RPGM - Completed - Mira and the Mysteries of Alchemy [v1.01] [Dieselmine/Kagura Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great futa game. The graphics are cute and the scenes are hot which is more than enough for me. The game is relatively short and the quests leave something to be desired, but it's still a good game worth playing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    In shot, it left me wanting more.

    longer would be: when it comes to being a game, its rpg systems, the amount of locations, this game feels unfinished. It was probably rushed at some point.

    Story feels complete, but it did seem like there could have been more to it. Like when it comes to some characters.

    So yeah, sequel would be great to expand on everything that this game is missing. Giving it a 4* cause it's otherwise good and enjoyable.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    In this game we follow a story of a young alchemist who grows a dick due to failed experiment. And since every citizen and creature existing in the game is female... Well... Nah. This could go much better.

    + Uncensored pictures and animations.
    + Japanese voices, sounds and music in the background.

    - Dumb story. While basic idea of dickgirl in magical world and her quest to find a cure has lots of potential here this potential is wasted. We have bunch of trivial nonsense dialogues that are just excuse to grab protagonist's dick and casually rape her like it's something normal. Yeah I know it's porn game so whole plot should be filled with sex encounters but c'mom. "Oh dear sister you came home and somehow you have dick! Let me grab it and rape you without asking anything!" Srsly who wrote this crap?!
    - Irritating combat and boring crafting system. It's not hard it's just simply bad made. Basically you just have to pick tons of items then spend some time clicking in order to create large stock of explosives and healing potions and finally spam them to win every fight.
    - Too much loli to the point that game looks like sweet-sugar-cartoon for little kids not adult game.
    - Short and somehow unfinished project. I mean you can easily and quickly finish the game (small world, straightforward questline) but some things don't work and looks like loose ends. Like there is exp counter but you can't get exp and raise your stats or level. Same goes with equipment - you have slots for armor and weapon but there are no ways to get any or replace existing. Also some of items you can find or craft have no use at all.

    I don't know how rate this. Basically it has everything it needs but something is lacking like the whole thing was rushed and made to barely qualify as completed game. Play only if you're really are into loli. Or use the item to open gallery mode and watch sex scenes without playing. Meh there are better games here.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Another great pixel game from dieselmine. Not as long as some of their other work, but definitely offers great animated pixel H scenes. Definitely recommended if you're looking for a shorter game and are into pixel games and/or femdom.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is so pitifully almost good, and probably worth your time to download and check out, but not to finish or play beyond when you get second batch of fetch quests

    The idea - accidental futa alchemy - immaculate 0_0
    The vibe - artsy, cute, warm, fuzzy, wholesome - divine 0_0
    The scenes - pretty decent

    Unfortunately, the problem with the game is that it's a 0.0.1 release slated as a game.

    It's impossibly short. There's nothing to do. They didn't even prune out the parts of RPGM not being used so there's like 8 status screens and items that don't do anything.

    You're supposed to use bombs, but they never coded it so you just...can't.

    It has 100 ingredients for a 2 hour game - but don't even worry about the total confusion that would be because you literally cannot craft *anything* there's absolutely no point in it being in the game

    Your attack is this scythe, but it swings the tiles in front of you, but changing direction moves you forward, so hitting a target adjacent but not facing requires you to move backward, do the hokey pokey, and reallign and it WILL bother you.

    The content is juicy but it's not given time to marinate. It rapidly accelerates into full sex scenes with no buildup - it's so sad because the ideas and setting are sooo good and then it just busts in its pants immediately with no time to develop the characters or relationship and hit for that juicy impact. Everybody's just suddenly down for initiating casual full sex because surpise penis.

    So it's a terrible game wholistically. Unprofessional, unpolished, unfinished, devoid of content, and shaemful disgraceful waste of this absolutely brilliant premise. </3 kokoro brokoro

    BUT becausee it is so short, and you have to do no work for any of the scenes, if it sounds intruiging you should definitely download it. It'll take like no time to get everything out of it, and then you just uninstall it and move on. But you will be sad about what could have been. So very sad. Still, I'm glad I played it because the miniscule bit of setting that does exist is just charming and delightful.

    DEFINITELY don't buy this one. I'm all for supporting devs but this literally isn't a game. Buy something else from them. But for free, hey it's a way to spend an afternoon.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Two stars for the good animation, and thats it

    -Like i said, good animations
    -Diferent combat system if you are boring of to much turn-based combat
    -Cute designs?
    -You can unlook the full gallery pretty ealry, and maybe is the only thing you should do.

    -The story, this game have a lot of text but the story is really boring to read and you are presented at some characters with name and surname but they don't even have a big role in the game. Of course, you could skip it, thats good.

    -Even if the combat feels new at the start, it's not very worked and every boss ends up being boring fights since the patterns are very simple
    -Short game if you skip all the unnecesary text.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah so... ngl this is basically dialogue simulator + walking simulator combined to give you like 10 images for about 2 hours of gameplay that are not worth it by the way.

    Probably the worse game I have played in a good while I would not recommend wasting time on it.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This is the worst game I've played recently, hands down.

    It's embarrassing that Kagura Games even considered adopting this kind of low quality game and decided to add it to their portfolio.

    Not only does this game cost money to buy off steam, but I wouldn't even recommend it if it were free.

    The game is lacking in literally every aspect, it has no redeeming features aside from the very few available CG cut-scenes.

    While the game is made with RPG Maker, there are almost no RPG elements. Equipment is missing. Character does not have a level progression. The alchemy system is lackluster and underdeveloped.

    And most of all, the game is way too short. It is literally one hour long.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    As an wise man once said; Reality is often disappointing.

    Such is the same for this game unfortunately is counted among them.
    I'd like to point out I had downloaded this game, without looking at the ratings. Something I do specifically for Kagura Translated games.

    So I had launched it with hopes of this game being a new Claire or Melty, that I could give a in-depth 5 star review of sorts. Yet here I am with 2 stars, because while I personally am not a R-rated game developer, I can whole-heartily say that this 'game' is either a demo that the developers thought they could sell or they are simply amateurs and this is their beginner work.

    Reason 1. The whole game-time is between 1-3 hours and a quarter of that being the H-scenes at best.

    Reason 2. I realize that this is a H-game but at least keep the character personalities consistent. Maybe its because game is this short but characters might as well be walking skeletons in terms of personality.

    Reason 3; The H-scenes are criminally underused/held back/rushed, there are some niche fetishes in this game, Examples being; inflation, gigantism, reverse rape, self-cest(technically), lolicon(it isnt niche but how it is portrayed here is) and such. Alas those inculiding others are half assedl made. So not even an option for ,getting a full save and busting a few, type of game.

    This is not a good game, not a good RPGM game, not even a good H-game. even if you have a thing for fetishes above or futa in general this is an easy pass, I doubt even the CG is worth getting, while the art is okay the scenes are just straight up bad.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    Relatively decent game. The art style and content is well done and the concept is pretty sound. The only real issue I had with the game was its wasted potential and length of the game.

    Mira accidentally grows a dick when she messes up a potion in class by grabbing the wrong ingredient. In a town full of only women it's pretty clear what the content is with the new Futa Mira being the only dick in town full of thirsty witches and monster girls. Purely Futa on Female content with some CG and some smooth pixel animations.

    Length of the game, however, leaves a lot to be desired. Its a relatively short game that can be completed in about an hour or two with a setup that made it feel like it was going to go on much longer and get more complicated. Instead the gameplay boils down to making a few bombs you can use on enemies and then just riding the rails of the story. You get a huge list of alchemy recipes (I want to say about 20 or so off the top of my head) but none of them actually matter since the key items for story are gained by simply gathering them in the designated location. Go out, grab the items on the list, come back to the witch in the sewer and then come back the next day and do it one more time and then be done with it.

    That's right, you collect materials to reverse the futafication twice and that's essentially it. Theres no real combat, no real exploration, no focus on alchemy itself, it's just a pretty short story with some gameplay elements. It had a lot of potential to be a relatively large RPG with multiple areas, many more monster girls following themes of the areas, etc, and instead it kinda just craps out after two quests.

    The actual content itself is good and the gallery comes with an unlock feature so you don't have to actually play the game. Just unfortunate that the game was as small as it is .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow perfect game. The art is so insane. It has very low res pixel art to high res pixel art to full detailed art of multiple characters. All the assets are very well made in a beautiful pixel art style. The environment had a very calm tone of a peaceful small town while listening to lovely music.

    Even though I prefer male protagonist and myself as the male domination type of games, this felt like there were both interests in the picture, since climax would go on them or myself while undressing both them and myself.

    The main protagonist was pretty shy, innocent and it felt a bit irritating to watch, but it was interesting to see how others would take advantage of that.

    Took me 3 hours to complete everything.
    Likes: Daioh
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    IMO this game is very simple and calm. Very straightfoward game and does not have annoying map or puzzle. I think the pixel quality is realy something this is the first time i saw dev made cool pixel art with rpg MV the scene is cool but kinda repetitive they should add more pic or perhaps CG art animation that would be cool. Anyway i think this is one of the best game from the DEV it's so calm and cool.

    I give this game max score.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    There's nothing this game doesn't do. From hard unquestionable lolicon to toddlercon. To possibly even babycon depending on your definition. Do several 5 minute old Homunculus babies count as babies if their bodies are shaped like babies but they have a full head of hair? Hm.. anyway, that's besides the point, or maybe that is the point, them having an orgy with the MC. Regardless, there's very few fetishes it doesn't touch on and it just keeps on giving, just about the only thing it didn't give was pregnancy scenes and bestiality but that's too weird to be honest.
    I will say however, the entire main plot being a long series of fetch quests with sex scenes strewn between long walks and avoiding enemies that give you scenes which damage you if they come into contact with you takes away from that content a little bit but you can always get right back into it and the writing and sex noises are stellar to accompany that. The detailed and beautifully animated sprite art for combat but not story scenes is just the icing on the cake, or pie, whatever you prefer, I'm not here to judge.
    Easily a 5/5, no question.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I purchased this game from Steam because I liked the premise and it was money well spent, my only complaint is that you could finish the game in 2-3 hours.

    But both the pixelart and CG art are fantastic, some great Dieselmine work. Combat and the alchemy side stuff aren't anything special, though. So without all the NSFW stuff going on I don't think it'd be worth playing. But as a NSFW game? It's great and I hope Kagura Games translates more Dieselmine games.