Ren'Py - MILFs of Sunville [S2 v7.04 Extra] [L7team]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Ver. 2.01.
    Lots of content e characters.
    I agree with those who consider the story banal and not original, a stupid MC but, the remaining characters, the details, the setting, the gameplay and above all the fluid and well-made animations (they only lack the final animated coitus) are part of a developed project with high level technical skills.
    In less than two months it has been updated twice, I hope it doesn't end like so many other good projects that start with enthusiasm and then ... drown.
    I'm sorry for the story but this could have been one of the few masterpieces of this site and yet I rate it well for the aforementioned skills of the dev which I hope, if it fails to improve this, it can come back with a project whose history can compete with the his graphic and technical skills.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Things:
    - nice renders
    - clean UI
    => all in all a very good looking game

    Bad Things:
    - incredibly stupid choices.
    - somewhat stupid plot
    - completely unlikable MC (tied in to the first two bad things)

    This could have been one of the greats. Still could maybe if its rewritten and reworked.

    You click around the house trying to maybe shower or orient yourself. You find your maybe-relative in the shower. You get the options to "join her", "peep on her" or to "take a photo". Uhhh. How about an option of not being pathetic and walking out again ?Lucky me a rollback can fix this
    Same situation a bit later but this time unavoidable. Hot girl shows you your locker. 2 options.A) get her to stick her head into the locker because you claim there is something inthere (as if she needs to have her face 2 cm away from it to be able to see) so you can look ather ass. B) simply tell her she has a nice ass as she is leaving......
    I mean seriously. What kinda braindamaged idiot are we playing as here ?
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3709330

    Not bad this is very good the coolest thing I've seen everything is wonderful the way the movement of the character is excellent the method of control is smooth the transition from one place to another is wonderful lovely keep going Dev :love:
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    MILFs of Sunville! [v0.2 ] - Review -
    Starting of with the positives in this VN are the renders and the girl models which are one of the best in terms of the games that I have played . Now moving to negatives of this game - Annoying free roam / Sandbox where we have to roam around school floors and rooms with no quick travel between classes and to progress the game . Same old story which is becoming more and more boring nowadays . Next is the male Main character who is nothing more than a dumb pervert as most of the choices for him in this game are to creep or grope on girls . And some of the choices in this game are ridiculous like - MC is bullied / beaten by a male NPC since school and one of the choice to get back at him is to " TO WRITE SOMETHING AWFUL ON HIS DESK " :ROFLMAO: .
    So in the end 2 stars 1 star for the amazing renders and 1 for the rest , pretty disappointed with the lack of the story and the writing to match the quality of renders .
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great, and fresh, models. Good mix of ages and body types too.

    And locations not recycled from so many other games.

    UI is clean and intuitive. Branching paths are worth playing. The story and setting may not be unique but I've seen far worse offenders and lesser quality.

    Good work on all the characters - they all feel unique.

    Top notch work all around, dev! This player certainly appreciates it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    You can't be more generic than this, 13 year old mentality voyeur/wimp/creep MC with the same preset of people around him, also badly executed all around, the only thing you can salvage here are the renders.
  7. 2.00 star(s)



    1- Renders and animations are probably the best aspects of this work, and it clearly shows.


    1- The story reads like the most stereotypical "incest" (wink wink) plot imaginable.
    2- Characters are basically composed of a checklist of the usual adult game tropes:

    Weakling Creeper MC? Check.
    A "Sister" that hates his guts? Check.
    A "Sister" that loves him dearly? Check.
    Sexually Frustrated "Mom"? Check.
    Token unavoidable friend? Check.
    Bullies? Check.
    Dominatrix Style Teachers? Check.
    We can go on and on.

    3- Suffers from typical Sandbox Syndrome


    Did we go back in time to 2017?
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game came out of nowhere from developers brand new to the scene, and it's the most professionally game I've seen! So much attention has gone into the little details, the sex animations are so fluid and high quality I would not have guessed it came from and indie developer. The models omg, unique and sexy is all I have to say. For a first release it's got TON of content and if each release has this much content on a consistent basis this is going to be a great game. Looking forward to how this one turns out!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Version 0.1

    Seeing that this game is being developed by a team of 7 members , I decided to this game a try hoping that it will be good . After playing this game if you ignore the beautiful renders and hot models rest of the things fell apart in this game .
    Another game added to the college and incest theme , just like several games before that . And we have another Beta Main character added to the story who creeps on others by default .
    Coming to the sex scenes - they are added as a filler to avoid no sexual content in the prologue . In the genre except for the Masturbation which MC does to himself , rest Titfuck and Handjob are dream sequence and Vaginal sex is a voyeur scene where you watch & masturbate your sister getting fucked by her boyfriend . The prologue would have better with no sex scene rather than voyeur and dream scene just to add tags into the game . For a team with " reputable author " this is quite substandard .
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I read some of the reviews and decide to play it for myself. for being v0.1

    The renders are top notch, the animation is really flawless I haven't seen to many with that quality.

    The story is a little out played but again this is only the 0.1 version of the game so who can really say where the story goes from there.

    The MC so far is really angry if that can be dialed back a bit would make him okay. I see why the some of the other chars don't like him, but yeah please tone it down some.

    All in all: 4/5 Will subscribe to Patreon after a couple of updates and development.
  11. 3.00 star(s)



    • The quality of the graphics/renders is very high.
    • There is a lot of attention put into the animations, and some are very long and detailed.
    • The game seems to have the start of an EXCELLENT sandbox system, should it continue to be filled out to it's potential.
    • The overall technical quality is excellent as well. Very smooth, very professional.
    • The MC is a fully grown adult, which is always necessary for me.


    • The story to this point is a mix between bare bones basic and somewhat confusing. There's a time jump that doesn't really explain itself or make sense at the start.
    • The MC is exceptionally angry, which is a big turnoff for me.
    • The characters all have a very hard edge/cold appearance to them. That's not rare with some of these games, but I find it hard to enjoy.
    • While it comes down to personal taste, it seems like there are going to be a lot more adversarial relationships in the game than positive ones.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    If you take away the beautiful Renders and smooth Animations and having knowing what the story was about I probably wouldn't have touched this game with a 10ft pole. This game has all the looks, but the story seems far too lazy, it's like they didn't put any effort or thought in it at all. Some parts felt kinetic, and it's not exactly a free roam if content is forced. What did the team 7 Devs spent most of their time dolling up this game and making it look pretty that they forget you actually need at story to go along with it? It's not 2016 anymore, you can't keep relying heavily on Renders because pretty soon everyone is gonna catch up. Team 7 should've invested a little more time on the story and proofreading, instead of this overbearing copy machine. Playing this game you'd think 7 Devs can put together more positives other than the Renders and Animations. If they actual try this game could be enjoyable, but there's not even a real plot other than loser creep wants to get laid, the end.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Another college story with a pervert main character who is also an idiot and one who enjoys seeing others having sex and same old family drama of sisters / roommates and mom / landlady . Sandbox was good , I didn't find any bugs . The models were hot and the renders were good but the same old incest story set in college atmosphere was a big failure . And it seems the story will be realistic relationship so we are going to have more voyeurism .
    Overall 2 stars apart from the incredible renders rest of the things like annoying MC personality and another incest college settings and story is very poor ( which I was hoping would be good or at the most decent)
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a good example of how great renderings and animations do not guarantee a good player experience. The storyline is a repetition of many other games, a mishmash of hits that doesn't work. I expected more from a team of 7 developers
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Bobby Boucher™

    I played a game not too recently where the prologue was so bad and the MC and story was so gut wrenching cringy I almost walked away permanently. This game had the same exact vibes, and I’m some ways even worse. Unlikeable MC who’s a walking cringefest in his own right. Extremely unoriginal story, forced content, everything that I hate about games. Yeah the renders are fantastic but that will only get you so far in my book. I might check it out in the next update, seeing as that other game that I’m not mentioning turned it around, but we’ll see.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    These are really good renders and a classic plot in a familiar scenarios. Some people are complaining about the latter but to me this is at worst a neutral point, landing this game far in the positives on quality of renders and the very functional characterization of all the characters. I do agree that the intro scene of seeing someone else fuck your (romancable) sister is extremely unneeded.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Queen Daenerys

    The Pros:

    UI was really good and somewhat restored my hope on what a good sandbox game could look like. The gameplay was bugfree and easy to navigate.

    The Renders were great, clean and crisp. The models are hot, well at least some of them are. Sophie and the assistant to the professor tyrant stood out the most for me. Both the sisters were basic I thought. Animations looked nice too.

    The Cons:

    The story is overdone, not much there aside from the usual annoying porn tropes. We take on the extra creepy, pervy MC that's kind of an obnoxious dork. The usual abandonment issues are present, the usual angry sister, caring, but clueless little sister and typical Mom. The stepfather is shit also.

    The MC gets his thrills watching others fuck apparently, including his own LI. Which will probably rub a lot of players the wrong way. There was nothing avoidable in this game, the paths so far doesn't seem to matter. We're paired with the usual sidekick, of course there's bullies even in college. And of course the MC is a wimpy guy who can't defend himself.

    Bottomline for me is I don't care how good your renders look, there's dozens of places with great art and animations I can tap into if I wanna get off instantly, what matters to me is the story. I have to know why I should spend my money on your project versus the other Devs other than great renders and solid models.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The renders and animations are top-notch. Despite that, the plot is really typical. But well... the characters are really hot and the sex scenes look gorgeous to be honest.

    It's worth to give it a try and looks really promising, good luck to the dev.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has amazing renders and animations but other than that everything is simply horrible with same old college setting with a stupid , wimp Main character who spies on others and gets off seeing others having sex , two sisters / housemates - one who hates you and another loves you , annoying father and a sex hungry step mom for MILF , an irritating friend and hot teachers . The game revolves around 'realistic relationship ' so we expect more voyeurism where other male NPC banging other women or Love Interests in the future.
    Other than the impressive visuals , the story and the characters are nothing new we haven't seen in other games in this forum . If you are the person who plays VN for visuals you may like it , if you play for the story you will most likely to be disappointed .
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    After playing the 0.1 version I can say its a mediocre game, despite the good representation of
    graphics and animations.

    Story is nothing new, the characters you got to know is also nothing new for me. How they behave "Realstic"
    is up for every person to judge but they are inconsistent.
    Its a sandbox game, which I like. However, its a Sandbox game with a Pathsystem which hardlocks you out
    of specific characters during the game. Thats why we got this RR-Meter Mechanic.
    Right now it seems its only to effect how you to get to know some Teachers or Students first, but my gut feeling
    tells me its something similar of "Being a DIK" where once you pick this option/Path you can never Bang this
    girl from this point on despite its still half of the story done.
    If you into harem its not the game for you.
    If you want kinda a romance game where you chose a single girl, keep this game your radar.

    PS: The first sex scene is with your Older Sisters and her BF where you watch them bang and you rub
    yourself one out. Since the game refers with "realistic relationships" you can expect that during the story
    others then the MC gonna bang other chicks.