VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Mind Hacking: Prelude [v0.3] [HolalexGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A great concept that will never be fully realised. During the period in which this game was being developed this game would have been front runner in being the toop games, given its storyline, potential conflict and not so straighfwd storyline, wwhere veen seemingly good aactiobns taken w/o logical consideration can spell your demiose.
    The 3d model is great for the er a in which it was being developed. The characvter story is good, though aghain the world is limuiited by too much female li. I would not recommend for anyone solely because you are left hanging in between becaquse the game is abondned. This game nededs a reboot and and world being expanded a bit more. Everhything is barbones , but most of my ratings is based on what it could have been but alas. 3.65
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly a really solid story with great renders. I think the Dev is a pretty decent writer and does a good job of giving the characters depth and including plenty of explicit scenes to pair with it. Looking forward to more
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game shows great potential. The story is very interesting and original and some of the navigation (clicking with the spyglass in certain areas) remind me of adventure-type games from 15 years ago (in a good way!).

    The renders (hot girls), music and SFX, etc. all seem to be well implemented. As I've been doing with other projects of this kind, 5 stars are warranted for the potencial of the game.

    If, in the future, the game goes a different way and/or is not updated in a timely manner, I will update the rating.

    Edit: And indeed I need to update the rating (from 5 to 3 stars) because it was abandoned by the dev. What a pity... :-(
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer has gotten really creative with the game's graphical representation. The choices, transitions, fonts, and especially that creepy design of a corruptor(love it!). It really seperates this from other 'generic' Renpy games.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the hottest and most well made harem games I have seen. Scenes are very well posed and rendered. Also the possession thing is really sexy, like how they just totally change. Story is interesting. Keep up the good work, excited to see the direction this is going.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising game, although the use of mind control in games has already become recurrent, this plot gives me the feeling of a game with 2 protagonists (human or parasite) and I can choose which side is dominant, I expect a lot from this game. Congratulations and good luck HolalexGames
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent concept, I love the supernatural/scifi theme.

    Models seem well made, though you need to mix up the body types to not break immersion. Small/medium breasted, short/tall, maybe even thick will add balance.

    Several of the scenes are too dark... Even with my backlight at 150% i couldnt see any details.

    The scenes/story seems jumpy? Like it cuts from one idea to the next, with no context or transition. It is jarring. Not sure hot to fix it, add more scenes between what you have? I can see the beginning might supposed to be jarring, but after that it feels unnatural. You could add a panning/zooming scene before entering the brain, idk, not sure hot to add context to entering someones memories.

    Some of the animations seem too small, you have to really look to notice them, others seem about right. Of course, more the merrier.

    I hope this isnt a demo/resume, I look forward to seeing where this goes. Great work so far, and thanks for allowing us to see your work.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders, a great story and sexy ladies. One of the first games where I long to know more about the universe and its characters. This prelude begins wonderfully, as a good visual novel oriented on mindcontrolling.
    As a cherry on the cake, a proactive game developper !
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The dialogue isn't great. I don't like the look of the MC. There are several renders that are a bit too dark. And I don't care. I'm genuinely eager for more.

    Outside of the dialogue and some not-so-good lighting choices, everything else tells the story really well. Great sound, love the women, and the mini-game of looking for how to change their memories isn't a grind (AND could be used for more choices down the road if we could choose how to change the other characters minds).

    Yes, this is a mind control game, and the conceit is used to get your dick in somebody early and often, but I love how it's being used here. You don't have the power, the alien possessing you has the power. (That's a fucking stupid sentence, but no stupider than most mind control games). Where it's different for me is the alien. It's not a succubus telling you to fuck everything cuz "we made a deal". It's a violent alien force taking over your body, using the women around you to harness energy, and threatening to destroy the planet if you don't help it find its brothers. That's at least new!

    It's sexy, violent, and stupid, and I want more.

    This game is not gonna be for everyone, but for some people (like me) this game is gonna scratch an itch in a wonderful way. Plus, 0.2 came out after just a month! Hope the updates stay regular. This just became my most anticipated game.

    edit: what I mean by the dialogue being bad is that it’s super direct and not (especially in the beginning) how people speak. That being said! The reason it’s so blunt is to get exposition out of the way as quickly as possible and put you in the story sooner. So I’m cool with it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Version Prelude 0.2

    What a fantastic start. :lepew:

    Walking in blindly, this must have been one of the quickest patreon subs I've ever done, it just hits my domination kinks so perfectly.
    1. Story/Writing (9/10) Quite original, fantastic writing overall. The underlying galactic storyline was interesting, but what really drew me in is the memory exploration of the girls. What an original way to let us get to know the girls, their love, desires, and weaknesses.
    2. Graphics/Animations (8/10) The girls faces are all beautiful and different, but I was hoping for a slight variety on the body types. Having animations was a good surprise, but I felt like little something was missing, maybe because the fucking is always so slow and evenly paced, took a little out of the domination fantasy.
    3. Sex/Kink (10/10) Really loving the domination/submission route right now. Very well done. Keep this up and you got a subscriber in me
    Quite a bit of content for version 0.2 already, you guys need to download this, enjoy the ride, and be desperate for more at the end screen.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have a very interesting plot, very original if I must say. Renders are also top notch. Looking forward for a lot more content from this dev.

    PS: Support the dev! don't let this game be abandoned.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm hooked!

    If you are into S&M but in a loving and not cruel manner, and with plausible agendas then you are in for a treat. I will be on the lookout for further updates!

    It's really late at night right now, so I can't really articulate my thoughts any further in a readable manner. So I will just leave it at...WOW.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay so I walked into this game not having any idea whatsover what to expect, and I was amazed. It is still a prologue, or prelude as the dev calls it but there is some top tier content in here.

    First thing I noticed when I played the game was the lobby music, it was seriously cool and it gives the sense that this isn't another half baked attempt of new developer. And there is music through every scene, giving it a seroiously cool science fiction, slight horror vibe and I'm absolutely digging it.

    I'm telling you, maybe you might not be interested with the current amount of content, but even this content is top notch and I can't wait to see what future updates bring.

    The renders - 7/10, they're actually mostly good. I think if the dev had a better GPU he could make them even better, but for the most part they're grat. (Dev if you read this, try making some scenes little brighter, some are really dark)

    Animations 1/1 - There's animations in this game. Yay! Many don't so no point rating on a scale of 10.

    Music 11/10 - I'm not kidding, it's really good. I hope it's copyright free though cause I don't know the laws for using copyrighted content.

    Story 10/10 (maybe) - It's too early to really say, but the best thing about it is that it's unique to several other adult games here. It has an amazing Stranger things vibe, and the dev is not only writing it well, but also depicting it well with some great renders and amazing music.

    Incest - Doesn't seem like it has any, you have an adopted daughter - it's not official but that's how the characters feel about each other.

    RPG elements - Some people like them some people don't, but the good thing is I never found it a grind and for the most part enjoyed working out the mysteries by actually clicking around objects. Personally, I'd like to see more of this around the same level.

    Tags - Well I tried this game because of the tags, and for the most part, it aims to deliver. I'm really curious to see how the male domination plays out but it is still too early. From what I saw, it seems there is indeed a domination route, and also a more 'human'/romantic route. Hope the dev tells us about his plans for the future.

    3D renders 5/5? - There are some other cool renders that I don't know how they were made. No clue if the dev made it himself, but when the MC unlocks some power, we see a brain and later on DNA (?) cells. Different sort of renders basically that I found very unique to this game

    Should you play this? Content currently isn't much, but you have to try it at some point! This game is great. There are fun 'loading screens', maybe you can call them transitions and what not, the dev has made some serious effort and I think he deserves credit for it!