VN - Others - Completed - Milking Fantasy [v1.4] [glasses workshop tits store]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, I'm gonna be honest - I kinda enjoyed this. But that's mainly because I really wanted a lactation and milk-sucking game to indulge in.

    Overall, it's not a flashy game. The MTL english (at least I hope it's MTL) is pretty poor, so I found myself just enjoying the animations. Saying that though, the dead fish-eye look on some of the models isn't appealing, and there's a blur over the privates, so I'm assuming this was made in Japan or something.

    Beyond that, it still got a rise out of me, and the actual nipple sucking on some of the models looks really quite decent, even if the 'magic' being sucked out of their tits is more multi-coloured sparkly water than milk.