First of all, if you've played any other HTML game promoted on this site you'll know what you're getting into immediately. Incrementally grinding stats, managing resources, improving relationships, and trying to use time efficiently. Oh and the occasional porn clip.
The gist of the story is that you are part of some weird abusive reality show of a family (that I will get into later) but you get into a street fight trying to protect a friend that leads to you getting knocked the fuck out and put into a coma for a few weeks. When you wake up the nurse tells you that you have a brain tumor and you'll die soon unless you get this really expensive surgery. Hence the title "Millionaire" since you need to be a millionaire to get this life-saving surgery. Your character decides the best way to save his life is by becoming a professional fighter and thus you begin to train your body to that end.
There isn't much more to the story as of 0.1. The main quest sends you back to the friend who you attempted to save in the prologue where you two decide to immediately get into another street fight to beat some guy up. Which is a really smart thing to do for a guy who just got out of a weeks-long coma after getting into a street fight previously, right?
Anyway, as you can probably guess, the story and dialogues make very little sense. Plenty of broken engrish and characters that are nonsensical. This probably isn't the game for you if you're looking for a coherent story or characters.
As for the important part, most of the porn clips in this game use actresses you've probably seen before so no surprise there... but there are a few unique ones. I myself hadn't come across the actress for Dorothy so that was neat. Aside from that it's all very generic.
However, as of this first release there are some pretty severe performance problems. I'm not sure what's causing it but every click involves 5-10 seconds of waiting for anything to happen. This will get significantly worse in fights. Frankly it's made the game unplayable. I would not recommend this game based solely on the performance problems.
But I'm an incest enjoyer, so even though I could see the writing on the wall pretty early on I stuck through it. For a while, at least. I wanted to bang my sister - or at least the full-blooded sister because why even bother to play an incest game otherwise?
However, this shit makes no sense. If you put aside the asinine "landlady" relations and actually give them the right relationships... it still doesn't make sense:
You have a father, a mother, and a stepmother in the same house. You have an older stepsister and a younger stepbrother along with a younger sister.
Is this some kind of fantasy world where poly relationships are normal? Why does the father have (presumably) his wife and his ex-wife in the same house? Was he fucking both women at the same time for 20-odd years? Because if you have an older stepsister, a younger full-sister, and a younger stepbrother... that means the father was alternately fucking both women, right?
Unless the stepmother brought in her two kids from a previous relationship... which still doesn't make any sense since he would have had his own family with two kids already.
It's established pretty early on that the father is a total abusive dickhead, so was he just raping his ex-wife (your character's mother) to conceive your younger sister? After all, she had to have been born after the older sister and after your character - two kids from two different women. It's never even established why your half of the family is even living with this other half of the family - since they all treat each other like dirt.
Frankly it makes no sense. Besides - what's the point of even having a "step-family" if you're going to have a full-blooded family alongside them? People who like incest won't like the step-family and people who don't like incest won't like either family! Who was this game even intended for? Not for me, that's for sure.