Unity - Completed - Mirror Fruit [Final] [Fruit Company]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    X Death

    This game will make you drown in the greatness of fruit saga and without realizing that you have been wasting your time playing with it.

    Such a beautiful art that taken by a filthy developer, they remove the mark of the artist and turn it into a such buggy animation . I'd like give it 9/10, but after knowing that, they didnt deserve a credit 1/10.

    You just need to align the fruit, just like candy crush but with bugs. Its also like a mobile game slapped with a hentai cg. 1/10


    I dont mind a stolen cgs, since i know its not easy to pay an artist but this one didnt put any effort into making the game. Buggy, messy and with stolen art, 1/10 it is.