Ren'Py - Completed - MILF's Plaza [Steam_14B] [Texic]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I played the first version, which was promising, and then I tried to play some new verions, which didn't work all to well (bathroom scene).
    Today I played version 0.6.5b and had a great couple of hours progressing on the main love interest (Mary or Mom if you apply the now working incest patch :) ).
    I really appreciate :
    - the build up: slowly but steady and well paced sandbox. Littel bit of grind with a few minigames but they're all quite easy and rewards follow fairly quickly. No complaints.
    - the artwork , which is really good imho. For a 2DCG game here on F95, it is ceratinly above average, comparable even to Summerville Saga.
    - the quest guide.

    Some minor issues:
    - some daily events can progress faster than the main story. For example, I got anal with the main LI a good time before the end scene in the main quest line. Better save that for later ? (I was not complaining though :) )
    - the secondoray characters need some more background and believable stories. The stalker girl at night was kind of weird to me.

    Anyway, this game seems to be back on the right track. Thank you developer(s) for all the hard work.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.6.5B

    This game is a bit of a mixed bag. Lots of pros and cons, but it definitely needs a lot of work.

    The art is awesome. Truly the standout aspect of this game. Good animations too. Right now you can only really romance the mom, but the sister and the girl who shakes you down have a few scenes as well. The backgrounds and UI also have a lot of work put into them which I like.

    The gameplay loop is serviceable if not a little tedious. There is no real difference between the "Story" and "Survival" modes. The "Survival" aspect is a joke, as you can instantly refill all your meters at your house each day for no cost and both modes require you to play minigames to grind up enough money for story events. But I at least appreciate the effort to elevate it above the typical VN formula.

    The real problem is the dialogue. The grammar is very broken and left untranslated in many places. This includes important pieces of text like how to play some minigames. Things are not consistently translated either which makes the story a headache to understand. Sometimes you are staying at your brother's house, sometimes it's just a friend, other times its your father's. And this issue in terminology extends to all the characters, including the mom. The story itself isn't that good either. You play as a drug dealer who is trying to reform, but you still regularly need to gamble, assault people, steal, and sell drugs with no remorse. Its weird. It's like the author wants to make him seem like a good guy with morals, but also want's to make him this edgy badass. It doesn't work. I ended up skipping past most of the dialogue in the later half of the game cause it was boring and didn't make sense.

    No bugs I could find thankfully. Although, how time progresses when going from area to area can be a little wonky.

    Finally, there isn't a lot of content to chew on. Depending on your tolerance for games still in early development, you may get a lot of enjoyment out of it. But if you are looking for something with a lot of content and gameplay, come back to this one later.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Another one of those "artwork and general premise is great, but execution, writing, and gameplay sucks" kind of games. I think it has potential and maybe with enough time it could be smoothed out, but there's just so much wrong with the game right now that you're basically just going to end up skipping the poorly translated dialogue and speed-running through the game to get the scenes.

    Most of the gameplay mechanics are shallow and poorly implemented as well. For instance, you can continue to gain relationship points with your mother even though all the game does is reset you back to 0 when you cross the threshold until it specifically tells you to get the next relationship level... which happens very rarely. So there's this entire relationship mechanic where you can do chores or interact with your mother for points that's basically completely useless outside of super small segments of the game.

    A lot of things are present but unfinished for some reason, like the tropey binoculars which you can buy but basically has zero content.

    This is a game that I think would have vastly been improved if the author had sat down and grinded out each stage of the game carefully, then fleshing it out, before moving on to the next, with no more than the basic gameplay loop skeleton set in place beforehand.

    Instead, there are a lot of placeholders, unused mechanics, and incomplete/shallow mechanics all over the place that make this less a game/VN and more of a dreaded CG unlocker checklist.

    I won't get too deep into the story as it's kind of terrible, but basically you and your best friend owe bad people money and have a limited amount of time to get it. There's not a lot of instrigue or interesting twists here, and unfortunately, your relationship with other characters is just as bad.

    Your not-sister is all over the place and flips between being somewhat sisterly to a bitch, and even blackmails you at one point, lol. Your not-mother is much better written and is the blatantly obvious focus of the game as she's the only one with even the slightest bit of development or real scenes outside of the debt collector thug-girl who is mostly portrayed as a money-hungry whore. I'm sure there's more to her, but since she only shows up weekly to collect, brags about how much money she loves, and only does sexy stuff with you when you offer her extra payments, you're not really left with much more to think about her.

    Your not-mother's writing isn't horrendous, I think she's alright. She starts off as pretty stern, though eventually gives in to her kinky fantasies with her not-son. I think the progression in their relationship is a bit too fast and there are some really old and boring tropes like "no this is wrong oh but wait his dick happens to be colossal for some reason so nevermind it's not weird to be thinking about jumping on it all the time" and the relationship flips just as fast into hard dominance where your not-mother becomes "your woman" and your character evolves into andrew tate lmao, which most scenes gaining a kind of "taking what's yours" feel.

    Not really a full asshole of an MC, especially not at the start, but god were my eyes rolling so hard by the end.

    Frankly, I'm getting tired of a lot of the games on this site. Every gal has to have 80% of her body weight in her boobs, every relationship has to be about physically and/or mentally beating "love" into place, every MC apparently has to a borderline psychopath because the authors are probably playing out personal fantasies and don't know the difference between being suave and being an asswipe.

    As for the rest, well, there are very few scenes with other characters, sexy or otherwise, and most of them are the not worth mentioning. There's just cop character who is probably one of the most annoying characters I've ever had the displeasure of reading, like, this dude is basically just your neighbor and yet wants to stick his nose so far up your butt 24/7 that he can smell a stink before you even know it's coming.

    Overall, I'd play it for the art but don't expect much as a game.

    tl;dr worth it for the CGs, they're pretty high quality, not worth it as a game and unlikely to ever be worth it as a game should it ever even become one of the few projects that actually finish.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game with a lot of interesting content for its version. Nice drawing, well written dialogues. It's a great way to have fun, but I would like to see more fetishes and more characters. I hope the author does not abandon the project and it will be wonderful!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    review based on " beta c" version
    - good art
    - good ui
    - for some actions no stubs, like sms interaction
    - in current stage- its not a game, just bunch pron scenes, all scenes accesables from start, cuz in dialog menu no conditions...

    in current state its not a game- its just a demo version, where u can just watch all avaiable scenes with good art.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is good but the game is a bug fest. DEV should focus on QA and fix all the bugs before making a new release. I couldnt even get to the first scene without multiple resets. I might change my rating later depending on how this goes
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall I like this game. Voluptuous women, the story is good, and the grind isn't too much. Mr Dev needs to address the missing dialogue; especially between Mery and Kristy but I am sure he'll take care of that in the next update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3363535

    Nevers mind just checker the New version now and it's really good

    The game is good but still there are lots of bugs that you stuck in a place forever , but the best thing is the design which is great but you can't do anything cause you are stuck because of bugs and it's a waste of time in the end . I recimmend until the final update to play this game so the bugs are cleared hopefully !!
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    MILF's Plaza is a classic Ren'Py game with an authentic and easy on the eye art style. Developer's heart is at the right place and that's all the positive things i can say about this game.

    MILF's Plaza promises many things as you can see it on the tags, but as of version 0.4.25, it fails to deliver anything but frustration and disappointments. There are many bugs. Some of them hard locks the game and halts your progress. I couldn't go on due to a bug in park that prevents you to collect drugs to sell in order to continue the story. Some hints and conversations randomly swaps to Russian more often than you'd tolerate. What's left of the translation makes you wonder if it's possible to make less sense than what you just read. Some conversations options are plain empty. You gotta pick and pray and hope you got the right one. Story is all over the place. I don't know if the incest patch is official or not, but calling your mom by her name half the time takes you out of the intended experience. Also, in the intro, you are led to believe that you are tasked to look after your brother's wife. I don't remember the last time i got confused that much while playing a 18+ game.

    This thing is an absolute bubble popper. It has huge potential, but don't even think about trying it out until dev fixes all the stuff i mentioned.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    It' s a pity to see a very promising author's degradation. In Sweet Cake he could show an ability for decent writing . It wasn't a masterpiece of course - but quite enjoyable experience nevertheless. And one can hope that in next project everything will be better..
    Alas, forget it. It's like there wasn't anything before. Usually, such primitive mindless sex simultion sandbox with minimum text and cardboard characters for quick bucks gain is way to do things typical for newbie creators. It's dissapointing to see established author's degradation to a format which can't give anything to reader with a taste.
    Even as a sex simulator it's mediocre at best. Both milf and the guy wants to fuck from the beginning and don't even try to hide it. They eventually do it - and that's it. What's the point to play after that - to see new poses in sex, or what? He couldn't even do proper corruption since utter lack of text exposition won't allow it. Following the "plot"? Ridiculous. It's there only for grinding money to buy webcams etc. To watch milf for what exactly? They are fucking already and protagonist had seen everything he could )
    Even witty humor from previous work vanished completely. And protagonist character is so disgusting that it makes reader to support sleazy policeman more. In the end, all that remains is good art - hence two stars instead of one.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I do not understand the 5 star reviews. Honestly the developer should concentrate on the artwork and find help with game development. On the plus side the art is excellent. On the down side the game play is beyond annoying and story is revolting. Perhaps it was an attempt to make an edgy character, bu it is not doing it for me and it is not an issue of translation.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Followed by the author from his past games. It's funny that he switched from young girls to milf... And yet, he maintains his usual level of quality.
    Fun plot, maintains a great visual style. Hope the author succeeds in completing the project.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    8/10 - Current State
    - Decent plot
    - Extremely good art / fetishes
    - Really good ambience / Sounds

    Big fan of the small teaseing elements, such as the window peak or the dress going up, the milf looks really good and the characters arent going from 1-100 in 5 minutes which gives the game a nice progression.

    - make the milf tease the player while wearing more clothes instead of half naked, bending With jeans or booty shorts for example :p
    - have the player Ask her to do things such as twerk in exchange for cleaning the house or smth

    just some ideas i would like to see :)
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.1f First Release [3/5]

    Great Demo! The developer makes it very clear what kind of game he/she is trying to make here. The art is great and the game has sandbox type gameplay that I enjoy from time to time. If you are a fan of that and the Milf genre you should definitely try it out.

    The smexy stuff in it feels rushed. This is mostly because the Demo doesn't have a prologue and starts us somewhere in the middle of the story. The story itself also feels kind of compressed which is the reason I keep calling it a Demo. I'm hoping that once the prologue gets added and pacing is adjusted the build up will feel a bit more natural. I feel that this genre usually works best when there is a gradual escalation in sexual tension. (A spark that creates an ember, an ember that smolders and grows trying to catch flame until the heat can't be contained anymore and it erupts into a raging unstoppable inferno.)

    The text shows grammatical signs of translation from russian in some spots and a tiny amount of cyrillic script is still left in. It's nothing major though and you can clearly make out what's going on. I fully expect that all of that will be ironed out in future versions.

    The rating might seem a bit low but the game is in early development. I see a bright future for this game and look forward to adjusting my rating as development continues and the game gets more polished.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent artwork and straightforward progression system with a hint system for a further quality of life improvement, doesn't feel grindy at all. The game also already has some sexy payoffs even though it's currently a first release!
    I very much look forward to future updates to this game, I feel like it's very quickly shaping up to be a masterpiece up there with the greats.