Unity - Milky Tides [v0.11] [StudioMilkBowl]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Hello everyone,

    Anyone who has seen my posts knows that I don't post much here. But today, I want to share a bit about the game Milky Tides.

    I'm not sure if the developer will read this, but if they do, great. If not, that's okay too (I'm not a sponsor of the game yet).

    First of all, there are few Unity games that run as smoothly as this one without making my PC sound like it's about to take off with fans at full blast.

    The story is engaging, and the quest navigation menu is very user-friendly with a certain charm to it. It could be improved, but it’s not a priority right now.

    The graphics are pretty standard, similar to what you see in other games. Even the animations are basic, but personally, I don't mind that much.

    The grinding aspect is manageable and doesn't require excessive repetition, so kudos to the developer for that.

    Overall, is it worth playing? Yes, definitely!

    Now, onto what I didn't particularly like:

    The transition to anal sex because of pregnancy seems rushed. The game vaguely promises pregnancy, and it would make more sense for the contraceptive item to be introduced before the option for anal sex.

    I enjoy the gradual progression in relationships, where the dialogue evolves from "Don't cum inside, I don't want to get pregnant" to "Come inside, I want to have lots of children with you."

    I feel the romance aspect could be better developed, allowing characters to avoid pregnancy until they choose to (and please, not at the end of the game).

    I appreciate it when a game includes pregnancy, making it a repeatable event with activities involving the babies, like taking care of them or providing weekly support. Not just having the baby and then it disappears.

    That's just my two cents. See you next time, guys. (y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a quick side-game, this is it. The girls look great, the animations are nice and the sandbox gameplay is not grindy and you progress at a fast rate. The story is very shallow but that is not something the game aspires to be great in. Here and there are a few surprise kinks but nothing that should be too offending for most people. The only downside this game has is that can't be sure that you're not drunk or in a fever dream because the navigation is unfortunately, pretty ass.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game with decent story and good enough sandbox gameplay. Overall even the sandbox is there, the gameplay is still fast enough to let you get all the scene and progess the story without being exhauted. The story is your basic "epidemic forces people to stay together and lust magic voodoo", if you like it, then you will like the game. All the scene are animated and imo, very hot. I will give it 5/5 for doing everything just good enough
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games in F95 Zone. The combination of 3D and 2D is good. All X scenes are Animated and replayable. the gameplay is simple and straight forward. This game is in my Watch Thread. Good Job creator
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game I played on this website.


    -Great GREAT animations
    -Quest tips


    -lack of customization
    -not yet complete :( (still plenty of content to be played)
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    I like the concept and the idea of this one but the story is just not there, its stupid and boring all at once, sandbox isent bad and i like the idea of freeroam but without freedom theres no real point of freeroam, your forced to follow a set kinetic storyline removing any kind of freedom other then sometimes picking which order to do quests but still kinetic.

    The girls really all look the same, so its pretty much just one girl just with diffrent hair/tits but face is just the same.

    As for plot its seen about a million times over be it as a power or sickness or whatever, where lust is MCs "problem" he then has to corrupt him self so he can do shit to the girl(s) so theres no real love route and any choices in any way which makes for just another mindless fuckfest just with very few LIs but still same goal fuck everything that moves...so forget about relationships or romance or any other kind of build-up it wont matter so you will never get to feel anything towards a LI.

    It also feels absolutly idiotic when you meet the two new girls at the docks since your so called friend has apprently invited them inside you bedroom while you where stick so they could take a look at you dick???? i mean wtf...
    but i guess scene is set for the mindless porngame, clearly shown by MCs dick popping out of hes full pants all on its own...its like freaking magic like the pants just vanished or made a hole so hes dick could show? its just awfull....

    Also game forces kinks and fetishes on you as well which is simply just not something it should do since it will lose alot of people who arent into stuff like lactation to name one....which i personaly arent into so being forced to do it 5+ times is just no good, same for anal sex im not a fan and there is a shitload of that as well and forced goes without saying.

    One of the worst part its so damn repetitive since you have to do the same damn quests 5 times over and only one can be done each day, its annoying and its boring as fuck, even worse when its a kink you might hate.

    As for the virgin/deflower fans, forget this one altogether, you wont find a worse scene anywhere, girl grinds MC where dick just slips in, 0 pain 0 blood just "oh you just took my virginity and it was sooo good" its a joke really.

    Girls 1/5
    Theres what maybe 5 LIs all with the same face so none are unique which is lazzyness and stupid.

    Animations 3/5
    Average at best.

    Chocies 0/5
    Well you have no choice in anything, all girls are forced cant skip quests or you wont be able to progress.

    Sandbox 3/5
    Its diffrent and its pretty easy and not that big a grind either so its a decent sandbox just to bad the rest isent, repetitive quests arent fun and should never be in the game, it only waste peoples time and make them quit.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Great initial release. The scenes are fun, sexy, and come in multiple angles. As of v0.1, this game should provide a few hours entertainment. Controls are terrible.

    Review of v0.1 - overall highly recommend trying if you're into 3D

    • Cute character design
    • Most scenes have multiple angles and choices, which provides a lot of variety to the lewd moments.
    • Intentionally designed 1 handed controls (thank you dev)
    • The controls are terrible. The dev commented about it, not realizing how jarring diagonal movement would be.
    • There is no gallery
    • The money and farming system feels unnecessary. Finances are part of the main story, but the farming mechanic feels "extra" and apart from the main game play.
    • The farming mechanic is for story progression and not for grinding money. After cooking is unlocked, all basic recipes provide a 1.5x return on your ingredients, which can quickly be grinded.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid few hours of content in its initial release with much more to come. Requires some fine tuning but a really good start! The story is compelling although there needs to be some refinement in what roles the characters have, which seems to be editable in future updates.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    i do wanna like it, but the game is just too god damn stupid,
    it's just... i don't know anymore. my brain feels fried after playing this for an hour.

    you play as some super rich guy it seems, with a frigging yacht who moves in with three girls on a superb island that has a beach house with everything you need. and apparently a deadly virus is killing many peeps on the main land. ...why dont i get a frigging beach with a house on top of it, pfff.
    anyway, you arrive and only see one of ya girls, the other two are still stuck at the main land.
    to generate money to help em out (why doesnt the mc have money when he has a yacht?) you grow food and
    sell it to some abo girls for insane money. but hold on! you are also struck by the virus but instead of dying you become super horny! now you gotta breed to stay alive!

    the game btw is split into two play styles. the 3d mapping style with cartoonish rendering where you move around the house and the lewd scenes that are probably heavily modded illusion soft animations and pics.

    basically the game is a bit like lilia's blooming season... but good god the logic in this game is just bottom barrel for me.

    you grow a frigging apple tree in a day.
    when ya harvest wheat for the first time (wheat, mind you) dat redhead girl insta makes bread out of it. uuuh, huh. k.
    your dick is capable of unzipping your pants.
    of course, even though its supposed to be sandbox, you cant horndog around and maybe face the consequences of your actions,
    instead you need to get more corrupt by progressing the extremely linear storyline. that includes exhausting all god damn
    options when bathing (just why..., this doesn't belong in a sandbox game). of course you have the typical very embarassing moments
    where you watch porn at night and she for some reason wakes up and decides to storm into your room to look at ya ding dong and scream.
    and of course no doors have locks. we got money for a big house, but nah pal, no locks. sry. but we got money for sat internet ;D.
    obviously you get the "im stuck, stepbro" washing machine scene and the shower or toilet peek. the whole palette. not to mention the
    typical illusion soft tongue out pose.
    unskippable animations that you will see a thousand times also add to the drag.
    what irks me the most though is simply the fact, that this is not a sandbox game. no, i cant do whatever i want. im locked out behind everything
    unless i do those extremely nonsensical and boring quests in order. characters dont really do anything during the day. they just stand there and the game basically just waits for you to progress the story to start some new code. time therefore is just a number and doesnt add anything to the simulation. and that in return makes the game feel extremely empty and bland and frankly, it also doesnt need to be "open world" at all. you can just have buttons for each location and call it a day. lets be frank here: you grind some linear quests to get a slideshow of animations. that's it.
    a sandbox is, when i have multiple ways to reach what i want to achieve and no linear story to "unlock" further options. there is no logic behind making her able to bake some frigging bread and make an apple pie so the story can finally start to slowly progress further with her. why does she have to see the mc naked in the bathtub? if its really important for the dev to have her see mc naked yet wants it to be sandbox, then you need several options to do this and have
    the player figure it out. sandbox is, when i have the freedom to do whatever i want within the options given to me and have npcs around me react to whatever action i do and i can choose if i want to do it or not. but the game is actively forcing me to do these quests to proceed. unlike e.g. games like jack o nine tails or masters of raana, where i can do whatever the fuck i want right form the start and pursue whatever goal i wanna do.

    the game itself doesn't really have any bugs other than the clunky controls and a misfigured pussy image right at the start. and even though the tags tick for me i can't really give a high rating here. yes, i know, it's a super early version, but the foundation is already so wobbly that i don't see a proper game coming out of this one. but as always, time will tell.
    bonus points for the quality of life options of being able to harvest all crops on your farm at once and being able to plant a whole line of farm land with seeds at once. that makes it much less of a chore.


  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game, you have a great liberty to do a lot of things, the animations are incredible to, so as the art of the characters.

    Only downside is the movement part, where as soon as the camera changes so does your direction... it take a while to get used to it... not a big problem but it should be taken into note.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll start of with the negative but don't get the wrong idea. The controls are a bit funky and could definitely use some mouse interface.

    Tiny bit grindy but honestly not that bad for a sandbox game and instructions are semi clear. Maybe cut some of the numbers in half but the "gameplay" sort of works in this setting.

    Few minor things like could use an autoplay function and hitting enter or space to advace text is often taken as a double input so some text gets skipped unintentionally.

    Game itself is actually pretty good with a story that makes it kinky enough without being stupid or beating a dead horse with too many of the same overused tropes. In others words it's semi believable...it is porn after all.

    Animations are pretty good, good models and very varied scenery for what's possible sex wise and of course a 1+ rating for animated orgasm scenes (mostly). Sure the animation could be better and have seen games with better renders but maybe given enough time and experience for this dev.

    Overall a pretty solid game maybe a 3 star for some but giving it 4 because of the things mentioned and makes it belieavable and a good self insert experience and not just another pornhub video.