Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, this is a really fun game! Is it a bit buggy at times? Sure. Are there grammatical errors? No doubt, but it's got a fun story with well-written characters. I also dig this art style! I'm looking forward to the next update, so give it a shot, and I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself too! :LOL:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Для РУ-комьюнити данного форума.

    Данная визуальная новелла действительно достойна внимания.
    В первые же моменты новелла нас затягивает в опасный и то же время загадочный мир.

    На протяжении всей игры тебя сопровождают интересные и проработанные диалоги, которые не хочется пролистывать, а читать с удовольствием переживая за отношения между персонажами. Да, возможно "переживания" в контексте данного проекта излишни, т.к. новелла позиционирует себя как эротическая, но это не делает её привлекательной в плане сюжета. А эта атмосферная и не надоедающая музыка так и погружает тебя в атмосферу этого мира. Элементы выживания реализованы очень достойно, если учитывать, что это Ren'Py, я бы даже сказал, что выполнено великолепно. Задние фоны, интерьеры, прорисовка персонажей, всё на самом наивысшем уровне.

    Про сцены 18+ говорить много не буду, они прекрасны, но сюжетная составляющая и взаимоотношения между персонажами очень сильно затянула меня в этот прекрасный мир.

    Данный проект меня реально очень сильно затянул, что я прошёл её за одну сессию от начала и до конца. Потраченного времени ни сколько не жалею. Спасибо разработчикам за столь качественный проект.

    P.S.На момент написания данного обзора игра была пройдена под версией 0.8.

    ENG (Google Translate)

    This visual novel is truly noteworthy. In the very first moments, the story draws us into a dangerous and at the same time mysterious world. Throughout the game, you are accompanied by interesting and well-developed dialogues that you don't want to scroll through, but read with pleasure, worrying about the relationship between the characters. Yes, perhaps "experiences" in the context of this project are unnecessary, because the novel positions itself as erotic, but this does not make it attractive in terms of the plot. And this atmospheric and not annoying music immerses you in the atmosphere of this world. The elements of survival are implemented very decently, if it is Ren'Py, I would even say that it is executed perfectly. Backgrounds, interiors, character portrayal, everything is at the highest level. I won't say much about 18+ scenes. This project really pulled me in very much that I went through it in one session from start to finish. I don’t regret the time spent. Thanks to the developers for such a high-quality project. P.S. At the time of this writing, this review has been passed under version 0.8.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Mist has such a great hook and fun and funny story overall.
    the animations are great 10/10 . would probably play it just for the story at this rate but everything about this game is great and I highly recommend giving it a shot.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I first played this about a year ago and I wasn't terribly impressed then. I gave it another shot recently and I've got to say that it really deserves the high ratings. This is probably the best "real game" I've played on this site. The turn-based combat and simulation/survival mechanics are very basic (it is Ren'Py after all) but it's not fair to call this an up-jumped visual novel. I do strongly recommend playing on "feast mode" to reduce the amount of grinding required. There is still grinding, but it at least feels like you're playing a game instead of clock fast-forward simulator like so many others.

    The art took a little time to get used to, as it is very distinct from the typical Daz or Honey Select styles. It even feels unique compared to the other games that feature non-standard art. After a few hours I absolutely fell in love with it. The girls are gorgeous as is the world, which is one of the most immersive and unique I've seen.

    The story is well-written and engaging, and the characters all feel distinct and loveable (except the villain obviously). The sex scenes are where the writing really shines. The dialogue there is super-hot, and like the other aspects of this game, unique. It's nothing too outlandish but it's not generic cookie-cutter tripe copied-and-pasted from some mediocre erotica.

    I'm not really a fan of horror so I can't say that this is my favorite game, but it is enjoyable. It exudes an existential sense of dread rather than relying on jump-scares and shock. There is one particularly awful scene but the developer had the foresight to allow you to skip it, which I greatly appreciate. Unless you absolutely hate horror give this a try, maybe just play during the day.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's one of the best games that I've played.
    Animated - Cool porn scenes and the whole game
    Scenario - this game is not only porn, but it's also a real apocalyptic world with cool characters and the idea of evil shadows and monsters
    There is no grind. you need some resources but it's just a bit of time.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    this is in my opinion the best game on this website now before i start the review i first wanna say some things and my experience with this game because i played it when it first came out and i wanna talk about the improvements when this game first came out and i played it i really liked it the presentation was really good the graphics amazing and unique and fully animated cutscenes even outside of sex all custom animated which immediately set this game apart from the rest also i could tell right away how good the characters where written even though back then there was only one girl and the mc the mc wasn't just a mindless one dimensional pervert from the very beginning he felt real like how a real person would react when something like that happened all of a sudden scared and confused and he only get's better further in the game now let's talk about the first girl she also felt like a real person she was scared and confused and in the beggining didn't really trust our mc it took a while before she trusted the mc and the build up felt natural and earned it also took a while for the first sexual scene happened that also felt earned and that was my first impressions of this game anyway to the review

    let's start with the graphics simply put they are amazing the character models look amazing and look custom made they look stunning they have a sort of style to them that i can't pinpoint like cartoonish but also realistic that coupled with the fact they are custom made makes them the best on this website in my opinion like i've played a lot of great porn games before but never have i played a game with characters that look as unique and as good as these also fully animated now let's talk about the inviroments they are equally as stunning and unique looking there are so many unique looking inviroments that i don't wanna spoil play for yourself to find out

    now let's talk about the characters as well as our MC they are all equally well written every character is really likable and unique and all have their tragic back story's that make them who they are i don't wanna spoil anything but rest assured they are all fantastich in their own way and you will probably end up loving them at the end

    now let's talk about the story simply put it's in my opinion also the best story honestly that i have played in any game ever i'm not joking the story is full of mystery intrigue and is really well paced and only get's more interesting as you move through it it's one of the most unique story's that i have ever played and it always stays interesting in fact it get's more interesting and just better overal the longer you play so without spoiling anything the story is fenomenal and one of the best video game story's ever told just incredible

    now let's talk about the most important thing in a porn game the sexual scenes let's start with the presentation and the animation the whole game is pretty much in POV as far as i know so every sex scene is close and personal which is good because the character models all look stunning they are all so stunning and beautiful to look at the animation is also just 10/10 the animation is the best in the business every sex scene is fully animated and the quality never drops or falters they are also dynamically introduced they all feel natural like they are supposed to happen which so many porn games struggle with the sex scenes aren't just there for the sake of it because it's a porn game no they all feel naturally implemented and non of them feel out of place there isn't a new sex scene every minute when it happens it feels rewarding and deserved now don't get me wrong there are plenty of sex scenes in the game because the game itself is really long like multiple days worth of playing long so you don't have to worry about there not being enough porn in this game plus once you have had sex with most of the characters the sexual scenes happen more often because you have a relationship with every one of them and they don't mind sharing you instead they love having sex with each other as far as i can tell there is no lesbian or bisexual content though it's strictly all focused on the mc if there is more than one girl present that can maybe change in the future but i doubt it because i'm almost through the latest build of the game which is 0.8

    in conclusion this is the most unique porn game i have ever played and i will probably almost never play a porn game with this good a story characters models animation etc. for a long time this developer is truly talented and i really can't wait what he/she/they will create next if they hopefully every make another game of this quality
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A geme with excellent story, progression and gameplay, excellent animations and excellent scenes! I love it!
    This is one of the rare all-round games, which offer so much. If you are doubting whether or not to play it, do it, and dont hesitate to support the creator too!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a good game, cause it has "game" elements. It has a nice story, nice enough, it has the usual tropes in a fantasy story. I think it gets overly convoluted at some point mixing "science" and magic in the same place and it feels like "nagic" as an excuse to justify stuff that is not very much relevant like the tentacle monster who is only there to prevento you from advancing and make you go on a sub quest plot.
    Visually is good enough where it can be and as average as others, where others can't take that extra step., so its not spectacular but it works.
    We get the usual misplaced holes but we get a lot of jiggly stuff.

    The lewd stuff is where doesnt work for me. It has one character that is kind of spontaneous and that makesmany of her scenes that way, and others also have some of those, but mostly feels staged and planned and negotiated even. One example would be "i want you to fuck me in the ass tomorrow in the evening" and another example wwould be 2 honry people under the effect of some magical aphrodisiac just grinding each other. Those are examples of a pattern that makes this under control thing way to obvious.
    It does not help the fact that you gotta go through this HJ BJ whatever job with 3 characters at least, i exclude Mia cause her spontaneous part has more weight, but others don't.
    It doesn't help the fact that 2 charcters shift to anal, and its not avoidable.
    The fact that most of the scenes end in creampie and its always slow motion and takes some time from the scene, doest not help, it makes it kind of repetitve

    All these things together and of course, my opinion and my perception, its what makes the final rating as it is. For me.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Dec 17 2021 : Version 0.8

    A college-aged guy heads to his grandfather's cabin in the woods to get away from it all for a couple of days, and he definitely manages to do that. Almost as soon as he arrives, fog covers the entire county, causes all of the men in the world to turn into specters, and society completely collapses. The MC has some touches of Mary Sue, as his flaws are minor and largely inconsequential, but they do exist and show up from time to time.

    The renders are strange. They're exceptionally high quality, and the constant well-made animations definitely add to the sex scenes, but the stylization of the characters is distinctive. The high res texture but low poly count models reminds me of stop motion claymation like Wallace and Gromit, and also some early 2010s mobile 3d like Clash of Clans. It's definitely not bad, but there are times where no matter how undeniably high the quality is, the girls still aren't sexy because of the cartoonish style.

    The writing is not good. It isn't terrible, but it isn't good either. The overall plot and story arc are actually fine to pretty good, that's not the issue. It feels like the writer isn't a native English speaker. It's definitely not as bad as some games that are clearly just machine translated and not double-checked, but at the same time, the clunkiness of the dialogue and the lack of polish is apparent. On top of that, there are constant spelling mistakes, typos, and relatively major grammatical errors. The absolute worst is that ‘life’ and ‘live’ are constantly used in the wrong place. The pluralization of many nouns is frequently off, as well. Honestly, if the dev hires a native English writer to go through the entire script with a comb and polish everything, the game would move up a letter grade. It's by far the biggest issue.

    There is a lot of gameplay here. Even if you pick the option at the start that means you have functionally infinite food, you spend a lot of time traversing areas outside in a light point and click adventure system. I wouldn't have an issue with this, except that the many high-quality animations are actually a negative here. The constant switch to video after every click, where I am unsure if I can skip this one because I'm just walking down a hallway or if there's going to be something actually shown to me at the end gets fatiguing after the thirtieth time this in-game day. Some of the scenes devolve into quick-time events. I'm not complaining about that per se, because they aren't overused and are actually placed well; I’m merely warning you that you will encounter them.

    Finally, the dev starts the game off with a note about heavy, dark content. I honestly don't think it's necessary. I understand placing it there in 2021 because people in certain circles are oversensitive and unable to decide for themselves if they're mature enough for anything even remotely real. Honestly though, the mental health issues discussed are lightly brushed against and then moved past, and the gore is really just some blood decals. Is this happy-go-lucky harem collectathon? No. But it's not as grim as the warnings would imply. There are also warnings for jumpscares throughout the game. I would recommend moving that choice to the start of the game, perhaps right after the food option, because clicking "yes give me a jumpscare" makes the following animation about as impactful as clicking no anyways.

    My comments here have had a lot of complaints. I want to end this by saying I absolutely would recommend playing MIST, even in its current incomplete state. There is a lot of high-quality content here, and it is absolutely worth a download. This is not a case of several major flaws making an average game unplayable. This is a case of a couple of issues making an absolutely amazing game fall to only pretty good.

    Rating: B+ (4/5 here on F95)
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2623064

    Excellent game : good gameplay (not the usual "pick a dialogue game", but rather a game that actually tries to make you play), good character design and animations (and god is it getting better and better), great story... Go play it, you will not be disappointed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    You know what, sometimes it's good to have games that do not have gigantic expectations and goals.
    A fairly short game overall, but the design is very unique, the plot is simple but works quite well, and hey, it's pretty much finished and we've got the entire story ! Noiiice.

    Honestly I had a pretty damn good time, but the fights might need some rebalance, it's quite grindy-ish at times.
    Cheers to the dev!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    unique game !

    Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Story : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Animations: ✭✭✭✰✰
    Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Sex Content : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰

    I love it !
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I playe about a 100+ adult games, im giving this a 5 star

    1. The Animations are Unique in what i saw, this is not just another copy/past assets to make the same models and everything, its all UNIQUE
    Beatiful with small sequences of movement done all in all the looks are just great!

    2. The Story, i Fell in love with it fast you a lone survivor of a mysterious fog, find out another survivor a female screaming for help on top fo the mountain which holds the cabin to which you traveled before the "apocalypse" everything keeps getting better after this the story is just beautiful

    3. Characters, their own personalities and weaknesses you can talk to them learn more about them they are not useless sex dolls, they are their own persons they even manage to survive without you for a while when its neccessary they show humanity

    4. Sex, it is NOT for those who want to have all sex and nothing but, You DO GET A LOT OF IT! but it comes as you progress the game, the scenes get better and better with more and more options and damn they are done wonderfully, good animation, good dialogue during the scene, with the girls having their kinks an you as well playing them out to boost the morale ofcourse :)

    As said you are only male survior im sure many harem players will love this i love many different tags on games harem is not really a neccessity with me but this game gives you that and gives you a real reason why an how.

    Theres much more to say of the game i can just say it kept me on my toes, it kept me playing, i got glued to it, it may have ruined 90% of the games on the site here for me cause it is so DAMN GOOD!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, how come i never came across this gem before. Wow, it's really wow. Best adventure, Sci fi, harem game out there. I was awestruck with the animations, i mean damn dude that shit is too crazy to keep myself in control. If anyone out here looking for real good journey filled with many beautiful some horrorish scenes then dude you gotta try this one and believe me your mind will force you to write a review after playing. It's a complete package. Impressed.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    i can give 2 for the art and for the amazing feelings we have by walking thru amazing environments
    i didnt liked ending, lack of more enemies, lack of more complicated leveling system (6 levels is little poor tbh), lack of explanation but i guess its better than bad explanation of story mysteries
    i previously rated this 5/5 i had high hopes for this game
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a one hell of an Interesting game. And Something that I really really like, even for an H Game. There's even some inspiration of the games, movies, and novels that I really like from this game.

    The Prospect of it, is amazing. I Mean Really fuckin' amazing. It's not your usual H game, it's a game with a really great prospect and a really really great realization. The Turn based combat feels great and feels like an Actual RPG.

    So far, here's the inspiration that this game took.
    -STALKER Series
    The Atmospheric horror feel is just so damn immersive, the feeling of trying not to die reminds me of the STALKER big time. Not to mention I'll probably get used to this atmosphere.

    -Stephen King's The Mist
    The Mist feeling, really really reminds me of well the Mist from the movie and the novel The Mist. The monsters that come out form the Mist is just that. IT Feels really really great and scary at the same time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I played v0.8. This is by far one of my all time favorite porn games. There's really nothing to complain about. Obviously the art is great, but that's not enough by itself. It also has fun gameplay, a few puzzles, and a riveting story. I actually played it a while back, and came back to see how the story had developed in the meantime.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1157790

    First, this game has two of my least favorite genres - harem and monster girl - so, in principle, I should hate this game. With that said, the story was incredibly interesting (a play off of Stephen King's Mist) and it had this really cool cinematic feel to it (great use of first-person perspective). Also, the gameplay was quite enjoyable and the character models were pretty good. However, where this game shines is the animations, which are absolutely beautiful - they are unpar with some of the best 3D porn out there.

    The only real weak point was the dialogue. That is, all the girls talk like horny teenage boys, and I would have enjoyed it more if the dialogue better matched the atmosphere of the game.

    In summary this is a masterpiece of a game, and this is coming from someone that ought to hate it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is awesome. I think I fell in love with mia. The animation and 3d characters are great and the story is very interesting too. Love it so muchhhhhhhh. Thank dev for this. Wait for next update <3 <3 <3
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Mist reminds me quite a bit of a game created in 1998 called Quest for Glory: Dragon Fire. In both, the MC has to choose often to do, or not do something, has puzzles to solve, and has to put a good effort in achieving goals, in order to lead to the ultimate goal (which remains to be seen as of yet). MIST is so engrossing, I have played it three times from the beginning, just to see If I can do better. To me, that is a great game. Kudos to the DEV!