe this was almost completed... boy was I wrong.

    The game isn't in an alpha or beta stage, but it is still in its toddler phase of content.

    The PROS
    The UI works.
    The graphics are what it was portraited to be.
    The story and character interactions are well written and at times unique.
    The content ends are well within sight. Save for one, but it was easy to spot.
    The game guide was easy to understand.
    Low pay wall of 2-5 bucks for supporter content.

    The CONS
    The corruption levels didn't interact with quests. I've had a few corruption up scenes about a quest I already completed.
    One quest didn't complete even when there was no other option to finish said quest.
    Pay wall - Even if it is low many will complain.
    Graphics aren't new and has been done before, but I don't mind.
    There was one scene that didn't match the text to what happened.

    This is a work in progress. Most of what I don't like about the game will be updated with time or fixed. I have no major CONS yet and wish the best for the developer
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    As said before, there is very little content not locked behind a paywall. If you want to pay it's probably an enjoyable game. But if not enjoy grinding for pg-13 toon scenes because thats all you get.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The art looked cool. it was the main thing that made me click on the game, but many scenes are hidden behind a paywall, which makes the game less enjoyable. I still wish the developer luck in the future and will keep an eye out for new content.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    A lot of content is paywalled, the "game" part of it isn't really that good, and it's grindy for few scenes in return. Maybe it will be better since this is an early version, but I wouldn't recommend this as of now, even if you are a fan of Skyrim.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Half of the content is behind paywall. Not worth it. Do you want sex scene with sister ? then pay do you want this event ? then pay... like i am okay if game has like cheats for patreons but to paywall half content.... hell no
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Paywalled, and what little is avaiable in this poorly written and translated game isnt worth your time. cant really give a honest opinion when the game offers nothing. there is only one actual sex scene.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    OMG, I love and hate this game. The concept is cool, the art is great and there isnt much grind. On the other hand the animations are few & far between, and not very good. The writing reads as if a 10 year old who didnt speak English wrote it, it's atrocious! It's easy enough to follow the story, but this game will never get better unless they hire a native speaker to proof read. And I found no way to know when you actually finished all available content. The stats dont tell you much and there are too many "available only to Patreon members". I would give it 2 1/2 stars but i rounded up and I have hope the deficits will be corrected.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome premisse for a story, the art has charm and personality, cant wait to see more of it, just please make the dialogue better, don't let butthurt people discourage you.
    Tis has a lot of potential and shouldn't be discouraged.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    pretty bad. the art is fine, but the dialogue is nigh incomprehensible, and there's pretty much no content. additionally, from the context im getting from other comments, seems to be one of those games that will just randomly include scene where you lover interests have sex with other people, which, as always, is a hard pass from me.